Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

16 R. Bosmans, P. Pantini, P. Loverre & R. Addante galopoli, 1 ( , pitfalls, 28.VI. –12.VII.2009, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Oros Chelmos, 5 )) , pitfalls, 7.–20.VI.2008, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Oros Mainalo, 1600m, 2 )) , 1 ( , pitfalls, 3.VII.–4.VIII.1996, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Ileia: Lapithas, 1 ( , pitfalls, 1.–15.VI.2009, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Lakonia: Oros Taigetos, 6 (( , pitfalls, 6.VII.1997, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Sterea Elada: Aitolo-Akarnania: Acheloos, 1 ( , pitfalls, 9.IV. –5.VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Thessalia: Magnisia: Agios Onoufrios, 16 )) , 1 ( , pitfalls, 23.IV .–28.VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Kouri, 7 )) , 2 (( , pitfalls, 28.VI. –2.VII.2009, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Mikrothives, 5 )) , 5 (( , pitfalls, 23.IV .–29. VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Distribution. SE Europe, Lebanon and Israel. One of the commonest Zodarion species in Greece. Zodarion granulatum Kulczyński, 1908 Zodarion granulatum Kulczyński 1908: 59 pl. 2, figs 4, 10 (descr. ) ); Bosmans 2009: 275, figs 170–171, 178–179 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Attiki: Methana, Kaimeni Chora (N37°37’2’’ E23°19’35’’), 200 m litter and stones in Pinus forest, 22.IV.2016 (CRB). Crete: Chania: Lefka Ori; 800 m, 1 ( , 8.VI.1991 (NHMC). Lasithi: Kefalovrissi spring, Kalamafka, 1 ( , sieving litter, 30.III.2007, A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF). Peloponnisos: Arkadia: Kriovrissi SE, Profitis Ilias chapel (N36°35’51’’ E22°58’52’’), 480 m, 1 ( , stones in small Quercus forest, 24.IV.2016 (CRB). Distribution. Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel. Zodarion hamatum Wiehle, 1964 Zodarion hamatum Wiehle, 1964: 641 (descr. ) ); Wunderlich 1980: 116 (descr. ( ); Bosmans 1997: 283, figs 53–56, 111–112 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. ITALY: Friuli Venezia Giulia: Udine: Drenchia, Paciuch, 370 m, 1 ( , 25.V.1996, P. Pantini, M. Val- le leg. (MCSNB). Toscana: Firenze: Near Londa, 1 ( , river meadow, 11.IV.2006, A. Schonhöfer leg. (SMF). Veneto: Pa- dova: Teolo, San Rocco, 140 m, 2 (( , pitfalls in Fagus forest, 27.III.–12.VI.2003 (MCSNB). Distribution. N Italy, Slovenia, Croatia. Zodarion hauseri Brignoli, 1984 Zodarion hauseri Brignoli, 1984: 312, figs 40 (descr. ( ); Bosmans 2009: 251, figs 92–95, 144–145 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Attiki: Athens, Akropo- lis, 2 (( , VI.1926, Roewer leg. (SMF). Makedonia: Florina: Prespes, 9 km SW Agios Germanos, 3 )) , pitfall traps in oak forest, 24.VI .–29.VI.2014, Nentwig coll. and leg. (CRB, NHMC). Grevena: Anoixi, 1 ( , pitfalls in oak forest, 17.VI .– 8.VIII, Kaltsas & Mettouris leg. (CRB). Thessaloniki: Lake Koronia, 1 ( , pitfalls in shrub pasture, 28.VI. –23.VII.2012, Navarrete leg. (NHMC). Distribution. Continental Greece, Macedonia and recently also in Bulgaria (Naumova et al. 2017). New Greek records in Attiki and Makedonia are added. Zodarion isabellinum (Simon, 1870) (Fig. 6c–f ) Enyo isabellina Simon, 1870: 104 (descr. ) ). Zodarion isabelinum ; Bosmans 1994: 136, figs 77–78, 129–130 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: 1 ) ,labelled ‘Spanien,coll.Franz, sp. 961’, and 1 ( , 1 subadult labelled ‘Spanien, coll. Franz, sp. 658’, without further information (SMF). Cádiz: Medina Si- donia NW, 150 m, 1 ) , stones in grassland, 3.IV.1997, R. Bos- mans leg. (CRB).Málaga: El Churro, 1 ) , stones along rivulet, 10.IV.1999, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB); Periana, Cortijo Blanco, 1 ( , under stones in rough grassland, 21.X.1993 (CAR-S); Valle de Abdallajís, pitfalls in degraded Quercus suber forest, 1 ) , 15.IV.1999, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Comments. The first author examined two tubes present in the SMF with an unidentified male and female from an unk- nown locality in Spain (‘sp. 961, male, sp. 658, female’). The male palpal bulb is identical to the one of Z. isabellinum , but the tibia has a strange supplementary basal tooth on the apo- physis (cfr. Fig. 6c–d, compared with Fig. 6e–f ). Until further material is discovered, and also because the exact locality is unknown, this is considered an abnormality in the male palp. Distribution. In Spain known from the southern provinces Alicante, Cádiz, Granada and Málaga The new records are within the known distribution area of the species. Zodarion italicum (Canestrini, 1868) Enyo italica Canestrini, 1868: 196 (descr. ( ). Zodarion italicum ; Bosmans 1994: 284, figs 57–60, 113–114, map 11 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. BELGIUM: Oost-Vlaanderen: Gent Dampoort, 16 )) , 8 (( , pitfalls along railroad slope, 19.IV .–1. VIII.2006, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). GERMANY: Baden- Württenberg: Kaiserstuhl, 1 ( , sieving litter in Fagus forest, 7.X.2005, J. Martens & A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF). ITALY: Emilia Romagna: Ferrara: Mesola, Bosco della Fasanara, 2 )) , pitfalls in Quercus forest, 23.V.–16.VI.2013, R. Fabbri leg. (MCSNB); Mesola Bosco della Mesola, Parco Duchessa 2 )) , pitfalls in Quercus forest, 23.V.–16.VI.2013, R. Fabb- ri leg. (MCSNB). Parma: Bedonia, Passo di Montevacà, 800 m, 2 )) , pitfalls, IX.1991.–V.1992, G. Buttarelli, R. Cerbi- no, P. Pantini, M. Valle leg. (MCSNB); Ravenna: Mezzano vasche dell’ex zuccherificio, 28 )) , 10 (( , pitfalls, 27.V.–3. VII.2006 R. Fabbri, Pezzi leg. (MCSNB). Lombardia: Bre- scia: Erbusco, Montorfano N side, 300 m, 1 ) , pitfalls, 2.–29. IV.2010, W. Zucchelli leg. (MCSNB); Cologne, Montorfano 1 ( , 5.V.2012, P. Pantini, L. Vergani leg. (MCSNB). Distribution. France, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. Zodarion jozefienae Bosmans, 1994 Zodarion jozefienae Bosmans, 1994: 120, figs 7–9 (descr. ) not ( , = Z. styliferum ); Pekár, Cardoso & Meierrose, 2003: 391, figs 8, 13–14, 23, 31 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: Cáceres: Torrejón el Rubio, 1 ) , 2 (( , pitfalls, 7.VIII.1996, U. Stengele leg. (CRB); Talaván, Finca el Baldio, 11 )) , 19 (( , pitfalls, 7.VIII.1996, U. Stengele leg. (CRB). Distribution. Described from Faro in Portugal and Huelva in Spain (Bosmans 1994), later cited by Pekár et al. (2003) from Beja and Évora in Portugal. From Spain further cited from Toledo (Morano 2001), Ciudad Real (Barriga et al. 2006) and Málaga (Lecigne 2012).