Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

72 J. García & D. Suárez Material examined . Sector 1, LIT, 19. Nov. 2014, 1 ) ; Sector 2, PIT, 23. Dec. 2014 – 6. Jan. 2015, 1 ) . Distribution . Canary Islands. Dysdera crocata C. L. Koch, 1838 Determination . Arnedo et al. (1996). Material examined . Sector 2, PIT, 23. Dec. 2014 - 6. Jan. 2015, 1 ( , 1 ) ; Sector 2, PIT, 23. Dec. 2014 – 6. Jan. 2015, 2 (( , 6 jj.; Sector 2, GWS, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 ) ; Sector 3, GWS, 14. Jan. 2019, 2 (( , 1 ) . Distribution . Europe, Caucasus, Iraq, Central Asia. Introdu- ced to North America, Chile, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and Canary Islands. Gnaphosidae Leptodrassus albidus Simon, 1914 (Fig. 2c) Determination . Murphy (2007). Material examined . Sector 3, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 7 jj.; Sector 3, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 jj.; Sector 4, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( ; Sector 4, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 j. Distribution . Azores, Canary Islands, Spain to Greece (Cre- te), Turkey and Israel. New record for La Palma. Macarophaeus varius (Simon, 1893) (Fig. 2d) Determination . Wunderlich (2011). Material examined . Sector 1, SWE, 10. Nov. 2018, 1 j.; Sec- tor 2, GWS, 15. Nov. 2014, 1 j.; Sector 2, GWS, 14. Jan. 2019, 2 )) ; Sector 2, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 13 jj.; Sector 3, GWS, 14. Jan. 2019, 2 jj. Distribution . Canary Islands. New record for La Palma. Nomisia musiva (Simon, 1899) Determination . Wunderlich (2011). Material examined . Sector 1, LIT, 19. Nov. 2014, 7 j.; Sector 1, AAS, 10. Nov. 2018, 2 j.; Sector 4, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( , Sector 4, AAS, 10. Nov. 2018, 1 j. Distribution . Canary Islands. Setaphis gomerae (Schmidt, 1981) Determination . Platnick & Murphy (1996). Material examined . Sector 1, LIT, 19. Nov. 2014, 1 ) ; Sector 2, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 j.; Sector 2, PIT, 23. Dec. 2014 – 6. Jan. 2015, 1 j.; Sector 3, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 j.; Sector 4, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 3 jj. Distribution . Canary Islands. Linyphiidae Microlinyphia johnsoni (Blackwall, 1859) Determination . Wunderlich (1987). Material examined . Sector 1, BET, 9. Jan. 2015, 1 ( ; Sector 1, SWE, 10. Nov. 2018, 2 )) ; Sector 2, SWE, 15. Nov. 2014, 1 j.; Sector 2, GWS, 14. Jan. 2019, 2 (( . Distribution . Canary Islands and Madeira. Minicia gomerae Schmidt, 1975 Determination . Wunderlich (1987). Material examined . Sector 3, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 2 (( , 1 j.; Sector 3, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 8 (( . Distribution . Canary Islands. Walckenaeria hierropalma Wunderlich, 1987 Determination . Wunderlich (1987). Material examined . Sector 1, SWE, 10. Nov. 2018, 1 ( ; Sec- tor 2, SWE, 15. Nov. 2014, 1 ( ; Sector 3, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( ; Sector 3, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( . Distribution . Canary Islands. Lycosidae Alopecosa canaricola Schmidt, 1982 Determination . Wunderlich (1992) Material examined . Sector 1, LIT, 19. Nov. 2014, 1 ) , 1 j.; Sector 1, AAS, 10. Nov. 2018, 4 jj.; Sector 4, AAS, 10. Nov. 2018, 2 )) , 1 ( . Distribution . Canary Islands. Mimetidae Ero flammeola Simon, 1881 Determination . Nentwig et al. (2018). Material examined . Sector 3, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( , 1 j.; Sector 3, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 ( . Distribution . Portugal to Greece (Corfu), Turkey, Israel and Canary Islands. Oecobiidae Oecobius navus Blackwall, 1859 Determination . Nentwig et al. (2018). Material examined . Sector 2, GWS, 15. Nov. 2014, 1 ( ; Sec- tor 3, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( , 1 j. Distribution . Europe to North Africa. Introduced to China, New Zealand, Canada, USA and South America. Oonopidae Silhouettella loricatula (Roewer, 1942) (Fig. 2e) Determination . Nentwig et al. (2018). Material examined . Sector 3, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ) . Distribution . Europe to Central Asia, North Africa and Ca- nary Islands. New record for La Palma. Oxyopidae Oxyopes kraepelinorum Bösenberg, 1895 Determination . Bellvert (2018). Material examined . Sector 1, BET, 9. Jan. 2015, 3 jj.; Sector 2, BET, 23. Dec. 2014, 1 ( , 3 jj.; Sector 2, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 ( ; Sector 3, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 3 jj.; Sector 3, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 12 jj.; Sector 3, GWS, 15. Nov. 2014, 4 jj.; Sector 4, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 j. Distribution . Canary Islands. Philodromidae Pulchellodromus punctiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1908) Determination . Muster et al. (2007) Material examined . Sector 1, BET, 9. Jan. 2015, 1 j.; Sector 1, SWE, 10. Nov. 2018, 9 jj.; Sector 2, BET, 23. Dec. 2014, 1 j.; Sector 3, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( , 1 j.; Sector 3, GWS, 14. Jan. 2019, 2 jj. Distribution . Canary Islands, Spain.