Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

Arachnologische Mitteilungen / Arachnology Letters 55: 57-59 Karlsruhe, April 2018 The area of western mainland Greece belongs to a poorly stu- died part of Europe in terms of arachnological research. In the district of Aetolia-Acarnania in the south-west mainland 36 species are recorded in total, among which only six be- long to the family Gnaphosidae (Chatzaki et al. 2015). In the course of a field trip by the first author, 24 spider species were collected in the Acarnanian Mountains. A Gnaphosidae spe- cies belonging to Zelotes was only identifiable to genus level and is considered new to science. The aim of this study is to describe this new species. Material and methods The spiders were collected on the northern slopes of the limestone mountain of Perganti situated in the Acarnanian Mountains of the north-western part of the Aetolia-Acar­ nania district in western Greece. Specimens were collected by hand under stones on the ground, in leaf litter, ant nests or shaken from vegetation. Habitus photos of live, adult speci- mens were taken tabletop. Illustrations were created from photos of selected features using a Leica 205 stereomicro- scope fitted with a Leica DFC450 digital camera.The micro- scope was connected to a computer with Leica Application Suite software, Zerene Stacker software and the vector graph- ics editor Inkscape. All measurements are given in mm. The numbers of spines on the proximal, median, and distal thirds of a given surface of a leg segment are presented using the system of Platnick & Shadab (1975). Abbreviations. d: dorsal; p: prolateral; v: ventral; r: retrola- teral; NHMD: Natural History Museum of Denmark. Results Zelotes acarnanicus sp. n. Figs 2-6 Holotype. ♂ , Greece: Aetolia-Acarnania, Aktio-Vonitsa, Thyrio, Acarnania Mountains (38.8314°N, 20.9750°E), rock- steppe and phrygana (950–1060 m a.s.l., Fig. 1), 10.VII.2011, leg. Jørgen Lissner, Coll. JL8046, deposited at the NHMD. Paratype. 1 ♀ , same locality and date as for holotype, leg. Jørgen Lissner, Coll. JL8046, deposited at the NHMD. Diagnosis. This species belongs to the subterraneus group (for group delimitation see Senglet 2004). Among species of this group, it bears a close resemblance to Z. subterraneus (C. L. Koch, 1833), Z. fuscus (Thorell, 1875), Z. sula Lowrie & Gertsch, 1955, Z. fratris Chamberlin, 1920 and Z. pyrenaeus Di Franco & Blick, 2003. From all of these, males of Z. acar- nanicus sp. n. differ by the longer embolus, diving well down the cymbium at least 1/3 of its length and turning dorsally in a large loop and then slightly at its tip. The embolar base of Z. acarnanicus sp. n. bears an apical crest and a dorsal flip at its end, not present in any other of the compared species; the embolar base of Z. fratris and Z. fuscus also form a prolateral ridge which is however at the outer edge of the structure and it is rounded rather than pointed as in Z. acarnanicus sp. n. Additionally, Z. acarnanicus sp. n. differs from Z. pyrenaeus and Z. fratris by the waved shape of the terminal apophysis, also evident in Z. subterraneus , Z. fuscus and Z. sula . Females are distinguished by the anterior epigynal mar- gins, in Z. acarnanicus sp. n. forming larger pockets than in Z. subterraneus, Z. fratris and Z. pyrenaeus ; additionally, in Z. acarnanicus sp. n. the epigynal plate is longer than wide, contrary to Z. fratris and Z. fuscus , and its lateral margins are almost parallel (or barely curved) in contrast to all compared species in which they converge anteriorly. Finally, the copula- tory ducts of Z. acarnanicus sp. n. are transverse and similar to Z. subterraneus, contrary to all other species which resemble more the form of Z. apricorum (L. Koch, 1876) by having a more prominent vertical part and less distinct horizontal part. Etymology. The species is named after the mountain range in which it was found. Description Male (holotype) Measurements. Body length 7.45, carapace length 3.26, width 2.62, opisthosoma length 4.04. Colour. The whole spider is black when seen in dorsal view, except for dark orange-brown metatarsi and orange-brown tarsi (Fig. 2). Venter of prosoma, coxae and opisthosoma slightly lighter than carapace, only lung opercula and area be- tween them orange-brown. Prosoma. Carapace with dense clothing of fine black hairs. Stronger black hairs are distributed along striae. Fovea present. From above, posterior eye row slightly procurved or straight (Fig. 2). Anterior eye row recurved and nearly as wide as posterior. Posterior median eyes pearly and slightly oblique, anterior median eyes black. Chelicerae with strong forward projecting setae of varying lengths on prolateral surfaces. Pro- margin with four teeth, retromargin with two teeth distrib- A new spider species, Zelotes acarnanicus sp. n. (Araneae: Gnaphosidae), frommainland Greece Jørgen Lissner & Maria Chatzaki doi: 10.30963/aramit5510 Abstract. A new gnaphosid spider species, Zelotes acarnanicus sp. n. , is described from a male and female collected on the Perganti Mountain of the Acarnanian Mountains range in mainland Greece. Keywords: new species, subterraneus group, spiders, taxonomy, zelotines Zusammenfassung. Eine neue Spinnenart, Zelotes acarnanicus sp. n. (Araneae: Gnaphosidae), vom griechischen Festland. Eine neue Gnaphosiden-Art, Zelotes acarnanicus sp. n. , wird nach einem Männchen und einemWeibchen beschrieben, die auf dem griechi- schen Festland auf dem Berg Perganti in den Akarnanischen Bergen gesammelt wurden. Jørgen LISSNER, Natural History Museum Aarhus, Wilhelm Meyers Allé 210, Universitetsparken, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; E-mail: Maria CHATZAKI, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, Dragana, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece; E-mail: submitted 24.11.2017, accepted 20.3.2018, online 30.4.2018