Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

Interesting Hungarian spiders 5 2008). Until now, in Hungary P. ruficapillus has been found in Fertő-Hanság (Northwestern Hungary) (Muster et al. 2007) and in the Balaton Upland (Szinetár et al. 2016), but our data (Nagykálló, Northeastern Hungary) suggest that it is widespred throughout Hungary. Furthermore, all the records of P. pulchellus from Hungary need to be re-checked, because they probably all belong to P. ruficapillus (Szinetár et al. 2016). Pulchellodromus ruficapillus occurs usually in wetlands or along riverbanks and also on seashores (Muster et al. 2007, Duma 2008, Szinetár et al. 2016). Theridiidae Sundevall, 1833 Lasaeola prona (Menge, 1868) (syn. Dipoena prona ) Determination. Roberts 1985, Le Peru 2011 Material examined. 1 ) , 2 (( , 3 sub )) , 4 sub (( , 1 nymph: 2 (( (leg. C. Nagy, det. L. Mezőfi) 28.04.2014 (The specimens were collected from their webs, at the base of apple trees.), 1 ) (leg. & det. L. Mezőfi) 09.07.2014 (This specimen was con- sumed by a Carrhotus xanthogramma (Latreille, 1819) nymph (det. L. Mezőfi) on an apple tree.) – Újfehértó (47°49’13”N, 21°39’58”E, 121 m a.s.l., organic apple orchard). The spi- Fig. 6: Philodromus marmoratus specimens from Hungary; a. male, general appearance, dorsal view; b. female, general appearance, dorsal view; c. male’s left palp, ventral view; d. epigyne, ventral view; e. epigyne/ vulva, dorsal view Fig. 7: Pulchellodromus ruficapillus female from Hungary; a. general appearance, dorsal view; b. epigyne/ vulva, dorsal view