Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

Dimorphic males in Troxochrus scabriculus 53 Conclusion It is evident that the synonymy of T . scabriculus / cirrifrons is not a taxonomically problematic case to resolve. Since both males and females from populations with co-occurring male forms are identical in their genital morphology, it is highly plausible that the different male morphs must represent two forms of the same species. It is also apparent that Troxochrus scabriculus (Westring 1851) is the typical form, while the later described form cirrifrons is a second male morph that must be designated Troxochrus scabriculus forma cirrifrons (O. Pickard- Cambridge, 1871). Based on further evidence from distribu- tion maps, habitat preferences, phenology and appearance in populations (see above), it is obvious that Simon (1884) made the correct judgement from the very start. Although breeding experiments would be desirable to cla- rify the status of the two forms of the male spider, as once recommended, we consider the taxonomic case of the dimor- phic males in T. scabriculus to be closed and quote the famous fictional figure Sherlock Holmes: “We must fall back upon the old axiom that when all other contingencies fail, whate- ver remains, however improbable, must be the truth” (Doyle 1908). Acknowledgements We wish to thank Dr Dr John Plant for checking the English and for his constructive comments on the manuscript. We are especially grateful to Pierre Oger for allowing us to use his photographs of the male palps from his website (see Oger 2018 in the References). 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