Arachnologische Mitteilungen 54

New spider records from Portugal 53 based on the photo in Fig. 2b. The copulatory openings are only clearly visible in a detached epigyne/vulva. Dysdera lata Reuss, 1834 (Dysderidae) Dysdera lata Reuss 1834: 196 (without figures) Material examined. PORTUGAL, Lisbon, Santa Maria Maior, near Castelo de São Jorge (N38°42’53’’, W9°8’3.4’’), lot with weeds and bushes (60 m), 12.III.2014, 1 juvenile ) (matured in captivity around Oct. 10, 2014) , leg. Jørgen Liss­ ner (CJL-9913). Comments. New to Portugal. A juvenile male was found in a vacant lot adjacent to Castelo de São Jorge in the centre of Lis­ bon. It matured in captivity. According to Kovblyuk et al. (2008) D. lata differs from the closely related D. westringi O. Pickard- Cambridge, 1872 by having the flattened bulbus furnished with 3-7 teeth ( D. westringi has no teeth on it).The hitherto western­ most locality for D. lata was Majorca (Bosmans et al. in press) but the new record from the present study extends the known range about 1000 km to the west.The identification was confir­ med by Miquel Arnedo, University of Barcelona, Spain. Scotophaeus dolanskyi Lissner spec . nov. (Gnaphosidae) (Figs 3-5) Etymology . The species is dedicated to the collector of the species, the outstanding arachnologist, Jan Dolanský, with whom I am very honoured to collaborate with . Type material . PORTUGAL: Beja , Moura , Sobral da Adiça (N37°58’40’’, W7°17’39’’) , holotype ♂ , forest steppe/maquis (350 m), 27.III.2013 (specimen matured in captivity Aug . 22, 2013), Jan Dolanský leg., CJL-9049, deposited at NHMD . Diagnosis . The three-pointed tibial apophysis readily separa­ tes the new species from other European Scotophaeus species for which males are known . It is possible that the new species is the unknown male of either S. retusus (Simon, 1878), S. acu- leatus Simon, 1914, S. brolemanni Simon, 1914 or S. fabrisae Caporiacco, 1950. Only the former species has been recorded in Portugal while the three latter are known from France or Italy. Since this a poorly known genus the differences of the new species to other European and Macaronesian species are elaborated in the comments section. Description of male Measurements (n=1), body length 5 . 9, carapace length 2.7, width 2.1. Colour. General appearance as in Fig. 3. Carapace yellow brown, not darkened at margins, densely covered with simple hairs appearing whitish in flash photography of live specimen (Fig. 3), but greyish-brown in alcohol preserved specimen. Prosoma. Fovea distinct. Eye group relatively compact for a Scotophaeus (Fig. 3, inset). Median eyes larger than laterals, AME largest (0.17) and distinctly ringed with black. PME (0.14) slightly oblique, PLE (0.14), ALE (0.15) . PER stron­ gly procurved as seen in dorsal view, AER slightly recurved and not as wide as PER. Height of clypeus equal to half the diameter of an anterior median eye. Edge of clypeus with a row of strong setae . Maxillae narrowed at middle , converging in front of labium, lateral sides concave in anterior half (Fig. 4b). Labium spatulate, slightly longer than wide. Chelicerae with three discrete teeth on promargin and one on retromar­ gin (Fig. 4a). A modified plumose seta, slightly swollen corre­ sponding to type (b) in Murphy (2007, p. 30), emerges from near the base of the fang (Fig. 4a). Leg formula IV-I-II-III. Legs spinose. Scopulae rather weakly developed, very similar to those of S. blackwalli . Opisthosoma . Elliptical, covered with mousy grey pube­ scence. Scutum short, hardly reaching dorsum of opisthoso­ ma (Fig. 4c). Brachiate setae appear completely absent, in­ cluding on the rim of the anterior lateral spinnerets, but here with a slightly swollen plumose seta corresponding to type (b) in Murphy (2007) . Male palp . With a short tibial apophysis, the tip has three pointed processes when seen in retrolateral view and slightly from above (Figs . 5b-d). Only basal part of the retrolateral tibial apophysis is visible in ventral view (Fig. 5a). Palpal bulb Fig. 3: Scotophaeus dolanskyi Lissner spec. nov. Habitus of male. Inset : close-up of eye configuration Fig. 5: Scotophaeus dolanskyi Lissner spec. nov. a. left male palp in ventral view; b. same in retrolateral view; c. apex of male palp tibial apophysis in retrolateral (viewed slightly from above); d. same in dorsal view. Scale bars a. , b. 0.25 mm; c. 0.2 mm; d. 0.1 mm. Ta = Terminal apophysis with two hook-like projections, C = conductor, e = embolus, M = median apophysis Fig. 4: Scotophaeus dolanskyi Lissner spec. nov. : a. right chelicera in pos- terior view showing positions of teeth on pro- and retromargin; b. mouth- parts; c. opisthosoma in dorsal view showing extent of the scutum. Scale bars a. , b. 0.2 mm; c. 1 mm