Arachnologische Mitteilungen 35

40 H. Frick • B UKVA (1969), the same specimens are also men- tioned in B UCHAR & R ŮŽIČKA (2002: 65) and B RYJA et al. (2005: 56, 16, site 12): Jihomoravský kraj, Pavlov, Děvín , ~ 410 m a.s.l.,"(48°52'27''N, 16°39'13''E), " rocky and grass steppe, limestone cliffs, thermophilous oak forests”, 20.XII.1965- 02.IV.1966 (3  ), leg. & det. V. Bukva; Jiho- moravský kraj, Klentnice, Tabulová, ~ 270 m a.s.l., (48°50'40''N, 16°37'33''E), 20.XII.1965- 02.IV.1966 (6  /1  ), leg. & det. V. Bukva. • B RYJA et al. (2005: 56, 16, sites 4, 12, 15, 20): Jihomoravský kraj, Pavlov, Děvín , ~ 410 m a.s.l., (48°52'27''N, 16°39'13''E), “rocky and grass steppe, limestone cliffs, thermophilous oak fo- rests”, 28.XI.1995-24.I.1996 (2  ), 29.V.1996 (2  ), leg. J. Chytil, det. Jaroslav Svatoň ; Jiho- moravský kraj, Pavlov, Kotel, ~ 410 m a.s.l., (48°52'27''N, 16°39'13''E), “thermophilous oak and hornbeam forests, grass steppe, black pine stands and limestone quarry”, 20.X.2002 (1  ), leg. & det. V. Bryja; Jihomoravský kraj, Dolní Dunajovice, Dunajovické kopce, ~ 200 m a.s.l., (48°51'45''N, 16°33'56''E), “grassy steppe, vine- yards”, 24.III.2003 (1  ), leg. J. Chytil, det. V. Bryja, 09.V.2004 (1  ), 16.V.2004.-07.VI.2004 (1  ), leg. S. Vinkler, det. V. Bryja; Jihomoravský kraj, Mikulov, Svatý Kopeček , ~ 200 m a.s.l., (48°47'48''N, 16°39'08''E), “limestone hill covered by rocky steppe and thermophilous oak forest”, 16.X.2003 (1  ), leg. & det. V. Bryja; Jiho- moravský kraj, Klentnice,Tabulová, ~ 270 m a.s.l., (48°50'40''N, 16°37'33''E), 03.X.1997-04.IV.1998 (1  ), leg. V. Růžička & P. Antuš, det. V. Růžička , 17.X.2003 (1  ), leg. & det. V. Bryja. • Ř EZÁČ (2001): Praha, Podbabské Skály (Pod- baba rocks) Natural Monument, ~ 190 m a.s.l., (50°07'23''N, 14°23'37''E), 23.III.2000 (1  ), leg. J. Strejček , det. & coll.M. Řezáč . H. dahli is a very rare species occurring in steppes in the warmest and driest regions of the Czech Republic (in litt. M. Ř EZÁČ ). • B UCHAR & R ŮŽIČKA (2002: 65): Jihomoravský kraj, Havraníky, Havranické Vřesoviště , ~ 290 m a.s.l. (48°48'40''N, 16°00'30''E), leg. A. Reitner, det. & coll. V. Bryja. • Summary in B UCHAR & R ŮŽIČKA (2002: 65). Germany • M ÜLLER &S CHENKEL (1894: 738) and L ESSERT (1909: 81, 1910: 140): Baden-Württemberg, Istei- ner Klotz, ~ 290 m a.s.l., (47°39'45''N, 7°31'50''E), mid December (1  , holotype), NMB 775a (specimen) and MHNG (right palp). • B OCHMANN (1942: 52, 43 site 8): Mecklen- burg-Western Pomerania, Graal, ~ 5 m a.s.l., (54°15'20''N, 12°14'00''E), coastal dunes with beach grass, warm and dry steep slopes [“Strand- haferdünen“; “warme und trockene Steilhänge“], NMB 775b (2  /1  ), more adults (1  /1  ) and subadults (70  /53  ) stored elsewhere. • M ORITZ (1973: 193): Thuringia, Rottenleben, ~ 180 m a.s.l., (51°23'10''N, 11°02'13''E), SE exposed slope with steppe grass vegetation on gypsum [“SO-exponierter Hang…Steppengras- vegetation auf Gips”], 18.XI.1966-11.IV.1967 (1  ), det. M. Moritz, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. • B AUCHHENSS et al. (1987: 13, 10, site I) and B AUCHHENSS (1988: 379): Bavaria, east of the river Pegnitz, Northern Frankenjura, ~ 460 m a.s.l., (49°45'N, 11°34'60''E), southwest exposed Dolomite slope, rocky heath vegetation [“SW- exponierter Dolomitenhang, Felsenheidevege- tation”], 19.X-16.XI.1985 (1  ), Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt SMF 35630. • Blick (in litt.): Bavaria, Mittelfranken, Nürn- berger Land, Schottental bei Heldmannsberg, 465 m a.s.l., (49°27'57''N, 11°34'01''E), 09.VI. - 03.VII.1989 (1  ), 06.IX. -01.X.1989 (1  ), leg. &det. P. Beck, coll.T. Blick; Bavaria,Oberfranken, Forchheim, Walberla, 450 m a.s.l., (49°43'12''N, 11°09'E), 06.XI.1999-10.III.2000 (6  ), leg.M.- A. Fritze, det. & coll. T. Blick. • Malten (in litt.): Hesse, Limburg-Weilburg, Run- kel, Arfurter Felsen, ~ 140 m a.s.l., (50°24'31''N, 8°11'11''E), rocky, southexposed semi-dry meadow [“felsreicher, südexponierter Halbtrockenrasen”], 08.V.-06.VI.1995 (1  ), coll. A. Malten. • B LICK (1996: 8) and B LICK et al. (2002: 13): Bavaria, Oberfranken, Bamberg, Frankendorf, 500 m a.s.l., (49°50'31''N, 11°04'19''E), 31.III.- 21.IV.1989 (1  ); 12.V.-02.VI.1989 (1  ), leg. J. Sachteleben & R.Weid, det. & coll. T. Blick; Ba- varia, Oberfranken, Forchheim, Streitberg, 450 m a.s.l., (49°48'36''N, 11°13'01''E), belay [“Felskopf- bereiche“], 31.III.-21.IV.1989 (1  /2  ), 23.VI. - 14.VII.1989 (1  ), 02.IV. -23.IV.1996 (6  /2  ), 21.V.-11.VI.1996 (1  ). • J AKOBITZ (2003: 52), site characterised in J A - KOBITZ & B ROEN (2001: 71): Brandenburg, Barnim, Oderberg, Pimpinellenberg, ~ 50 m a.s.l., (52°51'54''N, 14°01'13''E), steppe-like dry and