Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

80 M. Zamani, R. Vafaei Shoushtari, M. Kahrarian & M. Nassirkhani 0.16), chaetotaxy: T + 1/2/4(one pair), L/D 2.80–3.00; tarsus 4.00. Dimensions (length/width, depth in mm) . Body length: 1.55–1.77 mm. Carapace: 0.52–0.54/0.43–0.47. Pedipalp: trochanter 0.25/0.13–0.14; femur 0.43–0.48/0.13; patella 0.38–0.42/0.15; chela (with pedicel) 0.81–0.83/0.21–0.22; chela (without pedicel) L. 0.76–0.77; hand (with pedicel) L.0.34–0.35; movable finger L. 0.48–0.49. Leg I: femur 0.19–0.20/0.07; patella 0.14/0.07; tibia 0.19–0.20/0.05; me- tatarsus 0.10–0.11/0.04; tarsus 0.11–0.12/0.03. Leg IV: fe- mur 0.12/0.09; patella 0.36–0.37/0.15–0.16; femur + patella 0.44–0.45; tibia 0.32/0.08–0.09; metatarsus 0.14–0.15/0.05; tarsus 0.16/0.04. Remarks. Olpium lindbergi Beier, 1959 was originally descri- bed from Afghanistan and subsequently recorded from India and Kazakhstan (Harvey 2013). It can be easily separated from the most similar species O. omanense Mahnert, 1991 from Oman and Iran and O. intermedium Beier, 1959 from Afghanistan by its chaetotaxy of the carapace and tergite I [the presence of two setae on the posterior margin of the ca- rapace and tergite I (Beier 1959)], the loss of transverse fur- rows (Beier 1959), the chelal shape in lateral view (see Beier 1959: Fig. 8), and the structure of the chelal teeth [in the movable chelal finger, cusped teeth are only present in the distal half of the finger (Mahnert 1991)]. The types of O . lindbergi (Beier 1959) are slightly stou- ter than the specimens found in Iran, e.g. the pedipalpal fe- mur proportion is 3.20–3.30× and the chela (with pedicel) is 3.30–3.50× longer than broad in the types. Loss of some fine granules on the mediodistal face of the chelal hand and the presence of greater number of chelal teeth in the types (34 in the fixed and 30 in the movable chelal fingers) (Beier 1959) are minor small differences between the types and the exa- mined specimens from Iran. These small differences are not sufficient for introducing a different species and can be consi- dered as intraspecific variations within the species. Family Geogarypidae Chamberlin, 1930 Genus Geogarypus Chamberlin, 1930 Geogarypus shulovi Beier, 1963 (Figs. 2a-g) Geogarypus shulovi Beier 1963: 193, fig. 7. Material examined. IRAN: Lorestan province: 3 (( , Borou- jerd County, Khorramabad Highway, Dehkord, 33.8388°N, 48.8891°E, 1800 m a.s.l., under stone, 26. Apr. 2017, leg M. Zamani (IAUA). Carapace. Hardly sclerotized; heavily granulated with star- like hispid granulation (Fig. 2a); slightly wider than length or approximately as long as length, L/W 0.94–1.01; front margin elongated distally, snout-like (Fig. 2a), with 14 setae; anterior margin with 4 setae, 2 short setae situated medially and 2 long setae situated sub-medially (Fig. 2b), all setae simple; posterior margin extended laterally, with 6–10 setae; with 2 pairs of well-developed corneate eyes situated away from anterior margin on small protruding mound, anterior eyes slightly larger than posterior eyes, one short seta situa- ted between eyes; anterior furrow present and curved basally; posterior furrow present but indistinct; setae simple; with 6–8 distinct lyrifissures, first pair situated distal to anterior eyes (lost in one female), second pair at same level as posterior eyes, third pair situated closer to anterior furrow than pos- terior margin and fourth pair situated near posterior margin. Tergites. Less sclerotized and granulated than carapace; with­ out median suture line; tergal setae situated regularly in single row (uniserate); tergite XI with 2 long tactile setae situated sub-laterally; anal plates (tergite XI and sternite XII) situated between tergite XI and sternite XI; setae simple; chaetotaxy: 7–9:8:10–12:10–11:12:12–14:11–12:11:8–9:6–7:1T4T1:2. Sternites. IX and X with 2 long tactile setae situated medi- ally; XI without long tactile setae; anterior trachea larger than posterior trachea; females with 2 elongate lateral cribriform plates situated sparsely and one median circle cribriform plate; anus without circum-anal setae; chaetotaxy: 6–8:(0)2(0):(1)2– 3(1):9–11:10–11:11–12:11–12:9–10:4–8:2:0. Pleural membrane. Longitudinally wrinkled-plicate; with 30–32 simple short setae situated in transverse series on each side. Chelicera. Galeal seta present and situated sub-distally; galea relatively short, simple and apically acuminate (Fig. 2c); hand with 5 simple setae; rallum with one simple blade (Fig. 2c); serrula exterior with 12–16 blades; serrula interior with 10–12 blades; hand with 2 lyrifissures; fixed finger with 4–6 teeth, terminal tooth smallest; movable finger with one curved and acute terminal lobe and 2 small teeth. Pedipalps. Heavily granulate with star-like hispid granula- tions, chelal granulation slightly extended to basal margin of fixed finger, distal to trichobothrium est , and lateral margin of movable finger, between trichobothria st and sb (Fig. 2e); fe- mur and patella without wrinkles; all setae simple and most of them short; coxa with 11–13 setae, monducatory process with two setae; trochanter L/W 1.54–1.65; femur without obvious pedicel, L/W 4.50–4.67; patella with curved and short pedi- cel, with three lyrifissures, third lyrifissure longest (Fig. 2d), L/W 3.13–3.28; chela with distinct pedicel (Figs. 2e-f ); chela (with pedicel) L/W 4.28–4.34; chela (without pedicel) L/W 4.14–4.20; hand (with pedicel) L/W 1.94–1.97; movable fin- ger distinctly longer than hand with pedicel; movable finger 1.18–1.20 times longer than hand with pedicel; fixed finger with eight and movable finger with four trichobothria (Fig. 2e); fixed finger with trichobothrium it closer to et than to ist , isb situated slightly distal to middle of the finger, est slightly closer to ib than isb , ib situated in basal third of finger, esb and eb situated distinctly proximal to ib ; movable finger with trichobothrium st situated closer to t than to sb ; most teeth of chelal fingers acute and prominent; fixed finger with 43–47 triangular-shaped teeth (two teeth situated outside of row), two external and 3–5 internal accessory teeth present; distal half of movable finger with 11–20 cusped teeth becoming fa- ded basally, and two external accessory teeth present; nodus ramosus present in both finger, situated slightly at same level as ib in fixed and midway between sb and st in movable finger (Fig. 2e); venom duct elongate in both fingers. Legs. Granulate; all setae simple; distal margin of retrolateral face of coxae I–II granulate (Fig. 2g); claws symmetrical, stout and short; arolium simple and slightly longer than claws; leg I: each coxa with 4–5 simple setae; femur L/D 3.07–3.33; pa- tella L/D 2.00–2.08; tibia L/D 3.87–4.12; metatarsus L/D 3.33–3.67; tarsus L/D 4.75; leg IV: each coxa of leg IV with 40–43; femur joined widely; femur L/D 1.58–1.73; patella L/D 3.00–3.15; femur + patella L/D 3.60–3.89; tibia L/D 4.64–5.10; metatarsus L/D 3.25–3.57; tarsus L/D 3.67–4.80. Dimensions (length/width, depth in mm) . Body length: 2.10–2.57 mm. Carapace: 0.80–0.81/0.80–0.85. Pedipalp: