Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

62 D. Suárez Mimetidae Ero flammeola Simon, 1881 Determination. Nentwig et al. (2017). Gran Canaria: Tenteniguada (Valsequillo), 27.975834°N/ -15.528912°W, 1010 m, 15.IV.2017, 1 ( . The individual was collected on a wall of a rural house. Global distribution. Portugal to Corfu,Turkey, Israel, Cana- ry Islands. New to Gran Canaria. Salticidae Pellenes nigrociliatus (L. Koch, 1875) Determination. Nentwig et al. (2017). Gran Canaria: Tenteniguada (Valsequillo), 27.975834°N/ -15.528912°W, 1010 m, 15.IV.2017, 1 ) . The specimen was found on a wall. Global distribution. Canary Is., Europe,Turkey, Israel, Cau- casus, Russia to Central Asia, China. New to Gran Canaria. Phlegra bresnieri (Lucas, 1846) Determination. Nentwig et al. (2017). Tenerife: Los Rodeos (San Cristóbal de La Laguna), 28.471603°N/-16.347847°W, 680 m, 7.III.2017, 1 ( , Javier García leg. It was collected under a rock in a crop field. Global distribution. Southern Europe, Northern Africa to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran. New to Tenerife. Thyene imperialis (Rossi, 1846) Determination. Nentwig et al. (2017). Fuerteventura: Puerto de Morro Jable (Pájara), 28.049671°N/ -14.357968°W, 5 m, 14.VIII.2017, 1 ) , 1 ( . Both individuals were found on leaves of Euphorbia balsami­ fera . Global distribution: Southern Europa, North and East Af- rica, Near East to Central Asia and China, India, Indonesia. New to Fuerteventura. Tetragnathidae Meta minima Denis, 1953 Determination. Wunderlich (1992). Gran Canaria: Barranco Oscuro (Moya), 28.064128°N/ -15.594920°W, 830 m, 26.XII.2016, 1 ( ; Mina de Las Pe- ñas (Valsequillo), 27.970742°N/-15.529152°W, 1125 m, 29.VII.2017, 2 (( . This species was found at the entrance of water mines. Global distribution. Canary Islands. New to Gran Canaria. Theridiidae Simitidion lacuna Wunderlich, 1992 Determination. Nentwig et al. (2017). Tenerife: Mesa Mota (Tegueste), 28.508157°N/ -16.317333°W, 730 m, 21.I.2017, 1 juvenile; Camino de Jardina (San Cristóbal de La Laguna), 28.523834°N/ -16.284326°W, 22.IV.2017, 1 ( . Two specimens were found beating Erica arborea . Global distribution. Canary Islands, Spain, North Africa, Israel. New to Tenerife. Steatoda latifasciata (Simon, 1873) Determination. Nentwig et al. (2017). Gran Canaria: Montaña de Tara (Telde), 28.003147°N/ -15.431478°W, 250 m, 27.XII.2016, 2 (( . The collected specimens were found under rocks in a Euphor­ bia lamarckii scrub. Global distribution. Canary Islands to Israel. New to Gran Canaria. Tab. 1: Summary of the new records provided in this article. Previously known distributions are marked with an “X”, while new records are indicated with asterisks (*). H: El Hierro, P: La Palma, G: La Gomera, T: Tenerife, C: Gran Canaria, F: Fuerteventura, L: Lanzarote. Taxa H P G T C F L Araneidae Agalenatea redii (Scopoli, 1763) X X X * * X Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772) X X * Argiope trifasciata (Forsskål, 1775) X X X X * X Gnaphosidae Leptodrassus albidus Simon, 1914 * Setaphis carmeli (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) * Setaphis wunderlichi Platnick & Murphy, 1996 X X X * Trachyzelotes lyonneti (Audouin, 1826) X * Mimetidae Ero flammeola Simon, 1881 X X * Salticidae Pellenes nigrociliatus (L. Koch, 1875) X X * Phlegra bresnieri (Lucas, 1846) * X Thyene imperialis (Rossi, 1846) X X * Tetragnathidae Meta minima Denis, 1953 X X X X * Theridiidae Simitidion lacuna Wunderlich, 1992 X * Steatoda latifasciata (Simon, 1873) * X X Theridion melanurum Hahn, 1831 X *