Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

22 N. Polchaninova, I.García-Mijangos, A. Berastegi, J. Dengler & I. Biurrun grasslands, we recorded 51 spider species in the Atlantic regi- on, 36 species in the Mediterranean region, and 18 species in the Alpine region. Two phytosociological classes, Festuco-Odonidetea and Festuco-Brometea, were the most widespread in the study area. The former hosted 32 spider species and the latter 41 species (Tab. 1). Discussion Prior to our study, 275 spider species were known from Na- varre, 231 species listed in the Iberian spider catalogue (Mo- rano et al. 2014) and additional 44 species recorded from the oak forest of Orgi (Lizaso) (Castro & Barriuso 2004). We found 99 species from 15 families. Of these, 47 species are new to Navarre including one species described as new to sci- ence (Kastrygina et al. 2015).Thus, the total list of spiders has been enlarged to 322 species. By number of species registered, Navarre can now be included in the top six provinces of Spain and Portugal regarding spider species richness: Huesca ‒ 430 species, Barcelona ‒ 356, Coimbra ‒ 321, Madrid ‒ 313 and Salamanca ‒ 300 species (Morano et al. 2014). Nevertheless, considering a large gradient of altitudinal and climatic condi- tions, the spider species list of Navarre is certainly far from complete. For Asianellus festivus and Evarcha michailovi , we provi- de the second record for the Iberian Peninsula. Both species were previously found in Catalonia (Barrientos et al. 2015, Logunov 2015). Nine species from our collection ( Drassodes cupres , Gnaphosa lugubris , G. occidentalis , Haplodrassus typhoni , Zelotes atroceruleus , Gonatium rubens , Trichoncus affinis , Helio- phanus dubius , Heterotheridion nigrovariegatum ) are also rare in the Peninsula. They have been recorded from a maximum of five localities (Morano et al. 2014). In all the study localities, arachnological researches were conducted for the first time. In Bardenas Reales, spiders had been previously collected only in Vedado de Eguaras, an ‘oasis’ of Pinus halepensis in the semi-arid area (Romano in Morano et al. 2014). There were no previous specific studies on dry grassland spiders in Spain. The records of 78 species are new for this type of habitat in Navarre; for 69 species, it is a newly recorded habitat in the Iberian Peninsula. The most widespread species from our collection (Man- gora acalypha, Neoscona adianta , Phylloneta impressa ) are grass- land generalists. Mangora acalypha also occurs in open forests in herb and tree layers. Xysticus cristatus is an euryoecious species, Araniella cucurbitina inhabits dry and semi-humid biotops in open landscapes (Buchar & Růžička 2002, Polcha- ninova & Prokopenko 2013, Nentwig et al., 2018). Runci- nia grammica is a common species in xerothermic grasslands (Polchaninova 2012). The Festuco-Brometea grasslands in the mesotemperate humid climate (Ihabar) and the Festuco-Ononidetea in the submediterranean subhumid climate (Lorca) hosted the ri- chest spider communities (26 and 23 species, respectively). Interestingly, the grasslands of Ihabar were also the richest in terms of plant diversity (Biurrun et al. 2014).The poorest was the vegetation of Lygeo-Stipetea and Salicornietea fruticosae phytosociological classes in the mesomediterranean semi- arid climate in Bardenas Reales (four spider species each). A higher abundance of spider species collected in the Atlantic grasslands can be explained by a wide variety of altitudes and habitats (from stony pastures to slopes with dense shrubs and herbs) compared with the studied grasslands in the Mediter- ranean and Alpine regions. Spider communities of the Iberi- an dry grasslands need further investigation for more detailed analysis. Acknowledgements We are thankful to the international team of the 7 th Field Workshop: DidemAmbarlı (Turkey), Iwona Dembicz,Zygmunt Kącki (Poland), Goffredo Filibeck (Italy), Ute Jandt, (Germany), Monika Janišová (Slovenia), Renaud Jaunatre (France), Anna Kuzemko, Denys Vy- nokurov (Ukraine), Hristo Pedashenko (Bulgaria) for collaboration, and to Jose Carrillo (Spain) for providing updated information on Iberian spiders. 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