Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56

iv Diversa Spiders are a very popular group in the Czech Republic.This fact is confirmed by public interest in arachnological books like “V říši pavouků” [In the realm of spiders] (Baum 1938, Baum & Buchar 1973) or “Naši pavouci” [Our spiders] (Buchar & Kůrka 1998, 2001) which are completely sold out today. Now, we have a further book contributing to this series – the atlas “Pavouci České republiky” [Spiders of the Czech Republic]. The author team consists of two excellent Czech arachnolo- gists, a well-known scientist and a professional photographer. Such an author constellation promises a high-quality result. During four years of preparation, this ambitious project arose aiming to bring a complex book covering the biology – and specifically an atlas – of all spider species living in the Czech Republic, including photographs of most of them. The book is divided into general and systematic parts. In the former, readers are provided with information over 64 pages about spider morphology and biology. The morpholo- gy part comprises descriptions of the spider body and each organ system. Further chapters deal with spider venom and the most characteristic organs for spiders – the spinning apparatus. All are accompanied by original illustrations and as yet unpublished photographs. The next chapter describe ethology, from mating and moving to prey tactics. The au- thors also remembered to describe how spiders avoid their predators. The following chapter summarizes the ecology of spiders and their importance for bioindication – a topic that was established in the Czech Republic by Jan Buchar. The atlas thus contains a list of threatened biotopes and the spi- der species inhabiting them. Furthermore, each spider species is characterised by the degree of vulnerability based on the current Czech Red List (Řezáč et al. 2015). The last chapter focuses on collecting and identifying spiders and contains an identification key for the families. It is worth mentioning that the key uses different morphological characters as compared to other keys commonly used today. It is thus not surprising that the effectiveness of the new key was almost immediately tested by students (Krištofová 2015, Krištofová et al. 2015). The information mentioned in the general part of the atlas is precise and up to date. In addition, the text is easily read­ able and the chapter headings are often unusual, drawing the reader’s attention, e.g. “Pavoučí kámasútra” [Spider Kama Su- tra]. Only relevant data are provided so the reader is not over- whelmed by unnecessary facts. I can recommend the entire general part of the atlas not only as suitable reading material for amateurs, but also as a textbook for university students studying invertebrate zoology and/or arachnology. The systematic part of the atlas is the bedrock of the book. At the beginning, the position of spiders in zoologi- cal systematics is introduced, followed by a chart with typical representatives of all 39 Czech families. Descriptions of fa- milies, genera and species occurring in the Czech Republic are then provided. The arrangement of the families more or less reflects the traditional system. Each family (except the Phrurolithidae that was established shortly before the book was printed) is characterised morphologically and basic bio- logical data are provided. The number of species and their Buchbesprechung / Book Review Kůrka A, Řezáč M, Macek R & Dolanský J 2015 Pavouci České republiky [Spiders of the Czech Republic]. Academia, Praha. 623 pp., ISBN: 978-80-200-2384-1 130 × 200 mm, hardback, 360 CZK (14 EUR) & postage; Order: Nakladatelství Academia, Vodičkova 40, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic; E-mail: or ; plant organs. A set of colour transparent sheets for teaching bio- logy at the primary schools]. Hutnický institut VÚHŽ, Ostrava. 23 pp. [in Czech] Majkus Z 1998 Prof. RNDr. Josef Vondřejc, CSc. sedmdesátníkem [Prof. RNDr. Josef Vondřejc, CSc. seventy-year-old]. – Acta Fa- cultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Ostraviensis, Biologica – Ecologica 4–5: 160-161 [in Czech] Majkus Z 2000 Zemřel prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Ašmera, CSc. (19.4.1932–11.3.2000) významný odborník a ochránce přírody [Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Ašmera, CSc. (19.4.1932–11.3.2000), dis- tinguished specialist and conservationist, died]. – Ochrana přírody 55: 319 [in Czech] Majkus Z 2007 Obecná zoologie (Vybrané kapitoly z obecné zoologie) [General Zoology (Selected chapters from General Zoology)]. Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava. 91 pp [in Czech] Majkus Z&Horáček J 1997 Biologie člověka pro výuku v základních školách (soubor 20 transparentů + metodická příručka pro učitele) [Human biology for teaching at the primary schools (a set of 20 transparents + methodological guide for teachers)]. H utnický institut VÚHŽ, Ostrava. 20 pp. [in Czech] Malachová K, Majkus Z & Kantorek J 1995 and 1998 Kapitoly z biologie mládeže a školní hygieny [Chapters from Biology of Youths and School Hygiene]. Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava. 48 pp. [in Czech] Malachová K, Majkus Z & Kantorek J 2001 Vybrané kapitoly z bio- logie člověka a školního zdravotnictví pro doplňkové pedagogické studium [Selected Chapters from Human Biology and School Medicine for Advanced Pedagogical Study]. Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava. 50 pp. [in Czech] Malachová K, Pečinka P, Kočárek P & Majkus Z 2006 Nové trendy v biologických oborech [New trends in biological branches]. Fa- culty of Science, University of Ostrava. 84 pp. [in Czech] Antonín KŮRKA, 11. listopadu 1173, CZ-293 01, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic E-mail: Petr DOLEJŠ, Department of Zoology, National Museum – Natural History Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ-193 00, Praha 9 – Horní Počernice, Czech Republic E-mail: Arachnologische Mitteilungen 56: iv-v Karlsruhe, September 2018