Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

Zodariidae fromMediterranean Europe 11 Type material. Holotype ) , 3 paratypes )) , 3 paraty- pes (( from Italy, Puglia, Bari, Valenzano N41°01'19'' E16°53'15''), 122 m a.s.l., pitfalls in abandoned olive grove, 24.VIII.2010, P. Loverre leg. Deposition: MCSNB. Comparative material examined. Zodarion algiricum (Lucas, 1846): ALGERIA: 3 )) (MNHN AR 1540). ALGERIA: Alger: El Harrach, jardin de l’Institut national d’Agronomie, 25 m, 24 )) , 5 (( , 25.I.–22.VI.1983, and 175 males 61 fe- males, 16.V.1985–1.VI.1986, pitfalls in park, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Other material examined. 3 )) , misidentified as Zodarion algiricum , together with 3 )) of Z. algiricum (MNHN AR 1540); probably from Sicily (Italy). ITALY: Puglia: Bari district, Valenzano, 124 m a.s.l. (N41°01’23” E16°54’19”), olive grove, 1 ) , 2.VII.2003, R.Addante leg.; 3 (( , 5.IX.2003, R. Addante leg.; 1 ( , 5.IX.2003, R. Addante leg. (MCSNB); 1 ) ,5.IX.2003,R.Addante leg.(MCSNB); 1 ) ,7.VII.2010,P. Loverre leg.; 18 (( 10 )) , 22.VII.2010, P. Loverre leg.; 2 )) , 4.VIII.2010, P. Loverre leg.; 62 (( 42 )) , 24.VIII.2010, P. Loverre leg.; 2 (( , 7.IX.2010, P. Loverre leg.; 1 ) , 18.I.2011, Fig. 3a–m: Zodarion pseudonigriceps Bosmans & Pantini spec. nov. a. Male holotype, dorsal view; b. Female paratype, dorsal view; : c. Idem, ventral view; d, e. Male palp, ventral view (me- dian apophysis expanded); f, g. Idem retrolate- ral view; h. Tip of embolus, ventral view; i. Me- dian apophysis, ventral view (in unexpanded palp); j, k. Epigyne, ventral view; l, m. Vulva, dorsal view