Arachnologische Mitteilungen 35

First record of Hypsocephalus dahli 41 semi-dry meadow [“steppenartigenTrocken- und Halbtrockenrasen”]. • Scheidler (in litt.): Bavaria, Lichtenfels, Kalkberg, 450 m a.s.l., (50°04'30''N, 11°14'15''E), open area with almost no vegetation on marly soil [“offene, fast vegationsfreie Fläche auf mergeligem Bo- den”], 07.VI.1993 (1  ), leg. M. Scheidler; Bava- ria, Lichtenfels, Köttel, 520 m a.s.l. (50°04'35''N, 11°10'07''E), rocky knoll in lime grassland [“felsige Kuppe im Kalkmagerrasen”], 15.VII.1993 (1  ), 13.X.1993 (1  ), coll. M. Scheidler. • Summary in S TAUDT (2008). Poland • M ENGE (1869: 232), the same specimens are mentioned in P RÓSZYŃSKI & S TARĘGA (1971: 143) and S TARĘGA (1983: 195): Pomerania, Gdansk, Heiligenbrunnen (district in Gdansk), ~ 10 m a.s.l., (54°22‘26‘‘N, 18°37‘15‘‘E), leg. A. Menge; Pomerania, Gdansk, Johannisberg (hill in Gdansk), ~ 80 m a.s.l., (54°22‘18‘‘N, 18°36‘18‘‘E), det. A. Menge, coll. unknown. • S TARĘGA (1983), the region is the only in- formation available. The coordinates of the corresponding capitals and not of the samp- ling sites are given: Greater Poland, Kalisz, (51°46‘02‘‘N, 18°05‘06‘‘E); Lesser Poland, Nowy Sącz , (49°37‘04‘‘N, 20°42‘53‘‘E);West Pomerania, Szczecin, (53°25‘44‘‘N, 14°33‘11‘‘E); Lower Sile- sia, Wroclaw, (51°06‘30‘‘N, 17°02‘17‘‘E). • Summary in S TARĘGA (2004). Slovakia • G AJDOŠ (1987: 217, 229, sites S and SK) and G AJDOŠ et al. (1999: 92): Nitra Region, Nitra, ~ 180 m a.s.l., (48°21'47''N, 18°04'25''E), “on open forest-steppe…and on a part of forest-steppe partially overgrown with the self-seeding of bushes and trees”, 27.IV.1984 (6  /3  ); 22.V.1984 (1  /1  ); 15.V.1985 (23  /6  ). • G AJDOŠ & S LOBODA (1995: 84, 78-79, sites 69, 115 and 116): Nitra Region, Nitra, National Nature Resere Zoborska lesostep, Ponitrie, ~ 200-250 m a.s.l., (48°20'07''N, 18°07'30''E), dry grassland on limestone (forest-steppe), under nature trail [“lesostep pod chodnikom”, Gajdoš in litt.]; Nitra Region, Obyce, Vcelar, National Na- ture Reserve Vcelar, Ponitrie, ~ 250-600 m a.s.l., (48°25'41''N, 18°27'14''E), dry grassland on an- desite (occurrence from open area), dry grassland on andesite with mosaic of bushy area (occurrences in areas with bushes) [“lesostep…krovie”, Gajdoš in litt.]. • Summary in G AJDOŠ et al. (1999: 92). Switzerland • Maurer (unpubl.) in M AUER & H ÄNGGI (1990: as G. servulus , reference MAU05*): Aarau, Siggenthal, ~ 340-620 m a.s.l., (47°29'N, 8°16'E), 1974, leg. R. Maurer. G. servulus , NMB 792f, 36 specimens of which 8 males and 1 female belong to H. dahli (new: NMB 775c). The tag only says: collected in 1974 in Sig- genthal with pitfall traps. The male specimens were compared with the holotype in the NMB (male opisthosoma and prosoma with one palp) and in the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de la Ville de Genève (MHNG) (right palp). Both parts belong to the same specimen (T HALER 1972: 30), collected by M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL (1894: 738) and described by L ESSERT (1909: 80). Examina- tion of the remaining samples of G. servulus in the NMB (792a-f ), MHNG (unit 26f 2sf ) and NMBE (Natural HistoryMuseumBern, Ar2622) revealed no more confusions with H. dahli . The occurrence of H. dahli in Switzerland is not surprising. The holotype was collected on the Isteiner Klotz in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, approximately 10 km north of the Swiss border. Romania • W EISS (1980: 383, 372, sites F and G): Transyl- vania, Braşov , Talmaciu, Podu Olt, ~ 370-500 m a.s.l., (45°39'58''N, 24°17'22''E), large forest clear- ing on steep slope with rocky steppe in dry grass- land … with transitions to thermophilous forest skirt communities … in a wet runlet on a steep south exposed slope, on stony-rocky substrate with sporadic young spruce [“grössereWaldlichtung am Steilhang mit Felssteppe”; „Fiederzweckenrasen … mit Übergängen zu thermophilen Wald- saumgesellschaften … in einer etwas feuchteren Wasserrinne am Steilhang, auf steinig-felsigem Substrat. Vereinzelt junge Kiefern…südexpo- niert“], praevernal, vernal-aestival. Conservation status H. dahli is listed as endangered in Germany (P LATEN et al. 1998: 273), the Czech Republic (B UCHAR & R ŮŽIČKA 2002: 65) and in Slovakia