Arachnologische Mitteilungen 55

New spider records from the Canary Islands 63 Theridion melanurum Hahn, 1831 Determination. Nentwig et al. (2017). Gran Canaria: Tenteniguada (Valsequillo), 27.975834°N/ -15.528912°W, 980 m, 8.I.2017, 2 )) ; El Brezal (Santa María de Guía), 28.107158°N/-15.601551°W, 630 m, 07.IV.2017, 1 ( . Specimens in Tenteniguada were collected beating Pinus ca­ nariensis . Global distribution. Europe to Siberia, Macaronesia, North Africa, Middle East. Introduced to USA. New to Gran Ca- naria. A summary of the new records is provided in Table 1. Discussion Thirteen new island records as well as two new species re- cords for the Canary arachnofauna have been detected, thus increasing the spider biodiversity of the archipelago to 515 species. Both Setaphis carmeli and Leptodrassus albidus are wi- dely distributed along the Mediterranean basin. However, it is not possible for the author to conclude if these species were introduced, have colonized the Canary archipelago recently or have been overlooked in past surveys. A molecular phy- logeographic study would be necessary to discern between those three main hypotheses. The spider assemblage in some habitats of the Canary Islands is still underestimated, it is the laurel forest areas where spider richness reaches its maximum; indeed, the two 50 × 50 m quadrats with higher richness are located in the laurel forests of Anaga in Tenerife (62 spe- cies) and Garajonay in La Gomera (70 species) (Gobierno de Canarias 2017). However, there are still many localities without any recorded species, especially in the eastern islands. Wunderlich (2011) claimed that the spider fauna of several unknown parts of the Canary Islands is not well studied and that an unknown number of species are still waiting for their discovery. Thus, arachnological studies should be developed in order to have a better knowledge of the real diversity and distribution of the Canary spider assemblage. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Javier García,Ruymán Cedrés and Yudith García for the material provided. I am very grateful to Dr. Pedro Oromí for his help during the elaboration of the manuscript. Also, I would like to thank Jørgen Lissner and an anonymous reviewer for their useful comments that improved the quality of the manuscript. References Arechavaleta M, Rodríguez S, Zurita N & García A 2010 Lista de especies silvestres de Canarias. Hongos, plantas y animales ter- restres. 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