Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

Two sibling species: Pardosa proxima and P. tenuipes 11 Prosoma dark brown with darker eye region, with a narrow yellowish median band, lateral bands of the same colour, broken into three distinct parts (Fig. 5). Eye region with short hairs. Clypeus brownish, chelicerae brown with yellow internal side. Sternum brown. Opisthosoma dorsally dark brown with a dis- tinct lighter cardiac mark surrounded and followed by a couple of spots of the same colour, spots fused near the spinnerets (Fig. 5). Ventral side of the opisthosoma yellowish with short, stum- py dark hairs (Figs 7, 19, 21–22). Legs uniformly yellowish , fe- mora with brown annulations (Fig. 5). Leg I with femur brown (Fig. 5) and with only few long hairs on tibia and metatarsus. Leg I length: Femur 1.5, Patella 0.70, Tibia 1.17, Metatarsus 1.30, Tarsus 0.91. Palp as in Figs 6, 8, 9 dark brown, cymbium brown with yellow distal part. Embolus as in Figs 1–2. Female. Total length: 5.41–6.25. Prosoma: 2.16–2.40 long, 1.56–1.74 wide. Prosoma dark brown with darker eye field. Median band yellowish, lateral bands broken into three distinct spots, same colour as median band. Rarely, the lateral bands are unbroken. Clypeus and cephalic flanks yellow-brownish, chelicerae of the same colour. Sternum brownish sometimes with a lighter central area. Dorsal side of the opisthosoma dark brown with a distinct narrow cardiac mark, flanked and followed by 4–5 couples of yellow-brownish spots, which are fused near the spinnerets. The whole pattern is quite variable and, in some specimens, it is faint and not clearly visible. Ventral side of the opisthosoma light brown with two lighter V shaped strips. Legs uniformly yellowish brown with few faint brownish marks on femora and patella. Leg I length: Femur 1.54, Pa- tella 0.76, Tibia 1.22, Metatarsus 1.24, Tarsus 0.89. Epigyne as in Fig. 10. Habitat. Similar to P. tenuipes .The two species may co-occur in the same habitat. Remarks. The stumpy (peg-like) dark hairs on the venter of the male opisthosoma show some variation in density, being somewhat less dense in males from Morocco and Tenerife in Fig. 17: Clustering of Pardosa proxima and P. tenuipes based on the carapace (x–axis) and leg I metatarsus length (y-axis). Fig. 18: Clustering of Pardosa proxima and P. tenuipes based on palpal tibia length (x–axis) and the palpal tibia width/length ratio (y-axis).