Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

New spider records from the Canary Islands 61 Individuals were found in webs on Launaea arborescens . Distribution. North, Central and South America. Introdu- ced to Africa, Portugal, Israel, China, Japan, Australia (Tas- mania) and Pacific islands. New to Fuerteventura. Gnaphosidae Leptodrassus albidus Simon, 1914 (Fig. 2) Determination. Murphy (2007). Tenerife: San Roque (San Cristóbal de La Laguna), 28.487826°N/-16.308622°W, 610 m, 1.V.2017, 1 ( . The specimen was collected under a rock in a Pinus radiata plantation. It can be easily distinguished from Leptodrassex hylaestomachi Berland, 1934 in having the median cavity of the epigyne covered by a long hood that is lacking in the ge- nus Leptodrassex . This species is the first report of the genus Leptodrassus for the Canary Islands. Global distribution. Spain to Crete, Turkey, Israel, Azores. New to the Canary Islands. Setaphis carmeli (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Fig. 3) Determination. Platnick & Murphy (1996). Gran Canaria: Caldera de los Marteles (Valsequillo), 27.958469°N/-15.535192°W, 1460 m, 8.IV.2017, 2 (( ; 21.V.2017, 2 (( . This species was found under rocks in an abandoned crop field. Several juveniles were also observed. Its dark coloura- tion and bicoloured legs makes this species easy to distinguish from the Canary endemisms of the genus Setaphis , which are usually light brown. Global distribution. Mediterranean. New to the Canary Is- lands. Setaphis wunderlichi Platnick & Murphy, 1996 Determination. Platnick & Murphy (1996). Tenerife: Tamaide (San Miguel de Abona), 28.094245°N/ -16.626681°W, 595 m, 3.IV.2017, 1 ) , Yudith García leg. The specimen was collected inside a house. Global distribution. Canary Islands. New to Tenerife. Trachyzelotes lyonneti (Audouin, 1826) Determination. Nentwig et al. (2017). Gran Canaria: Caldera de los Marteles (Valsequillo), 27.958469°N/-15.535192°W, 1460 m, 21.V.2017, 3 (( 1 ) ; Tenteniguada (Valsequillo), 27.975834°N/-15.528912°W, 1010 m, 21.V.2017, 1 ( . Specimens were collected under rocks in abandoned crop fields covered by grasses. Global distribution. Macaronesia,Mediterranean to Central Asia. Introduced to USA, Mexico, Peru and Brazil. New to Gran Canaria. Fig. 1: Map showing the different islands in the Canary archipelago and the number of spider species harboured by each one (GRAFCAN 2017) Fig. 2: Leptrodassus albidus . A. Habitus of female, dorsal view. B. Epigyne, ventral view Fig. 3: Setaphis carmeli . A, B. Habitus of female, dorsal view. C. Epigynum, ventral view