Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

74 J. García & D. Suárez Rhomphaea rostrata (Simon, 1873) Determination . Lissner (2017). Material examined . Sector 3, GWS, 15. Nov. 2014, 1 ( . Distribution . Canary Islands, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Greece. Steatoda grossa (C. L. Koch, 1838) Determination . Nentwig et al. (2018). Material examined . Sector 2, GWS, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 ( . Distribution . Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to Far East), Central Asia, China, Korea, Japan. Introduced to North America, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Hawaii Islands, Maca- ronesia and Algeria. Steatoda nobilis (Thorell, 1875) Determination . Nentwig et al. (2018). Material examined . Sector 2, SWE, 15. Nov. 2014, 1 j.; Sec- tor 2, PIT, 23. Dec. 2014 – 6. Jan. 2015, 1 ( ; Sector 3, GWS, 15. Nov. 2014, 1 ( , 1 j. Distribution .Macaronesia. Introduced to USA, Chile, Euro- pe, Turkey and Iran. Thomisidae Misumena spinifera (Blackwall, 1862) Determination . Kulczyński (1899). Material examined . Sector 1, SWE, 10. Nov. 2018, 1 j.; Sec- tor 2, SWE, 15. Nov. 2014, 1 ( ; Sector 2, BET, 23. Dec. 2014, 1 ( , 1 j.; Sector 3, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( , 1 ) ; Sector 4, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ) ; Sector 4, GWS, 6. Jan. 2015, 1 ( . Distribution . Canary Islands and Madeira. Synema globosum (Fabricius, 1775) Determination . Nentwig et al. (2018). Material examined . Sector 1, LIT, 19. Nov. 2014, 1 j.; Sector 2, SWE, 15. Nov. 2014, 2 (( , 2 jj.; Sector 2, BET, 23. Dec. 2014, 3 jj.; Sector 3, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 4 jj.; Sector 3, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 3 (( , 1 j.; Sector 4, SWE, 10. Nov. 2018, 2 (( , 1 j. Distribution . Europe, Turkey, Israel, Caucasus, Russia to Central Asia, Iran, China, Korea and Japan. Xysticus verneaui Simon, 1883 Determination . Wunderlich (1992). Material examined . Sector 3, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( , 2 jj.; Sector 3, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 ) ; Sector 4, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 2 )) . Distribution . Canary Islands and Madeira. Uloboridae Hyptiotes flavidus (Blackwall, 1862) Determination . Wunderlich (2017). Material examined . Sector 1, BET, 9. Jan. 2015, 1 ( ; Sector 2, BET, 23. Dec. 2014, 2 (( ; Sector 2, GWS, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 ( ; Sector 3, BET, 14. Nov. 2014, 1 ( . Distribution . Canary Islands, Madeira, Mediterranean, Rus- sia (Europe) and Caucasus. Zoropsidae Zoropsis rufipes (Lucas, 1838) Determination . Wunderlich (1987). Material examined . Sector 2, SWE, 15. Nov. 2014, 2 jj.; Sec- tor 2, BET, 23. Dec. 2014, 1 j.; Sector 2, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 ( , 3 jj.: Sector 3, LIT, 14. Nov. 2014, 3 jj.; Sector 3, LIT, 14. Jan. 2019, 1 j. Distribution . Canary Islands and Madeira. Discussion Five new local records ( Porrhoclubiona minor , Leptodrassus albidus , Macarophaeus varius , Silhouettella loricatula, Ballus chalybeius ) have been detected, thus increasing the number Fig. 2: a. Porrhoclubionaminor (Wunderlich, 1987), epigyne in ventral view; b. Porrhoclubi- ona minor (Wunderlich, 1987), male palp in prolateral and re- trolateral view; c. Leptodrassus albidus Simon, 1914, eye pat- tern; d. Macarophaeus varius (Simon, 1893), male palp in ventral view; e. Silhouettella loricatula (Roewer, 1942), male palp in prolateral view; f. Bal- lus chalybeius (Walckenaer, 1802), male palp in prolateral view