Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

Two spiders new to Slovakia (Linyphiidae) 27 Belgian specimens were also found in lower altitude forests, at about 100 m a.s.l. (Segers & Bosmans 1988). Slovak speci- mens were captured in an oak-hornbeam forest at 460 m a.s.l. within the talus deposits. Status. The species is red-listed as vulnerable in the Czech Republic (VU) (Řezáč et al. 2015) and in Germany is classi- fied as least concern (LC) (Blick et al. 2016). Distribution. A Central European species found in Aust- ria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland (Helsdingen 2017) and now also in Slovakia. Pseudomaro aenigmaticus (Denis, 1966) Material examined: SLOVAKIA: Malé Karpaty Mts, 1 ) – Plavecká Cave (the “Dome of the bats”), pitfall traps, 30.IV – 14.IX.2005 (leg. P. Ľuptáčik, A. Mock); 1 ( – Jajcajov jarok Valley, scree slope overgrown with a beech forest below a li- mestone massif, subterranean sampling devices, jar at 75 cm below the surface, 14.XI.2014–16.XII.2014 (leg. P. Fenďa, K. Hrúzová, K. Krajčovičová, J. Christophoryová). Female (Fig. 7): Body length 1.67 mm. Prosoma 0.80 mm long and 0.60 mm wide. Male (Fig. 8): Body length 1.79 mm. Prosoma 0.82 mm long and 0.62 mm wide. Despite having small, pigmented eyes, Pseudomaro aenig- maticus is listed among the troglomorphic spiders (Růžička et al. 2013). One of the first findings was a female collected in castle cellars near Barbencon in Belgium (Denis 1966). Since then, it has been found in several other European countries (Blick & Kreuels 2002). The occurence of P. aenigmaticus in Slovak caves was already predicted by Franc (1999). During intensive research over the past 15 years its presence was now finally confirmed in Slovakia. A record from China by Fei & Gao (1996) is considered a misidentification because of a considerably larger body size compared to the European spe- cimens (Rozwałka & Olbrycht 2017). The genus Pseudomaro was erected on the basis of a single female having a quite dis- similar epigyne structure compared to Maro species (Saaristo 1971) . Roberts (1987) considered the genus closer to Mioxena Fig. 5: Pseudocarorita thaleri female from the Belinské skaly Nature Monument, Slovakia. A. dorsal view; B. ventral view Fig. 6: Pseudocarorita thaleri male from the Belinské skaly Nature Monument, Slovakia. A. dorsal view; B. ventral view