Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

Two sibling species: Pardosa proxima and P. tenuipes 13 Brief description of the courtship behaviour. The male moves one step forward with legs I raised, moving the palps up and down and vibrating the opisthosoma. Afterwards, he moves toward the female with hops, hitting the legs and rub- bing the cymbia on the substrate. Type material. Pardosa tenuipes : Holotype ) from Spain, Majorca , Ses Prat de San Jordi, May (Schaufuss) in Muse- um für Naturkunde, Berlin (ZMB 7921), examined.The male lacks both palps, but one palp and the legs on the right side are mounted on a microslide (ZMB 7921a). The illustration of the palp in Koch (1882: Fig. 24 also Bosmans & Van Keer 2012: Fig. 21) is misleading. Othermaterial examined. Asterisks (*) indicate specimen iden- tified on ethological basis and used in previous studies (Chiarle & Isaia 2013, Chiarle et al. 2013) for behavioural analysis. BELGIUM. Flandre: Brabant,Tienen, sugar factory, san- dy substrate, 52 m a.s.l., 20.V.2009, 5 ) 13 ( (A. Chiarle, F. Hendrickx & J. Pétillon, RBINS); Antwerpen, 15.V.2009, 5 ) 8 ( (F. Hendrickx, RBINS); Laarne, Damvallei, 30.IV.2009, 1 ) (F. Hendrickx, RBINS). – FRANCE. Languedoc-Rous- sillon: Pyrénées–Orientales, Mas Larrieu, sandy sea shore among debris of Arundo donax , 7.V.2007, 5 ) 10 ( (T. Krones- tedt, NHRS). Midi-Pyrénées: Ariège, Fougax-et-Barrineuf, grassland, 1.V.2006, 7 ) 9 ( (T. Kronestedt, NHRS), Lac Mon- dély, glade with litter and herbs close to lake, 25.IV.2006, 4 ) 2 ( (T. Kronestedt, NHRS), Lac de Montbel, clayey shore with low vegetation, 2.V.2006, 4 ) 4 ( (T. Kronestedt, NHRS). – GREAT BRITAIN. “England (Cambridge)”, 1 ) 1 ( (Col- lectio Thorell No. 246/1546, NHRS). – ITALY, Emilia-Ro- magna: Reggio Emilia, Viano, Casola Querciola, 30.IV.1978, 1 ) (P. Tongiorgi, MCSNB). Liguria: Imperia, stream Pri- no slopes, 40 m a.s.l., 3.VI.2006, 1 ) (R. Fabbri, MCSNB). Lombardia: Bergamo, Bariano, Serio river, uncultivated mea- dows, pitfall trap, 120 m a.s.l., 8.III.–8.IV.2002, 4 ) ; 16.VI .–7. VII.2002, 6 ) ; 24.VII.–10.VIII.2002, 11 ) ; 31.I.–14.III.2003, 1 ) , river shore 7.VII.–24.VIII.2002, 1 ) (S. Ciocca, MC- SNB, MSNVR); Bonate Sotto, Brembo river, pitfall trap, 175 m a.s.l., 11.II. –23.III.2002, 2 ) (S. Ciocca, MCSNB); Zanica, Serio river, grassland with Artemisia sp., pitfall trap, 190 m a.s.l., 8.III.–8.IV.2002, 48 ) ; 7.VII.–24.VIII.2002, 5 ) , 14.IX. –1.XI.2002, 2 ) , 14.III.–1.IV.2003, 1 ) ; grassland with bushes, 14.III.–23.IV.2003, 1 ) (S. Ciocca, MCSNB). Pie- monte: Cuneo, Guarene, meadow, 155 m a.s.l., 7.III.2009, 15 ) (A. Chiarle, CI)*; Torino, Venaria, La Mandria natural park, meadow, 09.IV.2010, 9 ) 4 ( , (A. Chiarle, MRSN)*; Lei- ni, 10.VII.1967, 1 ) (G. Osella, MSNVR), Ivrea, Meugliano lake, 30.IV.2010, 1 ) (M. Paschetta, CI), Porte, Chisone ri- ver pebbly shore, 600 m a.s.l., 06.IV.2008, 2 ) 1 ( (M. Isaia, CI), Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Fondotoce, meadow, 9.VI -8. VII.2009, 2 ) 1 ( (M. Paschetta, CI). – PORTUGAL. Algar- ve: Patá, small river, ashore, 4.VII.2001, 4 ) 4 ( ; Roja Pé, brook, 1.VII.2001, 2 ) 3 ( ( J. Buchar, NMP). – SPAIN. Andalusia: Ardales, ashore, 13.VI.1997, 3 ) 3 ( ; Campo de Golf between Malaga and Torremolinos, 15.V.1977, 13 ) 5 ( (T. Kronest- edt, NHRS); San Pedro de Alcántara, among grass at small stream, 12.V.1977, 6 ) 6 ( (T. Kronestedt, NHRS). Majorca: Platja de Muro, Estany d’en Mama, grassland at lake and ca- nal, 21.–23.IV.2013, 3 ) 17 ( (T. Kronestedt, NHRS). Description. The general description is based on specimens in which we observed courtship behaviour (marked with an asterisk in the material section). Specimens from other locali- ties were considered for comparison. Male. Total length: 4.32–5.70. Prosoma: 2.20–2.97 long, 1.86–2.32 wide. Prosoma dark brown, blackish in eye region, with narrow yellowish brown median band, and lateral light brown bands broken into three spots (Fig. 11). Eye region with long hairs. Clypeus yellowish, chelicerae brown with a light longitudinal strip on the internal side. Sternum dark brown. Opisthosoma dorsally grey-brownish with a remarkable brownish cardiac mark followed by 4–5 faint spots of the same colour (Fig. 11). Ventral side greyish with a wide yellow central area covered with hairs, normally developed (Figs 13, 20, 23). Leg I and all other legs uniformly yellow, femora with dark markings (Fig. 11). Leg I with numerous scattered long hairs on tibia and metatarsus. Leg I length: Femur 1.98, Patella 0.94, Tibia 1.61, Metatarsus 1.94, Tarsus 1.23. Palp as in Figs 12, 14, 15, brown with some yellowish areas on patella and femur, cym- bium brown with lighter distal part. Embolus bent at appro- ximately 90°, with the distal part almost equal in length to the proximal one (Figs 3–4). Female. Total length: 5.28–5.91. Prosoma: 2.56–2.76 long, 2.02–2.12 wide. Prosoma dark brown with darker eye region.Median band light brown, lateral bands of the same colour broken into three different parts, sometimes wide and unbroken with few Figs 24-26: Pardosa proxima . 24-25. after Koch (1847): male (24) and female (25); 26. epigyne (lectotype). Scale line = 0.1 mm