Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

14 R. Bosmans, P. Pantini, P. Loverre & R. Addante Material examined. GREECE: Peloponnisos: Argolis: Ach- ladokambos (N37°32’44’’ E22°31’10’’), 1000 m, 1 ( , under stones, 26.IV.2016 (CRB). Distribution. Until now, only known from Argolida in the Pe- loponnisos. A second locality in the same region is presented. Zodarion aurora Weiss, 1982 (Fig. 6a–b) Zodarion aurorae Weiss, 1982: 77, figs 1–8, figs 10–12 (descr. ) , ( ); Bosmans 2009: 229, figs 35–36, 62–63 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. ROMANIA: Tulcea: Letea, 1 ) , 28.V.1998, P. J. van Helsdingen leg. (NBCL). Description of male palp. The type material of this species was not available, so it could not be redescribed by Bosmans (2009). Furthermore, the male palp figured by Weiss (2002) was ex- panded, which does not facilitate a correct identification. A recently collected male allows us to present new figures of the male palp.The tibial apophysis is elongated, more than twice as long as wide, gradually narrowing with median bend; tegulum bulging, with rounded boss; median apophysis with wide base, distally with terminal and prolateral tooth (Fig. 6a). Distribution. Until now the species was only known from Galati in the Moldovia province in Romania. It is here also cited in Letea in the Tulcea province in the Danube delta. Zodarion beroni Komnenov &Chatzaki, 2016 Zodarion beroni Komnenov & Chatzaki, in Komnenov et al., 2016: 41, figs 97–111 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Makedonia : Chalkidiki, Si- thonia, Elia Nikitis, 1 ) , pitfalls in Pinus forest with maquis, 12.VI .–6.VIII.2014, Kaltsas & Mettouris leg. (NMHC). Thessalia: Larissa, Delta Pineio, 1 ) , pitfalls in Plata- nus forest, 18.VI .–9.VIII.2014, Kaltsas & Mettouris leg. (CRB). Distribution. Until now, this species was only known from the Dadia National Park (Komnenov et al. 2016). A second and a third locality in the north of Greece are added here. Zodarion beticum Denis, 1957 Zodarion beticum Denis, 1957: 291, figs 15–16 (descr. ) ); Bosmans 1994: 129, figs 45–47, 107–108 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: Almería: Cabo de Gata, stones and litter in dunes, 2 ( , 5.IV.1996; ditto, 4 )) , 1 ( , pitfalls in dunes, 15.IV.1999; Carboneras, 10m, stones in maquis near the beach, 2 (( , 7.IV.1997, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB); Ruescas, 2 )) , 9.IV.1998, 3 )) , 1 ( , 15.IV.1999, pitfalls in dunes, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Granada: Bubión, 1 ( , 13.V.2001, K. De Smet leg. (CRB). Cabo de Gata, Ruescas, 2 )) , 9.IV.1998, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB); Distribution. Only known from Spain from Almería and Granada, and recollected in these two provinces. Zodarion caporiaccoi Roewer, 1942 Zodarium denisi Caporiacco, 1940: 12, fig. 2 (descr. ) , preoccupied name). Zodarion caporiaccoi Roewer, 1942: 366 (replacement name); Bosmans 1997: 281, figs 49–52 109–110 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. ITALY: Abruzzo: Teramo: Roseto de- gli Abruzzi, Parco della Tenuta Mazzarosa 27 )) , 11 (( , 11.VI .–4.VII.2007, pitfalls, R. Fabbri leg. (MCSNB); Roseto degli Abruzzi, loc. Mazzarosa, torrente Borsacchio, 1 ) , 1 ( , 11.VI .–14.VII.2007, 2 )) , 3 (( , 4.VII.–30.VIII.2007, pitfalls, R. Fabbri leg. (MCSNB). Toscana: Firenze: Near Londa, 1 ( , river meadow, 11.IV.2006, A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF). Distribution. Known only from Italy, from the provinces Ab- ruzzo and Veneto (Bosmans 1997).The species is recorded for the first time in Toscana. Zodarion costablancae Bosmans, 1994 Zodarion costablancae Bosmans, 1994: 135, figs 74–76, 127–128 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: Alicante: Sierra de Aitana, Par- tagad, 1 ) , M. Perez leg. (CRB). Tarragona: L’Ampolla, Cap Roig, stones in olive groove, 1 ( , 6.VIII.2000, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Valencia: Bellús N., 1 ) , 2 (( , around water pools in dry river bed, 7.IV.1999, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB); Devesa del Saler, 1 ) , 1 ( , 3.VI.2004, S. Montagud leg. (CRB). Distribution. Until now, the species was only known from the Costa Brava in Alicante, Spain. The distribution area of Zodarion costablancae is here extended to the north by records in the provinces Tarragona and Valencia. It was erroneously cited from Coimbra in Portugal (Crespo 2008); these speci- mens appeared be a new species, Zodarion costapratae Pekár, 2011 (Pekár et al. 2011). Zodarion costapratae Pekár, 2011 Zodarion costapratae Pekár, 2011, in Pekár et al., 2011: 24, figs 7–10 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. PORTUGAL: Vila Real: Ponte de Olo S., 1 ) , litter at border of Quercus forest along Rio Olo, 10.V.2017, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Fig. 6a–f: a–b: Zodarion aurorae Weiss, 1982. a. Male palp, ventral view; b. Idem, retrolateral view. c–f: Z. isabellinum (Simon, 1870). c. Male palp, ventral view; d. Idem, retrolateral view; e. Male palp (abnormal form), ventral view; f. Idem, retrolateral view