Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

New data on the spiders of Navarre 21 Pisauridae Simon, 1890 (1) Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck, 1757) [1], near a brook, 1 ( ; [3a], 1 ( ; [4] 1 ( . Salticidae Blackwall, 1841 (14) ! Asianellus festivus (C. L. Koch, 1834) [2], stony slope with sparse vegetation, 1 ( . ! Chalcoscirtus infimus (Simon, 1868) [11], stony wall, 1 ) . Euophrys gambosa (Simon, 1868) [3c], 1 ) ; [8], 1 ( . ! Euophrys herbigrada (Simon, 1871) [4], 1 ) ; [10], 1 ( . ! Evarcha michailovi Logunov, 1992 [3a], 1 ) , 1 ( ; [3b], 1 ( ; [4], 1 ) . Macaroeris nidicolens (Walckenaer, 1802) [2], 1 ) on a shrub; [8], 2 )) on tree branches. Heliophanus cupreus (Walckenaer, 1802) [8], 1 ( ; [11], forest edge, 2 (( (MNKhNU); [11a], 1 ) ; [11b], 1 ) , 2 (( (MNKhNU). ! Heliophanus dubius C. L. Koch, 1835 [14], 1 ) , 1 ( . Heliophanus flavipes (Hahn, 1832) [7], 1 ( ; [8], 2 (( , (MNKhNU); [a], 1 ( ; [10], 1 ( ; [13], on shrubs, 1 ( ; on grass, 1 ( . Heliophanus kochii Simon, 1868 [8], 1 ) . ! Heliophanus tribulosus Simon, 1868 [8], 1 ) . Pellenes tripunctatus (Walckenaer, 1802) [6], 1 ( ; [7], 3 (( ; [8], 1 ) ; [14], 3 (( . Phlegra fasciata (Hahn, 1826) [7], 1 ( ; [12], 2 )) , 2 (( (MNKhNU). ! Salticus scenicus (Clerck, 1757) [7], 1 ) , 1 ( ; [12], on a stone, 1 ( . Therididae Sundewall, 1833 (12) Anelosimus vittatus (C. L. Koch, 1836) [8], single tree, 1 ) ; [11], forest edge, 1 ( . ! Dipoena melanogaster (C. L. Koch, 1837) [7], Juniperus shrubland, 1 ) ; [8], under the tree, 1 ( (MNKh- NU). ! Enoplognatha thoracica (Hahn, 1833) [5], on the ground near the road, 1 ( . ! Heterotheridion nigrovariegatum (Simon, 1873) [8], 1 ( . Kochiura aulica (C. L. Koch, 1838) [7], Juniperus shrubland, 1 ) ; [8], forest edge, 1 ) . ! Lasaeola convexa (Blackwall, 1870) [3a], 1 ( ; [5a], 1 ( ; [5b], 1 ( ; [11a], 1 ( . Neottiura bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) [9], 1 ) (MNKhNU). ! Phylloneta impressa (L. Koch, 1881) [1], wheat field, 1 ( ; [2], footslope, on shrubs, 1 ) , 1 ( ; [3b], 1 ( ; [6], grass along the road, 1 ( , [7], 1 ) ; [8], 2 )) , 2 (( ; (MNKhNU), 1 ) ; [9], 1 ) , 1 ( ; [10], 1 ( . ! Phylloneta sisyphia (Clerck, 1757) [7], 1 ) . Simitidion simile (C. L. Koch, 1836) [3b], 1 ( ; [7], Juniperus shrubland, 1 ( ; shrubs on the hay meadow, 2 (( ; [8], 1 ) . Steatoda albomaculata (De Geer, 1778) [2], under a shrub on a stony slope, 1 ) juv. Theridion pinastri L. Koch, 1872 [8], on shrubs, 1 ( (MNKhNU). Thomisidae (11) ! Heriaeus oblongus Simon, 1918 [6], grass on the roadside, 2 )) . Misumena vatia (Clerck, 1757) [5a], 1 ( ; [5b], 2 )) ; [6], 1 ) ; [8], 1 ( . ! Ozyptila pauxilla (Simon, 1870) [7], Juniperus shrubland, 1 ) . Runcinia grammica (C. L. Koch, 1837) [1a], 3 )) ; [1b], 2 )) , 1 ( ; [2], 2 )) , 1 ( ; [3a], 3 )) (MNKh- NU); [4], 1 ) ; [6], shrubs on top slope, 1 ) , on grass, 1 ) ; [7], 1 ) ; [8], 1 ) 1 ( . Synema globosum (Fabricius, 1775) [3a], 1 ) 4 (( ; [4], 2 (( ; [6], shrubs on the foot slope, 1 ( ; [8], 2 )) . Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805 [2], stony slope with sparse vegetation, 1 ) , 1 ( ; [3a], 2 )) , 1 ( ; [5b], 1 ) 1 ( ; [6], 1 ) , 1 ( ; [8], 1 ) . ! Xysticus acerbus Thorell, 1872 [6], 1 ( . Xysticus cristatus (Clerck, 1758) [4], 1 ( ; [5], on the roadside, 1 ( ; [6], on shrubs, 2 (( , on grass, 1 ) ; [8], 1 ) ; [9], 2 ( ; [10], 1 ( ; [11], forest edge, 1 ) , 1 ( ; [11b], 1 ) , 1 ( (MNKhNU); [14], 3 )) (MNKhNU). Xysticus erraticus (Blackwall, 1834) [8], in detrtus, 1 ) ; [14], 1 ) . ! Xysticus kempeleni Thorell, 1872 [4], 1 ( ; [5b], 1 ( . ! Xysticus kochi Thorell, 1872 [4], 1 ( (MNKhNU); [8], 2 (( . Uloboridae (1) ! Uloborus walckenaerius Latreille, 1806 [2], sparse vegetation on the foot slope, 1 ) ; [3a], 1 ( ; [5a], 2 )) . Zodariidae (1) ! Zodarion pseudoelegans Denis, 1933 [3], in grass between pine trees, 1 ( . A total of 99 spider species from 15 families were re- corded during the Field Workshop. The families Salticidae, Gnaphosidae, Theridiidae and Thomisidae were the most species-rich (14, 12, 12 and 11 species, respectively). Mangora acalypha was the most widespread species, it occurred in 13 localities out of 14. Araniella cucurbitina, Xysticus cristatus and Phylloneta impressa were found in eight localities, Neoscona adianta and Runcinia grammica in seven localities. Spider species composition was poorest in Bardenas Re- ales [1], at the bottom of the mountain pass of Puerto de Urbasa [10], and the Larra-Arlas Mountains [12] (7–8 spe- cies only), and the richest in Ihabar [8] (43 species) (Tab. 1). If only the spiders collected in grasslands are considered, the same localities were again the poorest, and Ihabar the richest (26 species) followed by the hills in vicinity of Lorca [3] (23 species). Ihabar is located in the Atlantic biogeographic regi- on while Lorca in the Mediterranean one. In the investigated