Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

Allochernes solarii new to Slovakia 43 Description of tritonymphs Tritonymphs share the following characters with adults: mor- phology of setae on body and palps, granulation of carapace, absence of a pair of tactile setae on tergite XI, cheliceral hand with five setae, movable cheliceral finger with one seta, che- liceral rallum of three blades, presence of venom apparatus in movable chelal finger, tarsus of leg IV without tactile or pseudotactile setae. Body measurements are given in Tab. 1. Tritonymphs (2 specimens; Tab. 1) Chaetotaxy of carapace: 59–60 setae, 31 of which on anterior disk, 18 on medial disk and 10–11 behind posterior transverse furrow. Chaetotaxy of tergites (right + left hemitergite): I: 4–5 + 4, II: 4–5 + 4, III: 5 + 5, IV: 5–6 + 6–7, V: 6–7 + 6–7, VI: 6–7 + 7–8, VII: 6 + 6, VIII: 6–7 + 6–7, IX: 6 + 6–7, X: 6–7 + 6, XI: 4–5 + 4–5. Chaetotaxy of sternites (right + left hemis- ternite): IV: 2–3 + 4, V: 8 + 9, VI: 8–10 + 10–11, VII: 9 + 7–9, VIII: 8–9 + 7–9, IX: 6–8 + 8, X: 6 + 7, XI: 4 + 4–5. Cheliceral galea with 6 terminal rami; serrula exterior with 15–18 blades. Palps: six trichobothria on fixed and three on movable chelal finger; fixed chelal finger with 46–49 marginal teeth, 5 antia- xial accessory teeth and 1–2 paraxial accessory teeth; movable chelal finger with 47–49 marginal teeth, 4 antiaxial accessory teeth and 1–2 paraxial accessory teeth (Fig. 4d). Identification key to the Allochernes species from Slovakia 1 Tergite XI with a pair of relative long tactile setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allochernes peregrinus – Tergite XI without long tactile setae . . . . . . . . 2 2 Pedal tarsus IV with subdistal pseudotactile seta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allochernes powelli – Pedal tarsus IV without subdistal pseudotactile seta . . 3 3 Chelal finger shorter than hand with pedicel, palpal chela 1.06–1.23 mm long . . . . . . . . Allochernes wideri – Chelal finger of same length as or longer than hand with pedicel, palpal chela 1.27–1.52 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allochernes solarii Discussion The first proper redescription of A . solarii was carried out by Beier (1932, repeated in 1963) based on the holotype spe- cimen from Piedmont, Italy. With respect to the previous descriptions (Simon 1898, Beier 1932, 1963), the following characters are added in the present paper based on the holo- type and newly found specimens from Slovakia: chaetotaxy of the carapace, tergites, sternites and genital area, description of galea and complete body measurements. A few differences are notable between our measurement values of the holotype and that published in Beier (1932, 1963). Beier (1932, 1963) recorded values: “length of palpal hand with pedicel – 0.83 mm” and “length of chelal finger – 0.77 mm”. Our measurements showed values of palpal hand with pedicel – 0.75 mm and of chelal finger – 0.83 mm. Ac- cording to our observations, the measurement values of palpal length hand with pedicel and chelal finger length in Beier (1932, 1963) seem to have been inverted by mistake.The type specimen was to certain extant damaged and lightened; only one chelicera with no evident galea was present. Specimens of A . solarii from Slovakia were compared with the female holotype from Italy reported in Beier (1932, 1963). The main taxonomic characters of the Slovakian specimens correspond with those observed on the holotype, although a few differences were observed. The number of setae on the carapace in the Slovakian specimens was significantly higher than that of the holotype. Only one specimen from Slovakia shows seven antiaxial teeth and the two studied specimens show three paraxial teeth on the fixed chelal fingers as were present on the holotype. Compared to the holotype, the body length of females found in Slovakia was higher. According to our current knowledge it seems that A . solarii is a rare species whose ecology is unknown. Gardini (2004) assumed that it could be myrmecophilous, which corresponds to the new fin- dings in nests of Formica gagates in Slovakia. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the curator Maria Tavano from the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria” in Genoa (Italy) for lending the holotype of Allochernes solarii and her helpfulness. We would like to express our thanks to reviewers Giulio Gardini (Italy) and Anna Šestáková (Slovakia) for all corrections and suggestions that improved our paper and for help with the missing published data.We are grateful to our colleague Daniel Jablonski (Slovakia) for technical assistance with the map. The project was financially supported by VEGA 1/0191/15 and VEGA 2/0012/17. Fig. 4: Allochernes solarii , details of newly discovered specimens from Slo- vakia. a. Chaetotaxy of genital operculum, female; b. Galea, female; c. Pal- pal chela with trichobothrial pattern, accessory teeth and setae details, male; d. Palpal chela with trichobothrial pattern and accessory teeth, trit- onymph. Scale lines: 0.5 mm