Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

Histopona on the Balkan Penisula 37 a convex margin, being distinctly smaller than the outer, and the base of the whole distal RTA-complex protrudes sig- nificantly ventrally (Figs 9–10). The female epigyne also re- sembles that of H. vignai (based on Brignoli’s drawings) but has a greater distance between the copulatory duct coils (Figs 11–12, 16–17). Description. Measurements of male (n = 2, holotype male and paratype male from Albania): total length, 5.63–6.38; carapace: length, 2.65–2.93, width, 1.80–2.10; clypeus: width, 0.15–0.23; chelicerae: length, 1.13–1.50, width, 0.38–0.60; sternum: length, 1.35–1.50, width, 1.20–1.35; opisthosoma, length, 3.00–4.18. Measurements of female (n = 2, paratypes from Albania): total length, 6.75–9.75; carapace: length, 2.40–2.78, width, 1.73–1.88; clypeus: width, 0.15–0.23; chelicerae: length, 1.13–1.28, width, 0.38–0.60; sternum: length, 1.35–1.65, width, 0.90–1.13; opisthosoma, length, 3.75–4.88. Eyes: Both eye rows straight in dorsal view. Anterior lateral eyes larger than anterior median eyes. Posterior eyes equal in size. Chelicerae: with three teeth on promargin and four teeth on retromargin. Legs: All trochanters notched, patellae with dorsal spines only, measurements as in Tabs. 1 and 2. Chaetotaxy see Tab. 3. Coloration (Figs 1–4): Carapace brown with yellow median band. Sternum brown, without pattern. Abdomen dark-grey, dorsally with lighter stripes, venter grey. Legs: yellow to yel- low-brown. Figs 1–2: Histopona kurkai sp. n., male holotype, habitus, dorsal and ventral views, sca- les: 1.7 mm Figs 3–4: Histopona kurkai sp. n., female paratype, habitus, dorsal and ventral views, sca- les: 1.6 mm