Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

10 R. Bosmans, P. Pantini, P. Loverre & R. Addante Zodarion pseudonigriceps Bosmans & Pantini spec. nov. (Fig. 3a–m) Type material. Holotype ) , 11 paratype )) , 2 paratype (( from Italy, Sardinia, Medio Campidano, Guspini, Monte- vecchio, Piccalinna 260 m a.s.l. (N39°33’24’’ E8°34’06’’), Me- diterranean maquis, 5.–18.V.2009, pitfall traps, A. Sassu and M. Verdinelli leg. Deposition: ) holotype, 10 )) , 1 ( paratype in MCSNB, 1 ) , 1 ( paratype in CRB, 1 ) paratype in CNR. Other material examined. ITALY: Sardinia, Me- dio Campidano, Arbus, Ingurtosu, Narcauli 120 m a.s.l. (N39°30’53’’E8°29’33’’), Mediterranean maquis, 1 ( 8.–22. IX.2009, pitfall traps, A. Sassu and M. Verdinelli leg. (MCSNB). Etymology. The specific name refers to the close relationship to Zodarion nigriceps (Simon, 1873). Diagnosis. Zodarion pseudonigriceps spec. nov. belongs to the italicum group. By the needle-like tibial apophysis (Fig. 3 f, g) the male is very close to Z. nigriceps , also occurring in Sar- dinia but this species has a bicoloured contrasting prosoma. Females are distinguished by the simple trapezoid plate in the epigyne (Fig. 3 j, k). Description. Measurements: Male (n = 4): Total length 2.5– 2.8; prosoma 1.02–1.45 long, 0.72–1.02 wide. Female (n = 3): Total length 3.0–3.2; prosoma 1.38–1.64 long, 1.02–1.17 wide. Colour (Fig. 3a-c): Prosoma yellowish brown, clypeus and two stripes converging towards the fovea grey; patellae pale yellowish, femora yellowish orange with pale base, other segments orange brown; opisthosoma dark sepia with large, elongate postero-dorsal whitish spot, venter whitish. Eyes large: AM = 1 (0.1); AL = 0.5; PM = 0.6; PL = 0.6; a = 0.5; b = d = 0.4; c = 1.8; MOQ: AW = 1.1 PW; L = 1.1 PW. Opisthosoma with a row of 14–15 bristles before spinnerets, more than twice as wide as normal hairs. Palp (Fig. 3d-i): All palps are expanded, so drawings show the bulb and the median apophysis in an abnormal position. Ti- bial apophysis needle-like as long as the tibia’s diameter with subterminal bend forming an angle of 30° with base of the ti- bial apophyis; median apophysis relatively small, basal branch slightly shorter than the pointed distal branch; embolus with relatively broad base gradually narrowing with blunt tip. Epigyne (Fig. 3 j–k): With trapezoid median plate. Vulva (Fig. 3l–m): Spermathecae small and rounded, separa- ted by more than 5 times their diameter. Distribution. Probably an endemic species of Sardinia (Italy). Zodarion valentii Bosmans, Loverre &Addante spec. nov . (Figs 4a–f, 5a–e) Enyo algirica ; Simon 1870: 99 (misidentification of material from Sicily). Fig. 2a–n: Zodarion pantaleonii Bosmans & Pantini spec. nov. male holotype, female paratype: a. Male, dorsal view; b. Female, dorsal view; c. Female, ven- tral view; d, f. Male palp ventral view; e, g. Idem retrolateral view; h. Tip of embolus, antero-ventral view; i. Median apophysis, ventral view (in unexpanded palp); j, k. Epigyne ventral view; l. Vulva, ventral view; m, n. Idem, dorsal view