Arachnologische Mitteilungen 54

Arachnologische Mitteilungen / Arachnology Letters 54: 52-58 Karlsruhe, September 2017 The spider fauna of Portugal currently includes 812 species (Nentwig et al. 2017) and is still incompletely known. This study deals with a small sample of spiders from mainland Por­ tugal collected by the author, additional small samples were made available by Jan Dolanský from the East Bohemian Museum in Pardubice, Czech Republic and Jorge Alexandre Mota de Almeida from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Among the combined material (133 species, 239 specimens – see Supplementary File 1) two species are new to science and three others new to Portugal. The aim of this study is to describe the new species, to present details of species recorded in Portugal for the first time and to provide illustrations of two rarely illustrated species. Material and methods Spiders were collected by hand, by shaking vegetation or by brushing stones above a tray. Illustrations were created from photos of selected features using a Leica Wild M10 stereo­ microscope fittedwith a Leica DFC425 digital camera or a Leica 205 stereomicroscope fitted with a Leica DFC450 di­ gital camera. The microscopes were connected to computers with Leica Application Suite software, Zerene Stacker soft­ ware and the vector graphics editor Inkscape. The following abbreviations are used in the text: AER = anterior eye row ALE = anterior lateral eyes AME = anterior median eyes CJL = collection Jørgen Lissner NHMD = Natural History Museum of Denmark PER = posterior eye row PLE = posterior lateral eyes PME = posterior median eyes. Taxonomy Nigma hortensis (Simon, 1870) (Dictynidae) (Figs 1-2) Dictyna hortensis Simon 1870: 296 (without figures) Previous records from Portugal were compiled by Morano et al. (2014) Material examined. PORTUGAL, Viseu, Silgueiros, Póvoa Dão (N40°32’56’’, W7°56’37’’), mixed forest with clearings (230 m), 29.IV.2007, 1 ( leg. Jorge Mota Almeida (CJL- 4241). Comments. The species is known from Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Algeria (Nentwig et al. 2017).The male palp has been depicted by Barrientos & Ferrández (1982), Simon (1914) and Wunderlich (2011), but apparently the epigyne was never illustrated.The female here is matched with N. hor- tensis as it is similar to photos of the epigyne made available by Oger (2017). This site presents photos of the male palp, female epigyne and vulva from a male and a female collec­ ted together.The lateral plates are much reduced compared to those of Nigma puella (Simon, 1870), notched and widely se­ parated (Figs 1a, 2a). They are practically invisible unless the dense clothing of hairs in the epigynal area is scraped off. In the illustrated specimen parts of the vulva is visible through the integument (Fig. 2a). The vulva is illustrated in Fig. 1b New records of spiders (Araneae) from Portugal Jørgen Lissner doi: 10.5431/aramit5412 Abstract. Data about spiders collected in Portugal are presented. Two new species are described, Scotophaeus dolanskyi spec. nov. (Gnaphosidae) and Apostenus crespoi spec. nov. (Liocranidae). Three species are recorded for the first time in Portugal: Dysdera lata Wider, 1834 (Dysderidae), Scotophaeus validus (Lucas, 1846) and Euophrys nigripalpis Simon, 1937 (Salticidae). Illustrations of two rarely illustrated species are also presented: Nigma hortensis (Simon, 1870) (Dictynidae) and Canariphantes zonatus (Simon, 1884) (Linyphiidae). Keywords: Apostenus , Euophrys , Gnaphosidae, Liocranidae, new species, Nigma , Scotophaeus , taxonomy Zusammenfassung . Neue Spinnennachweise (Araneae) aus Portugal. Es werden Daten von Spinnenaufsammlungen aus Portugal vorgestellt. Zwei neue Arten werden beschrieben, Scotophaeus dolanskyi spec. nov. (Gnaphosidae) und Apostenus crespoi spec. nov. (Liocranidae). Drei Arten werden erstmals für Portugal nachgewiesen, Dysdera lata Wider, 1834 (Dysderidae), Scotophaeus validus (Lucas, 1846) und Euophrys nigripalpis Simon, 1937 (Salticidae). Abbildungen zweier weiterer seltenen Arten werden präsentiert, Nigma horten- sis (Simon, 1870) (Dictynidae) und Canariphantes zonatus (Simon, 1884) (Linyphiidae). Jørgen Lissner, Natural History Museum Aarhus, Wilhelm Meyers Allé 210, Univer- sitetsparken, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. E-mail: submitted 1.4.2017, accepted 3.8.2017, online 16.8.2017 Fig. 2: Nigma hortensis (Simon, 1870), photos: a. epigyne in ventral view (hairs removed); b. vulva in ventral view. Scale bar 0.1 mm Fig. 1: Nigma hortensis (Simon, 1870): a. epigyne in ventral view (hairs removed); b. vulva in ventral view. Scale bar 0.1 mm