Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

New data on the spiders of Navarre 19 Data collection Material was collected on 16–23 June 2014 during the 7 th EDGG Field Workshop in Navarre (Biurrun et al. 2014). Fourteen localities were chosen for the dry grassland survey along the climatic and biogeographic gradient (Fig. 1). Spi- ders were sampled using a standard procedure of sweep net- ting and hand collecting. In addition to grasslands, we collect- ed spiders in adjacent habitats, and the species were included in the general list. Below, the study localities, grouped by biogeographic re- gions, are listed with the following information: locality, geo- graphical coordinates inWGS84, elevation, date of collection, ombro- and thermotype of climate, and phytosociological class of grassland vegetation. Different vegetation classes stu- died in the same locality are marked with a letter (a, b). Collecting localities Mediterranean Region 1 ‒ Bardenas Reales, (42.203°N, 1.498°W), 295-318 m a.s.l., 16.06.2014.Mesomediterranean semiarid climate, a ‒ Lygeo-Stipetea, b ‒ Salicornietea fruticosae 2 ‒ Between Oteiza and Larraga, (42.579°N, 1.887°W), 370–390 m a.s.l., 17.06.2014. Mesomediterranean up- per dry climate, Lygeo-Stipetea and patched shrub thickets on the slope bottom 3 ‒ Lorca,(42.66°N,1.94°W),510–533 m a.s.l.,17.06.2014. Supramediterranean upper dry climate, a – Festuco- Ononidetea, b – Festuco-Brometea 4 ‒ Urraúl Bajo-Sansoain, (42.73°N, 1.29°W), 561–580 m a.s.l., 19.06.2014. Supramediterranean subhumid cli- mate, Festuco-Ononidetea 5 ‒ Liberri, (42.76°N, 1.43°W), 500–523 m a.s.l., 19.06.2014. Supramediterranean subhumid climate, a – Festuco-Brometea, b – Festuco-Ononidetea Atlantic Region 6 ‒ Iza, (42.84°N, 1.72°W), 427–450 m a.s.l., 18.06.2014. Mesotemperate humid climate, Festuco-Brometea 7 ‒ Munarriz, Sierra de Andia, (42.82°N, 1.90°W), 950– 978 m a.s.l., 18.06.2014. Supratemperate humid clima- te, Festuco-Brometea 8 ‒ Ihabar,(42.90°N,1.92°W),569–596ma.s.l.,22.06.2014. Mesotemperate humid climate, Festuco-Brometea 9 ‒ Unanu, (42.87°N, 2.02°W), 600–610 m a.s.l., 22.06.2014. Mesotemperate humid climate, Festuco- Brometea 10 ‒ Puerto de Urbasa, bottom of the mountain pass, (42.87°N, 2.17°W), 600–615 m a.s.l., 23.06.2014. Me- sotemperate humid climate, Festuco-Ononidetea. 11 ‒ Puerto de Urbasa, top of the mountain pass, (42.858°N, 2.181°W), 903–945 m a.s.l., 23.06.2014. Supratempe- rate hyperhumid climate, a ‒ Festuco-Brometea, b ‒ Elyno-Seslerietea Alpine Region 12 ‒ Larra-Arlas, Mtn. La Contienda, (42.96°N, 0.75°W), 1725-1970 m a.s.l., 20.06.2014. Orotemperate hyper- humid climate, slope with patched Genista occidentalis , 13 ‒ Larra-Belagua, Lakora, (42.94°N, 0.84W°), 1423–1560 m a.s.l., 21.06.2014. Supratemperate hyperhumid cli- mate, Juncetea trifidi, pasture 14 ‒ Belagua-Arrako, (42.92°N, 0.85°W) 934–968 m a.s.l., 21.06.2014. Supratemperate hyperhumid climate, Fes- tuco-Brometea on the river terrace Spider species list Adult individuals of spiders were identified using Heimer & Nentwig (1991) and Nentwig et al. (2018). For the identi- fication of some rare or sibling species we used Bosmans & Abrous (1992), Barriento (1994), Kastrygina & Kovblyuk (2016), Spasojevic et al. (2016), Bosmans et al. (2018) and Isaia et al. (2018). The annotated checklist of spiders is arranged alphabeti- cally for families and within families following the nomen- clature of the World Spider Catalog (WSC 2018).The list is based on the collected adult individuals; we mention juveniles only if adults were absent from a given locality.The number of the locality is provided with a letter if a species was collected in the grassland vegetation of the above-mentioned type. In other cases, we specify both locality and habitat (edge of a beech forest, under stones, etc.).The total number of collected species in a particular family is given in parenthesis after the family name. Species new to Navarre are indicated with an exclamation mark (!). The bulk of the collected material is deposited in N. Polchaninova’s private collection (Kharkiv, Ukraine). Some specimens have been donated to the Museum of Nature of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine (NMKhNU). Results Checklist of species Agelenidae C. L. Koch, 1837 (1) Eratigena picta (Simon, 1870) [11], edge of a beech forest, 1 ) , 1 ( . Araneidae Clerck, 1757 (9) ! Aculepeira armida (Audouin, 1826) [2], foot slope with dense herbs and shrubs, 2 )) , 6 (( . ! Aculepeira ceropegia (Walckenaer, 1802) [10], 1 ( (MNKhNU); [14], 1 ( . Araniella cucurbitina (Clerck, 1757) [3a], 1 ) , 1 ( ; [7], Juniperus shrubland, 3 )) (MNKhNU); [8], 3 )) 2 (( ; [9], 1 ( (MNKhNU); [10], 1 ( ; [13], 1 ( ; [14], 1 ) . ! Araniella opisthographa (Kulczyński, 1905) [8], on shrubs, 1 ) ; [11a], 2 )) , 1 ( ; [11b], 3 )) . Cyclosa conica (Pallas, 1772) [8], open woodland, on a tree branch, 1 ( (MNKhNU). ! Gibbaranea gibbosa (Walckenaer, 1802) [8], forest edge, 1 ( . Mangora acalypha (Walckenaer, 1802) [1], 1 ( , bank of a brook; [1a], 1 ) , 2 (( ; [1b] 1 ) 2 (( ; [2], 3 (( ; [3a], 3 )) , 2 (( ; [3b], 2 (( ; [4], 1 ) 1 ( ; [5a], 3 ) , 7 ( ; [5b] 1 ) , 6 ( ; [6], 2 (( ; [7], 2 (( ; [8], 3 )) , 6 (( ; [9], 5 (( ; [10] 1 ) , 1 ( ; [11a], 1 ) , 4 (( ; [13] 3 ( ; [14], 1 ( . Nemoscolus laurae (Simon, 1868) [3a], 1 ) , [4], 1 ( ; [11], forest edge, 1 ( . Neoscona adianta (Walckenaer, 1802) [1a], 1 ) , 1 ( ; [2], Ligeo-Stipetea, 1 ) , 1 ( ; foot slope with dense grass and shrubs, 3 )) , 3 (( (MNKhNU); [4], 1 ( ; [5a]