Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

18 R. Bosmans, P. Pantini, P. Loverre & R. Addante (NHMC). Peloponnisos: Achaia: Oros Chelmos, 27 )) , 7 (( , 10.VII.–2.VII.1998, 70 )) , 4 (( , 7.VI .–4.VII.2008, pitfalls, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC), Oros Panachaiko, 11 )) , 4 (( , pit- falls, 7.VI .–4.VIII.2008, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Arkadia: Mainalo E., 93 )) , 11 (( , pitfalls, 6.VI .–1.VIII.2008, Anasta- siou leg. (NHMC); Mainalo W., 4 )) , 4 (( , pitfalls, 6.VI .–19. VII.2008, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Megalopoli, 299 )) , 55 (( , pitfals, 1.VI .–15.VI.2009, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Ileia: Lapithas, 37 )) , 4 (( , pitfalls, 15.VI. –28.VI.2009, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Messinia: Taigetos, 55 )) , 18 (( , pitfalls, 1.VI .–22.VII.2009, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Thes- salia: Magnisia: Afetai, 1 ) , 1 ( , pitfalls, 24.IV .–29.VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Portaria, 1 ( , pitfalls, 24.VI .–28. VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Distribution. Greece. The species is very abundant in the highlands of the Peloponnisos. Zodarion noordami Bosmans, 2009 Zodarion noordami Bosmans, 2009: 256, figs 104–107, 148–149 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Peloponnisos: Achaia: Ka- logria, 1 ) , pitfalls in oak forest, V.2006, 1 ) , pitfalls in pine forest, VI.2006, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC & CRB). Distribution. Until now, this species was only known from its type locality in Fokida, Sterea Ellada in Greece (Bosmans 2009).The species appears to occur also in the Peloponnisos. Zodarion ohridense Wunderlich, 1973 Zodarion ohridense Wunderlich, 1973, figs 11–13 (descr. ) ); Lazarov 2007: 133 (descr. ) , ( ); Bosmans 2009: 256, figs 108– 111, 150–151(descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Peloponnisos: Achaia: Oros Erimanthos, 1600 m, 31 )) , pitfalls, 11.VII.–11.X. 1997, Anastasiou leg. (CRB, NHMC). Distribution. This species is known from Bulgaria, Croa- tia, Macedonia, the north of Greece (Bosmans 2009) and the Czech Republic (Krejčí at al. 2017).The new locality in the Pe- loponnisos expands its distribution in Greece far to the south. Zodarion pseudoelegans Denis, 1933 Zodarion marginiceps pseudoelegans Denis, 1933: 555 (descr. ) , ( ). Zodarion pseudoelegans ; Bosmans 1994: 124, figs 22–26, 95– 96 (elevated to species rank). Material examined. SPAIN: Barcelona: El Bruc, 350 m, 1 ) , stones in maquis, 9.IV.1997, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB); Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, 1 ( , stones bordering fields, 3.VIII.2000, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB); Sant Quint de Mediona, 330 m, 1 ( , stones bordering fields, 4.VIII.2000, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Castellon: L’Alcra N., 30.V.2010, 2 (( , stones at wall, S. Huber & A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF). Girona: La Jonque- ra, 110 m, stones in maquis, 1 ( , 9.IV.1997, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Distribution. Known from Barcelona, Girona, Huesca and Tarragona in Spain and the neighbouring Pyrénées Orien- tales in France. New localities in Barcelona and Girona are added here. Zodarion pusio Simon , 1914 Zodarion pusio Simon, 1914: 229, 235 (descr. ) , non ( ); Bosmans 1997: 274, figs 18–19, 89–90 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. ITALY: Sardinia: Tottubella SW., 50 m, 5 )) , 23 (( , pitfalls in Cistus maquis, 12.–19.IV.2014, R. Bos- mans leg. (CRB). Distribution. Coastal areas of France, Italy, Croatia and Bos- nia and Herzegovina. Zodarion rubidum Simon, 1914 Zodarion rubidum Simon, 1914: 233 (descr. ) , ( ); Bosmans 1997: 277, figs 30–32, 95–96, 101–102 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. CZECH REPUBLIC: Znojmo: near Znojmo catacombs, 1 ) , under stones, 26.VIII.2015 R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). ITALY: Lombardia: Bergamo: Sori- sole, Gres, 1 ( , 5.IX.1998, Maretti leg. (MCSNB). SPAIN: Girona: Collado d’Ares, 1 ( , 2.VIII.2000, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Distribution. Zodarion rubidum is one of the spider species that enlarged its distribution area considerably recently. Only in 1973 was it cited for the first time outside of France from Austria (Wunderlich 1973). In his revision of the genus, Bos- mans (1997) gave further records in NE Spain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Since then, the species expanded its range to Dan- mark (Scharff et al. 2007), Poland (Rozwałka & Gosik 2006), Slovenia (Kuralt & Kostanjšek, 2016), South-East Ukraine (Ponomarev et al. 2016) and Southern European Russia (Po- nomarev et al. 2017). Zodarion rudyi Bosmans, 1994 Zodarion rudyi Bosmans, 1994: 118, figs 4–6, 83–84, 134 (descr. ) , ( ) . Material examined. SPAIN: Málaga: between Coin and Mi- jas, 1 ) , stones in small Pinus plantation, 10.IV.1998, R. Bos- mans leg. (CRB). Distribution. Known from the Spanish provinces Cádiz, Granada and Málaga. Zodarion segurense Bosmans, 1994 Zodarion segurense Bosmans, 1994: 122, figs 13–15, 89–90 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. SPAIN: Cáceres: Torrejón el Rubio, 6 )) , 2 (( , pitfalls, 23.VIII.1996, U. Stengele leg. (CRB); Talaván, Finca el Baldio, 5 )) , 5 (( , pitfalls, 23.VIII.1996, U. Stengele leg. (CRB). Málaga: Tolox, 1 ( , pitfalls in Pinus fo- rest, 15.IV.1999, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB); Valle de Abdallajís, 1 ) , 4 (( , pitfalls in degraded Quercus suber forest, 15.IV.1999, R. Bosmans leg. (CRB). Murcia: Sierra de Taibilla, 1 ( , 10.IX.1986, C. Ribera leg. (CRB). Distribution. Described from Central Spain in the provinces Avila and Segovia, and cited by Barriga et al. (2006) in Ciu- dad Real, but according to Pekár et al. (2011), this identifica- tion is erroneous and refers to Z. lusitanicum Cardoso, 2003 . New localities in the provinces Cáceres, Málaga and Murcia are added here. Zodarion spinibarbe Wunderlich, 1973 Zodarion spinibarbe Wunderlich, 1973: 173, figs 4–10 (descr. ) , ( ); Bosmans 2009: 244, figs 72–75, 136–137). Material examined. GREECE: Crete: Chania, Meskla, 1 ( , VI.1926, Roewer leg. (SMF); Kournas, 1 ( , no further data (SMF); Machia, 1 ( , stones in pine forest, 24.III.2007, A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF). Iraklio: Pirgos E., Mesara plain,