Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

Two sibling species: Pardosa proxima and P. tenuipes 15 Acknowledgements The authors sincerely thank Paolo Pantini, Detlev Cordes, Ambros Hänggi, Petr Dolejš and the late Jan Buchar for the loan of material. Thanks to Marjan Komnenov for providing information on Pardosa proxima , and to Robert Bosmans and Pierre Oger for checking a part of their material identified as “ Pardosa proxima ”and for the suggestions about diagnostic characters.We also thank Janet Beccaloni of the Na- tural History Museum, London, Jason Dunlop and Anja Friederichs of the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, and Peter van Helsdingen and Karen van Dorp of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, for loan of type material of Pardosa proxima, P. tenuipes and Pardosa vlijmi respectively. We thank Rainer Breitling, Petr Dolejš,Theo Blick and one anonymous referee for helping improve significantly the earlier version of the manuscript. References Almquist S 2005 Swedish Araneae, part 1: families Atypidae to Hah- niidae (Linyphiidae excluded) – Insect Systematics & Evolution, Supplement 62: 1-284 Becker L 1882 Les Arachnides de Belgique I. – Annales du Musée Royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 10: 1-246 – doi: 10.5962/ bhl.title.48721 Berland L 1932 Voyage de MM. L. Chopard et A. Méquignon aux Açores (août-septembre 1930). II; Araignées. – Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 101: 69-84 Bösenberg W 1902 Die Spinnen Deutschlands. II-IV. – Zoologi­ ca (Stuttgart) 14(2-4): 97-384, Pl. 9-36 – doi: 10.5962/bhl. title.6508 Tab. 2. List of the WSC entries (WSC 2018) for Pardosa proxima for which the objective assignation to P. proxima or P. tenuipes is regarded doubtful. WSC entry Comments about the species attribution Lycosa proxima O. Pickard-Cam- bridge 1878: 125, pl. 11, f. 6 ( )( ). Uncertain attribution. Pardosa furtadoi Simon 1883: 263 (D )( ). Only female described. Synonymized by Berland (1932).The description of the female does not allow discrimination between P. tenuipes and P. proxima. On the other hand, when describing P. furtadoi from the Acores, Simon (1883) also mentioned P. proxima , thus keeping the species apart. Later, Wunderlich (1992: 32–33) removed furtadoi from being a synonym of proxima, but still a synonym to P. acorensis. which he regarded as the only species of Pardosa on the Acores. Lycosa proxima Chyzer & Kulczyński 1891: 57, pl. 2, fig. 24 ( )( ). Descriptions and drawings does not allow discrimination between P. tenuipes and P. proxima Lycosa proxima Bösenberg 1902: 383, pl. 36, fig. 561 ( )( ). Uncertain attribution. Lycosa proxima Nosek 1905: 140, fig. 19 ( ( ). Uncertain attribution. Lycosa proxima Smith 1907: 26, pl. 3, f. 14. Smith (1907: 27) reports that “…in the male the femora of the first pair are dark, the remaining fe- mora being irregularly annulated”.This actually fits P. proxima but the description could equally refer to material from other countries or simply refer to Koch’s original illustration. Pardosa proxima Simon 1937: 1068, 1085, 1129, fig. 1657, 1688–1689 ( ) ( ). (in part?) Possibly Simon had both species in his collection.There is no way to understand which species was illustrated. Descriptions and drawings does not allow discrimination between P. tenuipes and P. proxima Pardosa proxima Fuhn & Niculescu- Burlacu 1971: 122, fig. 55a–e ( )( , S of P. proxima tenuipes ). Uncertain attribution. Pardosa proxima Tyschchenko 1971: 175, fig. 509 ( ( ). Uncertain attribution. Pardosa proxima Miller 1971: 159, pl. XXV, fig. 14 ( ( ). Uncertain attribution. Pardosa esperanzae Schmidt 1975: 505, fig. 3 (D ( ). Described on a single female. Synonymized with proxima by Wunderlich (1992). Pardosa proxima Zyuzin 1979: 435, fig. 48 ( ) ). Uncertain attribution. Pardosa canariensis Schmidt 1982: 405, fig. 8–11 (D )( ). Synonymized with proxima by Wunderlich (1992). Pardosa pseudoproxima Wunderlich 1987: 235, fig. 629 (D ) ). Synonymized with proxima by Wunderlich 1992. Pardosa proxima Hu & Wu 1989: 224, fig. 188.3–4 ( ( ). Uncertain attribution. Pardosa proxima Heimer & Nentwig 1991: 332, fig. 1405 ( )( ). Descriptions and drawings does not allow discrimination between P. tenuipes and P. proxima Pardosa proxima Wunderlich 1992: 258, 466 (S). In comparing P. proxima and P. acorensis from Macaronesia, Wunderlich (1992: 465) mentions that the male of proxima should have few to numerous small bristles ventrally on the opisthosoma “ ) -Opisthosoma ventral einige bis zahlreiche Börstchen”. Pardosa proxima Hepner & Paulus 2009: 342, fig. 17–19 ( )( ). The authors report about the males having: “legs brownish with unclear annulations”.This feature is common in P. tenuipes but could as well refer to P. proxima (not all specimens have distinctly dark femora).