Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

58 J. Lissner & M. Chatzaki uted as in Fig. 3c. Sternum ovoid, truncated anteriorly, very slightly projecting between coxae IV. Maxillae constricted at middle. Labium ligulate, about twice as long as wide. Legs. Leg formula 4-1-2-3. Metatarsus III and less distinct in IV ventrally-apically with a preening comb. Tarsi I and II scopulated, tarsi III and IV less so. Leg spination pattern (only segments bearing spines listed): femur: I d 1-1-0; II d 1-1-0, p 0-0-1; III d 1-1-0, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1; IV d 1-1-0, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1; patella: III r 0-1-0; tibia: III p 1-1-1, v 2-2-2, r 1-1-1; IV p 1-1-1, v 2-2-2, r 1-1-1; metatarsus: II v 2-0-0; III p 1-2-2, v 2-2-1, r 1-1-2; IV p 1-2-2, v 2-2-1, r 1-2-2. Opisthosoma. Densely covered with very fine hairs and with additional medium-long hairs scattered along the en- tire surface. Scutum distinct only in preserved specimen, ap- proximately triangular, slightly truncated posteriorly, occupy- ing approximately ¼ of abdominal length. Posterior lateral spinnerets with seven piriform spigots. Genital pore distinct, slightly sclerotized laterally and with a central sclerotized protrusion furnished with a cluster of short hairs. Male palp. Tibial retrolateral apophysis of approximately the same length as tibia (Figs 3, 4). Apex of apophysis with a tiny notch. Median apophysis a projecting ridge. Terminal apo- physis transverse, with waved edges. Embolar base parallel to terminal apophysis with apical crest and tapering retrolateral projection with extra dorsal flip. Embolus long, u-shaped (Fig. 3b), turning dorsally from retrolateral side, gradually ending to a fine curving tip. Fig. 1: Satellite image of Perganti Mt. covering the type locality of Zelotes acarnanicus sp. n. The area sampled for spiders is enclosed by the red line and covers approximately 25 hectares of rock-steppe and phrygana habitat situated 950-1060 m above sea level. Most specimens at this locality were sampled near the red circle (38.8314°N, 20.9750°E) Fig. 2: Zelotes acarnanicus sp. n. Habitus of holotype Fig. 3: Zelotes acarnanicus sp. n. , male holotype. a. left palp in ventral view. b. left palp in retrolateral view. c. dentation of left chelicera in pos- terior view, denticle in dashed line present only in female paratypes. a: terminal apophysis; e: embolus; eb: embolar base; m: median apophysis. Scale bar a - b 0.5 mm, c 0.2 mm