Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

54 R. Bosmans & P. Oger Diplocephalus cristatus (Blackwall, 1833) (Figs 1a-n, 2a-f ) Walckenaeria cristatus Blackwall, 1833: 107 ( )( ); the type from England, Manchester, Cheetham, not examined. Erigone foraminifera O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875: 207, pl. 28, fig. 15 ( ) ); the type from France, Hautes-Alpes, Col de Natoya; not examined. N. Syn. Prosoponcus foraminifer ; Simon 1884: 572, 382-383, figs 672, 673. Prosoponcus bicephalus Simon, 1884: 575, figs 388, 389 ( ) ). N. Syn. Prosoponcus thyrsiger Simon, 1884: 574, figs 386-387 (descr. ) ); not examined. N. Syn. Prosoponcus rectiloba Simon, 1884: 573, figs 384-385 ( ) ); examined. N. Syn. Diplocephalus rectilobus ; Simon 1926: 377, 495. Diplocephalus bicephalus ; Simon 1926: 495, figs 672-673 ( ) only, ( = Dicymbum nigrum ). Diplocephalus foraminifer ; Simon 1926: 377, 495, figs 667- 668. Diplocephalus foraminifer thyrsiger ; Simon 1926: 378, 495, figs 669-671. Diplocephalus arvernus Denis, 1948: 238, figs 1-8 ( )( ); not examined. N. Syn. Typematerial. Lectotype ) of Diplocephalus bicephalus Simon, 1884 (designated here) from France, Pyrénées-Orientales, between Prats-de-Mollo and La-Preste, Coll. Simon 4914 AR 12084 (MNHNP); 2 ( paralectotypes of D. bicephalus be- longing to Dicymbium nigrum (Blackwall, 1834). – Holotype ) of Prosoponcus rectiloba Simon, 1884 from France, Haute- Savoie, Les Contamines, Coll. Simon 25107 AR12085 (MN- HNP); examined. Further material examined. BELGIUM: Antwerpen: Mol, 7 )) (morph cristatus ), 6 (( ,, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). – FRANCE: Savoie: St-Julien-Molin-Molettes, 1 ) (morph cristatus ), in litter, 28.x.2014, P. Dubois leg. (CPO). Haute- Garonne, Le Plan, 1 ) (morph foraminifer ), 9.v.2015, Samuel Danflous leg. (CSD). – GREECE: Ionian Islands: Lefkada: Nidri, 2 )) (morph foraminifer ), 1 ( , under rocks below wa- terfall, 26.v.1993, A. Russel-Smith leg. (CAR-S). – SPAIN: Cantabria: Lebeña, 1 ) (morph foraminifer ) 1 ( , 16.vii.1985, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Comments on the type material The only material of Diplocephalus bicephalus (originally as Prosoponcus b. ) that is available in MNHNP is the male, Fig. 2: Diplocephalus cristatus morph foraminifer ( Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) (Greece, Lefkada). a. Male prosoma, lateral view; b. Male palp, lateral view; c. Male palpal tibia, dorsal view; d. Embolic division, antero-lateral view; e. Epigyne, ventral view; f. Vulva, ventral view. Fig. 3: Savignia harmsi Wunderlich, 1980. a. Morph typica , dorsal view; b. Morph cor , dorsal view c. Male palp of morph typica , lateral view, d. Ibid. of forma cor .