Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

48 P. Dolejš & M. Hanko palpal insertion was not counted.The whole copulation event (i.e. including both palpal insertions but without courtship) lasted on average about 5 minutes and 18 seconds (SE = 2 min. 3 sec.). After each copulation, males spun a rectangular sperm web (Fig. 7) and charged their palps. All but one of the females mated twice and all males mated multiply.The first copulation (of a virgin female) and the second copulation (of a mated female) did not differ in any of their components (Tab. 2).The only difference was in total copulati- on duration: matings of virgin females were shorter than tho- se with already mated females, given by slower shifting of the palps from the first to the second insertion during the second copulations. However, the difference in duration of the first and second copulation was only marginally significant (Tab. 2). Figs. 1-6: The mating of Zorocrates guerrerensis . 1 – Male is approaching and courting female, making contact using the first pair of legs; female orientates toward the male and raises its first pair of legs. 2 – Male and female communicate with each other using their front legs and the male is touching the female’s carapace. 3 – Male is climbing onto female, reaching a copulatory position; the beginning of copulation. 4 – Insertion of the left palp, note that the palp is inserted between the third and fourth pairs of legs of the female. 5 – Haematodochal expansion, note erect leg spines. 6 – The end of palpal insertion, the haematodocha has collapsed but the palp is still close to the epigyne.