Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

Zodariidae fromMediterranean Europe 13 P. Loverre leg.; 2 )) , 17.II.2011, P. Loverre leg.; 8 (( 14 )) , 24.III.2011, P. Loverre leg.; 4 (( , 12 )) , 7.IV.2011, P. Loverre leg.; 3 (( , 2 )) , 7.IV.2011, P. Loverre leg. (CSP); 7 (( , 6 )) , 20.IV.2011, P. Loverre leg.; 2 (( , 1 ) , 24.IV.2011, P. Loverre leg.; 7 (( , 9 )) , 11.V.2011, P. Loverre leg.; 5 (( , 3 )) , 27.V.2011, P. Loverre leg.; 6 (( , 2 )) , 10.VI.2011, P. Loverre leg. Bari district, Conversano, Gravina di Monsi- gnore, 117 m a.s.l. (N41°00’31” E17°07’12”), Mediterrane- an scrub, 1 ( , 22.II.2011, R. Addante leg.; 1 ) , 5.V.2011, R. Addante leg.; 5 (( , 2 )) , 30.V.2011, R. Addante leg.; 2 )) , 1.VIII.2011, R. Addante leg.; 3 (( , 7.IX.2011, R. Addan- te leg. Bari district, Conversano, Sassano Lake, 194 m a.s.l. (N40°58’07” E17°05’50”), 1 ( , 5.V.2011, R. Addante leg.; 1 ) , 30.V.2011, R. Addante leg.; 1 ( , 4.VII.2011, R. Addante leg. All the material was collected by pitfall traps and depo- sited in DiSSPA. Comments. Studying the Simon collection in the MNHN, the first author examined a tube labelled ‘ Zodarion algiricum Alger AR1540’. It contained material of two closely related species.The first species (three males) is identical to the abun- dant material of Z. algiricum collected by the first author near Alger (see: Comparative material examined). In the same tube, 3 other males are identical to the material collected by P. Loverre in Puglia. It is well known that Simon used to mix material from different localities in the same tube, so it can be assumed that these males are from Sicily, mentioned as a locality of Z. algiricum by Simon (1870). Other localities mentioned for Z. algiricum (Morocco, South Spain) must also be doubted. The male palp and epigyne of Z. algiricum are quite diffe- rent from the palp and epigyne of Z. valentii , as can be seen in Fig. 4j–l. A detailed redescription of Z. algiricum is in prepa- ration. All existing figures of this species are erroneous. Etymology. The specific name derives from the Latin name Valentius , referring to the village of Valenzano, in which the type specimens were collected. Diagnosis. Zodarion valentii spec. nov. is closely related to Z. affine (Simon, 1870) from the south of Spain. Males differ by the longer tibial apophysis and the longer, oblique lateral groove in Z. affine (Fig. 4c–d versus 4g–h). Moreo- ver, the length of the whole tibia, including tibial apophy- sis, is only half the length of cymbium, whereas in Z. af- fine it reaches about three quarters. Females differ by the sausage-shaped postero-median depression in the epigyne of Z. valentii (Fig. 4e), nearly separated into two depressi- ons in Z. affine (Fig. 4i). The species is quite different from Z. algiricum (Fig. 4j–l). Description. Measurements (n = 6): Male: Total length 2.2– 3.0; prosoma 1.02–1.30 long 0.95–1.12 wide. Colour: Prosoma yellowish clypeus and two oblique stripes converging towards the fovea grey; chelicerae sternum and legs pale yellowish; opisthosoma dorsally dark grey poster- dorsally with three oval spots and one terminal whitish spot; venter also whitish. Eyes: AM = 1 (0.1); AL = 0.9; PM = 0.45; PL = 0.8; a = 0.8; b = 0.55; c = 235; d = 0.7; MOQ: AW = 0.80 PW; L = 0.95 PW. Palp (Figs 4a–d, 5b–d): Tibia twice as long as wide with large apophysis separated from the basal part by an oblique groove; distal part with anterior and posterior knob in ventral view re- curved in antero-lateral direction; median apophysis reversed U-shaped distal part more slender than basal part; embolus straight terminally rounded at retrolateral side accompanied by a shorter tooth. Epigyne (Figs 4e, 5e): With large, sausage-shaped postero- median depression. Vulva (Fig. 4f ): Median depression with two elongate pockets at postero-median corners; spermathecae separated by about 3 times their diameter; copulation ducts complicated. Phenology. Adults were collected all through the year, inclu- ding winter.Their number peaked in July. Distribution. Italy (Puglia and Sicily). New records of European Zodarion species Zodarion algarvense Bosmans, 1994 Zodarion algarvense Bosmans, 1994: 120, figs 10–12, 87–88 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. PORTUGAL: Setúbal: Alcochete NW, 37 )) , 4 (( , pitfalls in salt marsh, 14.–22.IV.2013, R. Bos- mans leg. (CB). Distribution. Until now only known from one locality in the Algarve in Portugal (Bosmans 1994), and here cited much more to the north from Setúbal. Zodarion arachnaio Bosmans, 2009 Zodarion arachnaio Bosmans, 2009: 266, figs 128–129, 158–159 (descr. ) , ( ). Fig. 5a–e: Zodarion valentii Bosmans, Loverre & Addante spec. nov. a. Male holotype, dorsal view; b. Male palp, lateral view; c. Idem, ventral view; d. Idem, dorsal view; e. Epigyne, ventral view