Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

Allochernes solarii new to Slovakia 41 lows Judson (2007). Figures were drawn using a Leica draw- ing tube. The species was identified using the keys of Beier (1932, 1963) and was compared with the holotype (MSNG 60888) fromMuseo Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Do- ria”, Genoa, Italy.The new pseudoscorpion material is depos- ited in the collection of the Department of Zoology in Fac- ulty of Natural Science, Comenius University in Bratislava. Faunistic data Three males, three females and two tritonymphs of A . solarii were found in an oak-hornbeam forest, in ant nests of F . gagates in Vajnorská Hora (Malé Karpaty Mts., district Bra- tislava–Vajnory), Slovakia (48.23209°N, 17.17698°E, 280 m a.s.l.) (Fig. 1): 11.IV.2018: 2 )) , individual sampling (ant nest 1), leg. A. Purkart; 3.V.2018: 1 ) , 3 (( , 1 tritonymph, individual sam- pling and heat extraction in Tullgren funnels (ant nest 1), leg. M. Červená, K. Krajčovičová, A. Purkart; 26.VI.2018: 1 tri- tonymph, heat extraction in Tullgren funnels (ant nest 2), leg. J. Christophoryová, M. Červená, A. Purkart. Holotype female from Italy (Museo Civico di Storia Na­ turale “Giacomo Doria”, Genoa, 60888), Montecapraro near Tortona, Fabbrica Curone, Piemonte, 44.733°N, 9.167°E, ca. 780 m a.s.l. (Simon 1898, Harvey 2013). Results Allochernes solarii (Simon, 1898) Chelifer Solarii Simon 1898: 23–24; Gestro (1904): 14. Allochernes ( Allochernes ) solarii (Simon): Beier (1932): 150, Fig. 160a. Allochernes solarii (Simon): Roewer (1937): 297; Vachon (1938): Fig. 56g; Beier (1963): 267–268, Fig. 268; Lazzeroni (1969a): 409; Lazzeroni (1969b): 244; Leclerc (1979): 62; Harvey (1991): 538; Gardini (1995): 7; Gardini (2000): 132; Gardini (2004): 131. Re-description of the holotype from Italy Female (Tab. 1) Body and palpal setae short, clavate and dentate. Carapace finely granular with two narrow transverse furrows, eyes absent. Tergite XI without tactile setae. Cheliceral hand with five setae – two acuminate and three dentate, cheliceral movable finger with one seta, rallum with three blades – first two blades den- ticulate anteriorly. Chelal palps slender, movable chelal finger with venom apparatus, standard number of trichobothria (eight on fixed and four on movable chelal finger), chelal fingers with paraxial and antiaxial teeth on dorsal and ventral side. Tarsus of leg IV without tactile or pseudotactile setae. Claws simple, without dentation. Body measurements as in Tab. 1. Chaetotaxy of carapace: 57 setae, 29 of which on anterior disk, 17 on medial disk and 11 behind posterior transverse furrow. Chaetotaxy of tergites (right + left hemitergite): I: 5+4, II: 6+4, III: 5+5, IV: 6+6, V: 6+6, VI: 6+6, VII: 6+6, VIII: 8+7, IX: 6+7, X: 6+5, XI: 4+4. Chaetotaxy of sternites (right + left hemisternite): IV: 4+3, V: 10+9, VI: 8+9, VII: 9+10, VIII: 9+9, IX: 7+7, X: 8+7, XI: 3+3. Anterior genital operculum with 19 acuminate setae. Ser- rula exterior with 20 blades. Palps: fixed chelal finger with 53 marginal teeth, 7 antiaxial accessory teeth and 3 paraxial accessory teeth; movable chelal finger with 61 marginal teeth, 6 antiaxial accessory teeth and 2 paraxial accessory teeth. Remarks: Cheliceral galea, chaetotaxy of posterior genital operculum and lyrifissures of anterior and posterior genital operculum not visible. Description of adults from Slovakia (Figs 3–4): with the same general characters as the holotype. Body measurements as in Tab. 1. Females (3 specimens; Tab. 1; Fig. 3a) Chaetotaxy of carapace: 66–75 setae, 32–40 of which on an- terior disk, 17–22 on medial disk and 12–16 behind posterior transverse furrow. Chaetotaxy of tergites (right + left hemiter- gite): I: 4–5 + 4–5, II: 5 + 5–6, III: 5–6 + 5, IV: 6–8 + 6–7, V: 7 + 7–8, VI: 7–8 + 7, VII: 7–9 + 7–10, VIII: 7–8 + 7–8, IX: 6–7 + 6–7, X: 6–7 + 6–7, XI: 4–5 + 4–5. Chaetotaxy of sternites (right + left hemisternite): IV: 3–4 + 3–5, V: 9–12 + 10–11, VI: 10–23 + 11–12, VII: 11–12 + 9–10, VIII: 10–12 + 9–11, IX: 8–9 + 8–9, X: 7–9 + 7–8, XI: 4–5 + 4–5. Anterior genital operculum with 18–20 acuminate setae and 2 lyrifissures, posterior with 10–14 acuminate setae and 13–15 lyrifissures (Fig. 4a). Cheliceral galea with 6 terminal rami (Fig. 4b); serrula exterior with 18–19 blades. Palps: fixed chelal finger with 59–62 marginal teeth, 6–7 antiaxial acces- sory teeth and 2–3 paraxial accessory teeth; movable chelal finger with 62–64 marginal teeth, 6 antiaxial accessory teeth and 1–2 paraxial accessory teeth. Males (3 specimens; Tab. 1; Fig. 3b) Chaetotaxy of carapace: 72–80 setae, 37–43 of which on an- terior disk, 19–22 on medial disk and 15–16 behind posterior transverse furrow. Chaetotaxy of tergites (right + left hemi­ tergite): I: 4–5 + 4–5, II: 5–6 + 5–6, III: 5–7 + 5–6, IV: 7–8 + 7, V: 7–8 + 7–8, VI: 7 + 7–8, VII: 7–8 + 7–8, VIII: 6–8 + 7–8, IX: 6–7 + 7–8, X: 6–7 + 6–7, XI: 5–6 + 5–7. Chaetotaxy of sternites (right + left hemisternite): IV: 3–4 + 4–5, V: 11–12 + 11–12, VI: 10–12 + 10–11, VII: 11 + 10–12, VIII: 9–10 + 9–10, IX: 9 + 8–9, X: 7–9 + 7–8, XI: 5 + 5–6. Anterior genital operculum with 25–27 acuminate setae, posterior with 12–13 acuminate setae. Cheliceral galea with 4 terminal rami; serrula exterior with 18 blades. Palps: fixed chelal finger with 59–64 marginal teeth, 6 antiaxial accesso- ry teeth and 2 paraxial accessory teeth; movable chelal finger with 62–65 marginal teeth, 6 antiaxial accessory teeth and 1 paraxial accessory tooth (Fig. 4c). Fig. 3: Allochernes solarii , newly discovered specimens from Slovakia. a. Female; b. Male. Scale lines: 1 mm