Arachnologische Mitteilungen 35

36 H. Frick (a) 1894: Cnephalocotes pusillus M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894: 738), holotype of H. dahli, vidi 1909: Cnephalocotes dahli L ESSERT (1909: 80), nov. sp. , specimen of M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894) 1910: Cnephalocotes dahli L ESSERT (1910: 139), specimen of M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894) 1919: Cnephalocotes dahli R EIMOSER (1919: 55), specimen of M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894), erroneously listed as misidentified M. silus in B ONNET (1957: 2744) 1926: Mecopisthes silus S IMON (1926: 486), notes C. dahli as possible synonym of M. silus (S IMON 1926: 486) 1942: Mecopisthes dahli B OCHMANN (1942: 52), vidi 1942: Mecopisthes silus R OEWER (1942: 676), = C. pusillus, C. dahli (R OEWER 1942: 676) 1956: Cnephalocotes dahli B ONNET (1956: 1169) 1960: Mecopisthes silus W IEHLE (1960: 87), = C. dahli , ≠ Microneta pusilla (W IEHLE 1960: 87) 1966: Mecopisthes perpusillus M ILLER (1966: 149), nov. sp. , synonym of M. dahli (W UNDERLICH 1972: 300) 1971: Mecopisthes dahli M ILLER (1971: 270), = M. perpusillus 1972: Cnephalocotes dahli S CHÄFER (1966: 361), specimen of M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894: 738) 1972: Mecopisthes perpusillus W UNDERLICH (1972: 300), synonym of M. pusillus (W UNDERLICH 1972: 300) 1972: Mecopisthes dahli W UNDERLICH (1972: 300), synonym of M. pusillus (W UNDERLICH 1972: 300) 1972: Mecopisthes pusillus W UNDERLICH (1972: 300), specimen of M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894: 738) 1972: Mecopisthes dahli T HALER (1972: 30) 1972: Mecopisthes dahli M ALICKY (1972: 104) 1973: Mecopisthes pusillus M ORITZ (1973: 193) 1978: Hypsocephalus dahli M ILLIDGE (1978: 113), rejected synonymy with M. pusillus 1978: Mecopisthes pusillus M ILLIDGE (1978: 113), declares M. pusillus as nomen dubium 1978: Mecopisthes pusillus T HALER (1978: 190), = C. dahli 1978: Mecopisthes pusilles M AURER (1978: 88), specimen of M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894: 738) 1980: Hypsocephalus dahli W EISS (1980: 377) 1983: Mecopisthes pusillus S TARĘGA (1983: 195), only region known 1985: Hypsocephalus pusillus T HALER (1985: 87) 1987: Mecopisthes dahli G AJDOŠ (1987: 217) 1987: Mecopisthes dahli B AUCHHENSS et al. (1987: 13) 1988: Hypsocephalus pusillus B AUCHHENSS (1988: 379), specimen of B AUCHHENSS et al. (1987: 13) 1990: Hypsocephalus dahli M AURER & H ÄNGGI (1990: 178), specimen of M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894) 1991: Mecopisthes dahli S TEINBERGER (1991: 72), specimen of T HALER (1972: 30) 1991: Mecopisthes silus H EIMER & N ENTWIG (1991: 208), = M. pusillus, M. dahli 1993: Mecopisthes pusillus G AJDOŠ & S VATOŇ (1993: 122) 1995: Mecopisthes pusillus G AJDOŠ & S LOBODA (1995: 84) 1995: Hypsocephalus dahli H ÄNGGI et al. (1995: 428) 1995: Hypsocephalus dahli P LATEN et al. (1995: 31), = H. pusillus, M. perpusillus, C. dahli 1996: Hypsocephalus dahli B LICK (1996: 8, 13, 18, 21, 22) 1997: Mecopisthes dahli S TEINBERGER & K OPF (1997: 153) 1998: Hypsocephalus dahli P LATEN et al. (1998: 273) 1999: Hypsocephalus dahli G AJDOŠ et al. (1999: 92) 1999: Hypsocephalus dahli T HALER (1999: 233) 2002: Hypsocephalus dahli B UCHAR & R ŮŽIČKA (2002: 65) 2002: Hypsocephalus dahli B LICK et al. (2002: 13, 15, 38, 43, 44) 2003: Hypsocephalus dahli J AKOBITZ (2003: 52) 2003: Hypsocephalus dahli N ÄHRIG & H ARMS (2003: 45) 2003: Hypsocephalus dahli B LICK & S CHEIDLER (2003: 314) 2003: Hypsocephalus dahli N ENTWIG et al. (2003) 2004: Hypsocephalus dahli S TARĘGA (2004) 2004: Hypsocephalus dahli B LICK et al. (2004) 2005: Hypsocephalus dahli B RYJA et al. (2005: 56) 2007: Mecopisthes silus P ERU (2007: 161), = C. pusillus 2008: Hypsocephalus dahli S TAUDT (2008) 2008: Hypsocephalus dahli P LATNICK (2008) Tab. 1 : References to H. dahli (a), misidentifications of H. dahli (b) and references to Microneta pusilla (c). Identifications were not checked if not stated as such.