Arachnologische Mitteilungen 35

First record of Hypsocephalus dahli 37 specimens (Figs. 1 and 2) show no differences to those of the holotype or to the figures of M ILLER (1966: 151) and M ILLIDGE (1978: 117, 120). This confirms W UNDERLICH ’s (1972: 301) conclusion that M. perpusillus and H. dahli are indeed the same species (Tab. 1). The other figures cited in P LATNICK (2008) should be interpreted with caution. L ESSERT ’s (1909: Figs. 1-4, reprinted in L ESSERT 1910: Figs. 84-87) drawings of the holotype and also M ILLER ’s (1971: 299 sub Mecopisthes dahli ) are correct, but not detailed enough for unambiguous determination. The specimen illustrated by D ENIS (1949: Fig 6, as M. silus ) was not available for study. However, D ENIS (1949: Fig. 6) shows M. silus rather than H. dahli . This confirms that D ENIS (1949: Fig. 6) identified his specimen correctly as M. silus , whereas P LATNICK (2008) erroneously lists this figure as “misidentified M. silus” . The epigynes of M. silus shown in D ENIS (1949: Fig. 6) and M ILLIDGE (1978: Fig. 18) are equal in their proportions, in- dicating that the identification as M. silus is correct. In contrast to M. silus (M ILLIDGE 1978: Fig. 18), the epigyne of H. dahli (M ILLIDGE 1978: Fig. 40) has a narrower median part and the receptacula are smaller and more distant from the anterior border of the ventral plate of the epigyne. Distribution H. dahli is widely distributed in Central Europe (Fig. 3, B LICK et al. 2004), but very rare (B AUCH - HENSS 1988: 379). Recorded occurrences of H. dahli in private collections and in the literature are listed below. Where possible, the coordinates (WGS 84) are provided and mapped with black dots on the corresponding sampling sites (Fig. 3). Records with no information other than a reference to the region are indicated with white dots on the capital city of these regions.The locality of M ENGE ’ S (1869: 232) dubious Microneta pusilla is marked with an X. Specimens of H. dahli are found between 5 m (e.g. B OCHMANN 1942: 52) and 800 m a.s.l. (e.g. (b) 1884: Cnephalocotes pusillus S IMON (1884: 706), name confusion = M. silus (W UNDERLICH 1972: 300) 1889: Cnephalocotes pusillus C ALLONI (1889: 136, 268, 404), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2743) 1894: Cnephalocotes pusillus S IMON (1894: 607), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2743) 1900: Cnephalocotes pusillus P ICKARD -C AMBRIDGE (1900a: 47), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2743) 1900: Cnephalocotes pusillus P ICKARD -C AMBRIDGE (1900b: 23), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2743) 1902: Cnephalocotes pusillus P ICKARD -C AMBRIDGE (1902: 25), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2743) 1906: Cnephalocotes pusillus S MITH (1906a: 314), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2743) 1906: Cnephalocotes pusillus P ICKARD -C AMBRIDGE (1906: 153), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2743) 1908: Cnephalocotes pusillus J ACKSON (1908a: 64), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2743) 1927: Cnephalocotes pusillus C APORIACCO (1927: 89), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957) 1935: Cnephalocotes pusillus B ALOGH (1935: 6, 8, 11), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957) 1936: Cnephalocotes pusillus D RENSKY (1936b: 102), misidentified = M. silus (B ONNET 1957) 1937: Cnephalocotes pusillus P ETRUSIEWICZ (1937: 192), specimen of M ENGE (1869), = M. silus (B ONNET 1957: 2744) 1939: Mecopisthes pusillus B RISTOWE (1939: 70), = C. pusillus , erroneously listed as misidentified M. silus in B ONNET (1957: 2744) 1949: Mecopisthes silus D ENIS (1949: 253), erroneously listed as misidentified H. dahli in P LATNICK (2008) 1953: Mecopisthes pusillus L OCKET & M ILLIDGE (1953: 253), misidentified (= M. peusi ) (W UNDERLICH 1972: 300) 1990: Glyphesis servulus M AURER & H ÄNGGI (1990: 158), 7  /1  of H. dahli in the sample MAU05*, vidi (c) 1869: Microneta pusilla M ENGE (1869: 232), nov. sp. (type material missing) 1894: Microneta pusilla C HYZER & K ULCZYŃSKI (1894: 118), ≠ C. silus 1957: Microneta pusilla B ONNET (1957: 2901) 1971: Mecopisthes pusillus P RÓSZYŃSKI & S TARĘGA (1971: 143), specimens of M ENGE (1869: 232) 1997: Mecopisthes pusillus P RÓSZYŃSKI & S TARĘGA (1997: 179)