Arachnologische Mitteilungen 35

56 S. Buchholz & V. Hartmann also occur on other habitat types (e.g. Alopecosa pulverulenta , Pardosa prativaga , Tapinocyba praecox , Xysticus cristatus ). Group A/B comprises 13 species which occur in habitats of group A as well as on sites of group B and thus probably need dry conditions. The species of the second group prefer sites with a dense herbal layer and high vegetation.This group has hardly any species of its own, apart from Hahnia ononidum and Mangora acalypha which are exclusively found at sites D4 and D5. Zelotes electus Discussion Frequent species like Alopecosa pulverulenta , Pardosa palustris and Trochosa terricola are eurytopic and occur in a wide array of habitats all over North Rhine-Westphalia. Alopecosa cuneata , Hahnia nava , Pardosa hortensis and Pardosa monticola are wide- spread too, but they show a preference for dry habi- tats (K REUELS & B UCHHOLZ 2006). Interesting faunistic records from this study are the linyphiid spiders Meioneta simplicitarsis and Panamomops mengei . Both species are very rare, M. simplicitaris had hitherto been found in eastern Germany (e. g. M ORITZ 1973, S ACHER & B REINL 1999) and by C ASEMIR (1982) in North Rhine-Westphalia. P. mengei is mainly distributed in the central and eastern parts of Germany but has also been recorded in a few areas of Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate (S TAUDT 2007). Meioneta simplicitarsis seems to prefer dry grassland (B RAUN 1969, C ASEMIR 1982, S ACHER & B REINL 1999, B UCHAR & R UZICKA 2002) but also occur in damp and wet meadows and pastures (H EIMER &N ENTWIG 1991, K REUELS & B UCHHOLZ 2006). Panamomops mengei was found in different habitats like dry grassland (P ERNER 1997, S CHNITTER et al. 2003), marshes and bogs (H IEBSCH 1985, K REUELS &B UCHHOLZ subm.), shores of waters (B UCHSBAUM 1995) and among detritus in various forests (R ABELER 1969, B EYER 1972, H EIMER & N ENTWIG 1991, P LATEN 1995, Tab. 3 : Diversity measures for investigated sites (n ind. = total number of individual, n spec. = number of species, ind/day = ratio individuals per day, ind/day/trap = ratio individuals per day and trap, HB = Brillouin-Index, EB = Brillouin-Evenness). site n ind. n spec. ind/day ind/day/trap HB EB D1 2162 82 7,5 1,5 2,90 0,66 D2 2725 49 12,9 2,6 1,88 0,48 D3 3275 62 11,3 2,3 1,88 0,46 D4 986 70 4,7 0,9 3,03 0,71 D5 922 58 4,3 0,9 3,22 0,79 D6 542 60 2,6 0,9 2,85 0,70 D7 583 46 2,8 0,9 2,75 0,72 Fig. 1 : Map of study area (TK25 3912-3). � Münster N North-Rhine- Westphalia Study area Greven Nordwalde Telgte Dortmund Ems Canal Westbevern Dorbaum Handorf Gelmer Gimbte Gittrup Sprakel Nienberge Roxel 2 km A 1 Ems seems to be the only spider which clearly prefers this habitat, but all other species show only poor habitat bind- ings. The PCA shows a clear difference between Group C which combines sites D6 and D7 and all other communi- ties. Apart from Dicymbium nigrum s. str. and Maso sun- devalli all other species extend into various other habitats. For example, Pardosa hortensis and P. lugubris were also found to be numerous at site D1 (group A) while Micrargus herbigradus and Tenuiphantes tenuis were caught at sites D4 and D5 (group B).