Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

38 C. Deltshev & S. Indzhov Male palps (holotype) (Figs 5–7, 13–15). Tibia with two ret- rolateral apophyses. RTA, consisting of two rectangular scle- rites, the outer partially covering the inner, situated distally- retrolaterally on the tibia. Retrolaterally-basally, a further thumb-shaped projection (RBP) is present. Bulbus: Embolus very long and connected to the radix by a peculiar knot. Con- ductor, narrowing apically and almost merging with embolus. Female genitalia (a paratype) (Figs 11–12, 16–17). The Tab. 1. Histopona kurkai sp. n., leg measurements (holotype male and paratype male from Albania) Legs Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total I 2.63–3.00 0.90–0.98 2.56–2.85 2.26–2.70 1.73–1.95 10.08–11.48 II 2.40–2.63 0.83–0.90 2.10–2.55 2.10–2.55 1.50–1.65  8.93–10.28 III 2.26–2.63 0.75–0.83 2.03–2.33 2.26–2.63 1.50–1.58  8.80–10.00 IV 2.93–3.38 0.90–0.98 2.85–3.38 3.60–4.13 1.73–1.88 12.01–13.75 Tab. 2. Histopona kurkai sp. n., leg measurements (paratype females from Albania) Legs Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total I 2.10–2.40 0.83–0.98 1.95–2.40 1.88–2.18 1.35–1.65 8.26–9.61 II 1.88–2.25 0.75–0.90 1.73–2.18 1.73–2.18 1.50–1.73 8.93–9.24 III 1.88–2.25 0.68–0.83 1.65–2.03 1.88–2.25 1.05–1.36 7.29–8.80 IV 2.10–2.50 0.83–0.98 2.20–2.60 1.98–2.38 1.35–1.88  9.46–10.34 Figs 8–10: Histopona vignai Brignoli, 1980, male palp, pro- lateral, ventral and retrolate- ral views, scales: 0.3 mm Figs 5–7: Histopona kurkai sp. n., holotype, male palp, prola- teral, ventral and retrolateral views, scales: 0.25 mm