Arachnologische Mitteilungen 35

38 H. Frick T HALER 1972: 30), among sparse grass on rock steppes and heath- land (B UCHAR &R ŮŽIČKA 2002: 65,T HALER 1985: 82, sites M, LB and B), in very light and dry habi- tats (B AUCHHENSS 1988: 379, M ILLER 1966: 152) or at xero- thermic sites (T HALER 1978: 190) e.g. xerothermic wood steppes (H ÄNGGI et al. 1995: 428). H. dahli is winter-active (B AUCH - HENSS 1988: 379), it seems to mature in autumn with a peak in October and November (B LICK et al. 2002). After overwintering it mates during the first warm days of spring (B AUCHHENSS 1988: 379, Blick in litt.). Therefore, H. dahli is also adapted to cold and moist conditions (H ERZOG 1961: 259) and not only to dry and warm microclimates as a xerothermic habitat may suggest. The occur- rence in Switzerland together with G. servulus , known to prefer fens and moist meadows (H ÄNGGI et al. 1995: 173), is therefore not anomalous. Austria • Knoflach-Thaler (in litt): Ötztal, Brunau,800ma.s.l.,(47°13'12''N, 10°51'58''E), 26.III.-23.IV.1963 (1  ), 27.IX.1964-30.III.1965 (1  ), leg., det. & coll. K. Tha- ler. • M ALICKY (1972: 102, 104, site Dü): Lower Austria, Dürnstein, ~ 200 m a.s.l., (48°23'44''N, 15°31'11''E), south-exposed, xerothermic slopes of the river Wachau, loess on gneiss with anthropogenic rocky steppe, dry grassland and xerother- mic bushes, partly in derelict vineyards, in very mild climate [“südseitige, xerotherme Hänge der Wachau, Löss auf Gneis mit anthropogenen Felsensteppen, Trockenrasen und wärmelie- Fig. 1 : Male left palp, retrolateral view, hairs omitted. Specimen from Siggenthal (Aarau, Switzerland). Scale: 200 μ m. Fig. 2 : Vulva, dorsal view. Specimen from Siggenthal (Aarau, Switzerland). Scale: 200 μ m.