Arachnologische Mitteilungen 54

Dolomedes plantarius in Belarus 37 ed and we can expect admixture between them. However the consequences are hard to predict. To sum up, if there is a strong intention to save D. plan- tarius in Europe it is essential that not only Belarusian spe- cialists will be involved in investigation of this species within Belarus itself, but all interested legal bodies and scientists ac- ross the Europe. Acknowledgements We sincerely thank Jury Hihiniak and Vital Łukin for providing specimens,Oleg Borodin for logistics help, Eric Duffey for providing literature,Marko Mutanen for advice and criticism of an early version of the manuscript and Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund for financial support (Project number 13256173). References Bajčorau U, Hihiniak J & Hihiniak I 2013 New records of species listed in the Red Book of Belarus and invasion of Eastern Crayfish to water bodies of National Park “Biełaviežskaja forest. 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Areas marked with black lines – probable populations’ clusters ( 1 – Nioman cluster, 2 – Prypiać cluster, 3 – Dniapro cluster). Arrows – probable connections between clusters. ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘