Arachnologische Mitteilungen 54

New spider records from Portugal 57 Material examined. PORTUGAL: Évora , North of the town Évora along Roman aqueduct (N38°37’6’’, W7°57’36”) , 1 ♀ , among grass and weeds in pastures, 320 m a.s.l., 4.III.2015, Jørgen Lissner leg., CJL-11766. Comments. This species is widespread in the Western Medi­ terranean (World Spider Catalog 2017) . An illustration and photo of the epigyne in ventral view is presented here as well as a photo of a detached epigyne with some parts of the un­ derlying vulva visible (Fig. 14). Euophrys nigripalpis Simon, 1937 (Salticidae) (Figs 12–13) Euophrys nigripalpis Simon 1937: 1181, 1253 (without figures) Material examined. PORTUGAL: Beja , Moura , Sobral da Adiça (N37°58’40’’, W7°17’39’’), 2 ♂ , forest steppe/maquis, 350 m a.s.l., 27.III.2013, Jan Dolanský leg., CJL-8789; Faro , Loulé , Fonte da Taipa (Querença) (N37°12’25”, W7°56’14”), 2 ♂ , habitat not recorded, 220 m a.s.l., 31.III.2013, Jan Do­ lanský leg., CJL-8758. Comments. This species has been recorded in France and Corsica and is new to Portugal. The clypeus of the male is pumpkin orange (Fig. 12). Illustrations and photos of the male palp are presented here (Fig. 13). The retrolateral tibial apophysis is rather thin, not much thicker than the hairs co­ vering the cymbium and is visible also in ventral view (Fig. 13b).The tip of the apophysis is slightly swollen, bent inwards and upwards. Photographs of both the epigyne and palps are only available on the internet (Oger 2017, Prószyński 2017) and are not published yet . Discussion The new records presented above represent five species re­ corded from Portugal for the first time, two of which are also new to science. This increases the total number of species ci­ ted from Portugal to 817. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Miquel Arnedo, University of Barcelona, Spain for assisting with identification of Dysdera lata . Torbjørn Ekrem, De­ partment of Natural History, NTNU University Museum, Norway is thanked for including the Apostenus specimen in the Norwegian Barcode of Life (NorBOL) project. Gratitude is also extended to Pedro Cardoso,FinnishMuseum of Natural History and an unknown reviewer for useful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. References Almquist S 2006 Swedish Araneae,part 2: families Dictynidae to Sal­ ticidae.– Insect Systematics &Evolution,Supplement 63: 287-601 Barrientos JA & Ferrández MA 1982 La colección de araneidos del Departamento de Zoología de la Universidad de Salamanca, III: arañas migalomorfas, haploginas, y cribeladas. – Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología 5: 75-86 Bennett R, Copley C & Copley D 2013 Apostenus ducati (Araneae: Liocranidae) sp. nov.: a second Nearctic species in the genus. – Zootaxa 3647: 63-74 – doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3647.1.3 Berland L 1936 Mission de M. A. Chevalier aux Îles du Cap Vert (1934). I. 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