Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

Zodariidae fromMediterranean Europe 17 Zodarion konradi Bosmans, 2009 Zodarion konradi Bosmans, 2009: 268, figs 132–133, 160–161 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Attiki: Oros Parnitha, 13 )) , 10 (( , pitfalls, 3.V.–10.VIII.2005, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Peloponnisos: Arkadia: Megalopoli, 32 )) , 10 (( , pitfalls, 1.VI .–12.VII.2009, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Ileia: Lapithas, 1 ( , pitfalls, 28.VI .–12.VII.2009, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Korinthia: Sofiko NW, 420 m (N37°48’30’’ E23°1’47’’), in litter near church yard, 21.IV.2016 (CRB). Messinia: Oros Taigetos, 2 )) , 6 (( , pitfalls, 1.VI .–28.VI.2005,Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Distribution. Only known from Greece. Zodarion machadoi Denis, 1939 Zodarion machadoi Denis, 1939: 90, figs 1–4 (descr. ) , ( ); Bosmans 1994: 135, figs 71–73, 125–126 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. PORTUGAL: Lisbon: Abelheira, Mos- quiera da Cima, 1 ) , 1 ( , 17.V.2001, G. Telfer leg. (CRB). Viana do Castelo: Britelo NW, 160 m, 1 ) , 1 ( , litter at edge of Quercus forest, 4.V.2017, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). SPAIN: Pontevedra: Puerto de Fuentefría, 1 ( , litter in Pinus forest, 13.VI.1994, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Distribution. In Portugal, this species was known from the districts Braga, Porto, Viana do Castelo and the Azores, in Spain from Alicante, Madrid, Santander and Vila Real. The species is recorded for the first time in the districts Lisbon in Portugal and Pontevedra in Spain. Zodarion maculatum (Simon, 1870) Enyo maculata Simon, 1870: 146 (descr. ( ). Zodarion maculatum; Denis 1935b: 67, figs 79–80 (descr. ) , ( ); Bosmans 1994: 127, figs 39–41, 103–104 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. PORTUGAL: Faro: Salema,Boca do Rio, 1 ) , 7 (( , stones in ruins, 14.II.2006, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB); Burgau, 1 ) , stones bordering fields, 15.II.2006, R. Bosmans leg. (CB). SPAIN: Alicante: Crevilente, 2 (( , stones in waste- land, 8.IV.1998, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Balearic Islands: Ibi- za: Sant Carles de Peralta E., Cala Boix, 15 m, 1 ( , sieving litter in Pinus forest, 15.IV.2018, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Distribution. In Portugal known from Faro, Évora, Lisbon and Setúbal (Bosmans 1994; Pekár et al. 2011), in Spain from Alicante, Almería, Cádiz and Málaga (Bosmans 1994) and one record more in the north in Zaragoza (Melic 2000).The species is new to Ibiza and the Balearic Islands, the other new records all fall within its known distribution area. Zodarion merlijni Bosmans, 1994 Zodarion merlijni Bosmans, 1994: 127, figs 33–35 (descr. ) ); Pekár et al. 2003, figs 24, 32 (descr. ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: Sevilla: El Ronquillo, 200 m, 3 (( , stones in grassland, 6.IV.1994, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Huelva: Valverde del Camino, 270 m, 4 (( , stones in Eucalyp- tus plantation , 2.IV.1997, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Distribution. Originally described from Huelva in Spain, la- ter also cited from Beja and Ėvora in Portugal (Pekár et al. 2003, Pekár & Cardoso 2005, Pekár et al. 2011). A new record in the Spanish province Sevilla is presented. Zodarion minutum Bosmans, 2009 Zodarion minutum Bosmans, 2009: 132, figs 63–64, 119–120, 142 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: Almería: Cabo de Gata, 2 )) , 4 (( , litter in tamarisk marsh, 9.IV.1998, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Balearic Islands: Ibiza: Ses Salines, 1 ) , pitfalls in salt marsh, 15.IV.2018, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Distribution. This species is only known from Spain (Al- mería, Málaga, Murcia and Mallorca). The species is new for Ibiza and a second locality in Almería is given. Zodarion modestum (Simon, 1870) Enyo modesta Simon, 1870: 145 (descr. ) ). Zodarion modestum ; Denis 1933: 555 (descr. ) , ( ); Bosmans 1994: 136, figs 79–80, 131–132 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: Cádiz: San Roque Torre Guadi- ano, 1 ) , 1 ( , on slopes to the coast, 4.IV.1997, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Granada: Atalbéitar near Pitres, 1 ( , under stones in garden, 11.IX.2010 (CAR-S); between Atelbéitar and Buz- quistar, 1 ) , under stones along path, 11.IX.2010 (CAR-S); Bubión, 1 ) , K. De Smet leg. (CRB). Málaga: Valle de Abdal- lajís, 425 m, 25 )) , 10 (( , pitfalls in degraded Quercus suber forest, 10.IV.1997, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Distribution. The species is currently known from the Spa- nish provinces Almería, Cádiz, Málaga, Murcia and Sevilla. New records are given in Cádiz, Granada and Málaga. Zodarion morosum Denis, 1935 Zodarion morosum ; Denis 1935b: 78, figs 22–24 (descr. ) , ( ); Bosmans 2009: 236, figs 20–22, 54–55 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Ipeiros: Ioannina: hill of Perama cave, 1 ( , 12.VIII.2009, S. Huber & A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF). Makedonia: Chalkidiki: Sithonia, Elia Nikitis, 1 ) , 12.VI .–6.VIII.2014, pitfalls, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Florina: Agios Germanos, 1 ) , 1 ( , pitfalls, 24.VI .–29. VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Prespes, 2 )) , (( , pit- falls, 26.VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Kozani: Aiani 2.5 km NW, pitfalls, 2.VII.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMN); Siatista 6.5 km SE, 1 ) , pitfalls, 29.VI. –4.VII.2014, Anas- tasiou leg. (NHMC). Thessalia: Larisa: Tempe Valley, 1 ) , Platanus forest, 21.III.1963, Kinzelbach leg. (SMF). Thraki: Evros: near Maronia, 1 ( , under stones, 18.VIII.2009, S. Hu- ber & A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF); Dioni, 1 ( , dry stream valley, 18.VIII.2009, S. Huber & A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF). Distribution. Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey and Ukraine. Zodarion murphyorum Bosmans, 1994 Zodarion murphyorum Bosmans, 1994: 129, figs 42–44, 105–106 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: Almería: El Pozo de los Frailes (N36°47’17’’ W02°06’48’’), 70 m, night catch, 19.X.2017, S. Huber leg. (CRB). Distribution. Until now only known from the Spanish pro- vince Almería. Zodarion musarum Brignoli, 1984 Zodarion musarum Brignoli, 1984: 315, figs 48–49 (descr. ) ); Bosmans 2009: 230, figs 40–43, 66–67 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Attiki: Oros Parnitha, 78 )) , 41 (( , pitfalls, 3.V.–24.VIII.2005, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Makedonia: Grevena: Anoixi, 10 )) , 12 (( , pitfalls in oak fo- rest, 17.VI. –8.VIII.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMN); Zakas 3.2 km E., 1 ) , pitfalls, 1.VI. –15.VII.2014, Anastasiou leg.