Arachnologische Mitteilungen 35

42 H. Frick (G AJDOŠ & S VATOŇ 1994: 122), where it is only known in low abundance from a few localities with low human impact (G AJDOŠ et al. 1999: 92). In Baden-Württemberg only one male is known from the type locality (M ÜLLER & S CHENKEL 1894: 738) and therefore H. dahli is considered as either extremely rare, extinct or as having disap- peared (N ÄHRIG et al. 2003: 45). There are one published (1 male, B AUCHHENSS 1988: 379) and five unpublished (> 23 specimens, Blick in litt.) occurrences from Bavaria and therefore it is con- sidered as critically endangered in Bavaria (B LICK & S CHEIDLER 2004: 314). H. dahli is also very rarely found in Austria, Switzerland, Romania and Poland. The true abun- dance of H. dahli may have been underestimated because samples are seldom taken in winter when adults are present (Blick in litt.). Acknowledgements I am very grateful toTheo Blick (Hummeltal, Germany) for information and advice, to Aloysius Staudt (Schmelz, Germany) for generating the distribution map and Pe- ter Schwendinger (Geneva, Switzerland) and Ambros Hänggi (Basel, Switzerland) for lending the holotype. I am indebted to Theo Blick, Jason Dunlop (Berlin, Germany), Peter Gajdoš (Nitra, Slovakia), Torbjörn Kronestedt (Stockholm, Sweden), Barbara Knoflach- Thaler (Innsbruck, Austria), Andreas Malten (Frankfurt, Germany), Milan Řezáč (Praha, Czech Republik) and Manfred Scheidler (Bayreuth, Germany) for detailed information on published and unpublished data. I would like to thank Christopher Sherry (Bern, Switzerland) for linguistic corrections and Christian Kropf (Bern, Swit- zerland) andWolfgang Nentwig (Bern, Switzerland) for their helpful comments on the manuscript. This project would not have been possible without the financial sup- port of the Stipendienstelle Liechtenstein, the Natural History Museum Bern and the University of Bern. References B ALOGH J.I. (1935): A Sashegy Pókfaunája. Faunisztikai, Rendszertani és Környezettani Tanulmány, Budapest. 60 pp. B AUCHHENSS E., W. D EHLER & G. S CHOLL (1987): Bodenspinnen aus dem Raum Veldensteiner Forst (Naturpark `Fränkische Schweiz/Veldensteiner Forst`). – Ber. Naturwiss. Ges. Bayreuth, 19: 7-44 B AUCHHENSS E. (1988): Neue und bemerkenswerte w-deutsche Spinnenfunde in Aufsammlungen aus Bayern (Arachnida: Araneae). – Senckenberg. biol. 68: 377-388 B LICK T. (1996): Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae) im Bereich von Felsköpfen in der nördlichen Frankenalb 1996. Unpubl. manuscript. 23 pp. B LICK T., J. S ACHTELEBEN , R. W EID & S. W ITTY (2002): Fauna und Flora von isolierten Felsköpfen der nördlichen Frankenalb. Unpubl. manuscript. 45 pp. B LICK T. &M. S CHEIDLER (2004): Rote Liste gefährde- ter Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae) Bayerns. – Schrif- tenr. Bay. Landesamt Umweltsch. 166: 308-321 B LICK T., R. B OSMANS , J. B UCHAR , P. G AJDOŠ , A. H ÄNGGI , P. VAN H ELSDINGEN , V. R ŮŽIČKA , W. S TARĘGA & K. T HALER (2004): Checkliste der Spinnen Mitteleuropas. Checklist of the spiders of Central Europe. (Arachnida:Araneae). Version 01. Dezember 2004. – Internet: http:/www.AraGes. de/checklist.html B OCHMANN G. VON (1942): Die Spinnenfauna der Strandhaferdünen an den deutschen Küsten. – Kieler Meeresforsch. 4: 38-69 B ONNET P. (1956): Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse méthodique de toute la littérature aranéologique jus- qu'en 1939, Tome 2 (2ème partie: C-F). Douladoure, Toulouse. pp. 919-1926 B ONNET P. (1957): Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse méthodique de toute la littérature aranéologique jus- qu'en 1939,Tome 2 (3ème partie: G-M). Douladoure, Toulouse. pp. 1927-3026 B RYJA V., J. S VATOŇ , J. C HYTIL , Z. M AJKUS , V. R ŮŽIČKA , R. K ASAL , J. D OLANSKÝ , J. B UCHAR , L. C HVÁTALOVÁ ,M. Ř EZÁČ ., L. K UBCOVÁ , J. E RHART & I. F ENCLOVÁ (2005): Spiders (Araneae) of the Lower Morava Biosphere Reserve and closely adjacent localities (Czech Republic). – Acta Mus. Morav. Sci. biol. 90: 13-184 B UCHAR J. & V. R ŮŽIČKA (2002): Catalogue of spiders of the Czech Republic. Peres Publishers, Praha. 351 pp. B UKVA V. (1969): Pavouči společenstava stepních stanovišt’ Pavlovských vrchů. Msc. Thesis, Charles University, Praha. 100 pp. C ALLONI S. (1889): La fauna nivale con particolare riguardo al viventi delle alte Alpi. Pavia, 478 pp. C APORIACCO L. DI (1927): Secondo saggio sulla fauna aracnologica della Carnia e regioni limitrofe. – Mem. Soc. ent. ital. 5: 70-130 C HYZER C.&L. K ULCZYŃSKI (1894): Araneae Hunga- riae.Tomi II – di pars prior.Theridioidae. Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Budapest. 151 pp. D ENIS J. (1949): Notes sur les érigonides. XVII. Addi- tions et rectifications au tableau de détermination des femelles. Descriptions d'espèces nouvelles. – Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse 84: 245-257 D RENSKY P. (1936): Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) der Balkanhalbinsel. Opis na Paiatzite ot