Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

Zodariidae fromMediterranean Europe 19 2 )) , stones in open pine forest, 1.IV.2007, A. Schönhofer leg. (SMF). Lasithi: Sitia 1 ) , under stones, A. Schönhofer leg., 31.III.2007, 1 ( , stones in grassland, 21.III.1958, H. Kahman leg. (SMF). Distribution. An endemic species of Crete (Greece). Zodarion styliferum (Simon, 1870) Enyo stylifera Simon, 1870: 104 (descr. ) , ( ). Zodarion styliferum ; Bosmans 1994: 118, 1–3, 81–82 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. PORTUGAL: Ėvora: Monforte S., 260 m, 2 (( , stones in Eucalyptus forest, 8.IV.1996 (CRB); Mourão, 180 m, 2 (( , stones in castle, 24.V.2007 (CRB); Portalegre, 460 m, 1 ( , stones in grassland in open Quercus suber forest, 9.IV.1996 (CRB); Villa Velha de Ródão, 130 m, 1 ) , 1 ( , stones in olive grove, 9.IV.1996 (CRB). Faro: Salema, Boca de Rio, 40 m, 1 ) , stones in ruins, 14.II.2006 (CRB); Ribeira do Almargem, 5 m, 1 ) , stones at border of river, 19.II.2006 (CRB). Lisbon: Porto Alto, 15 m, 5 )) , 2 (( , pit- falls in Quercus suber forest, 14.–22.IV.2016 (CRB). Madeira: Lombada Velha, Ponta do Pargo, 4 )) , 30.IV.2008,T. Groot- aert leg. (CRB). Setúbal: Lagoa de Melides, 3 m, 1 ) , litter in river mouth, 15.IV.2013 (CRB). SPAIN: Cáceres: Con- quista de la Sierra, 1 ) , 14.IV.1994 (CRB); Monfragüe, Rio Almonte, 8 (( , 15.IV.1994 (CRB); Talaván, Finca el Baldio, 6 )) , 6 (( , 24.VII.1996, U. Stengele leg. (CRB). Badajoz: Pe- loche, 1 ) , 3 (( , 12.IV.1994 (CRB); Embalse de la Serena, 1 ( , 12.IV.1994 (CRB). Córdoba: Alcolea, 1 ) 2 (( , 10.IV.1994 (CRB). Burgos: Pancorbo, 635 m, 1 ( , stones in maquis, 30.III.1997 (CRB). Granada: La Calahorra, 1250 m, 1 ) 2 subadult (( , stones on slopes to castle, 5.IV.1996 (CRB); Pu- erto Camacho, 1230m, 1 ( , stones in Pinus forest, 6.IV.1997 (CRB); Rambla del Baúl, 900m, 5 (( , stones under small Quercus ilex bushes, 11.IV.1999 (CRB). Jaén: Puerto de Tis- car, 750 m, 1 ) , stones in clearing in Pinus forest, 12.IV.1999 (CRB). León: Villanova de las Manzanas, 1 ( , 12.VIII.1994 (CRB). Málaga: Alozaina N., 250 m, 2 (( , stones in Quer- cus ilex forest, 11.IV.1998 (CRB); between Periana and Ven- tas de Zafarraya, Cortijo Blanco, 1 ) , stones in rocky fallow, 30.X.1993 (CAR-S). Orense: Larouco, 1 ( , 12.VIII.1994 (CRB). Segovia: Casla W., 1100 m, 4 (( , stones in grassland, 30.III.1997 (CRB). Tarragona: Santa Magdalena de Pulpis, 150 m, 1 ( , stones in maquis, 7.IV.1998 (CRB).Toledo: Tala- vera la Nueva, 370 m, 1 ) , litter in riverine forest along Tejo, 1.IV.1997 (CRB). Distribution. The commonest species in the Iberian Penin- sula, also occurring in Madeira. Zodarion thoni Nosek, 1905 Zodarion thoni Nosek, 1905: 128, fig. 10 (descr. ) ); Bosmans 2009: 272, figs 168–169, 176–177 (descr. ) , ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Crete: Iraklio: 1 ( , stony grassland, H. Kahman leg. (SMF); Gouves, 1 ) , 5.V.2009, H. Eckl leg. (SMF). Makedonia: Florina: Agios Germanos, 6 (( , pitfalls, 24.VI. –29.VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Kozani: Siatista 6 km SE, 2 )) , 3 (( , pitfalls, 29.VI .–22. VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Peloponnisos: Arkadia: Oros Mainalo, 1 ) , pitfalls, 6.VI .–22.VI.2008, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Distribution. Balkans, Turkey, Caucasus, Lebanon and Cy- prus. Zodarion vankeerorum Bosmans, 2009 Zodarion vankeerorum Bosmans, 2009: 259, figs 116–119. Material examined. GREECE: Peloponnisos: Arkadia: Oros Mainalo West, 1 male, pitfalls at forest line, 6.VI .–22. VI.2008, Anastasiou leg. (CRB). Distribution. Until now only known from Attiki in Greece, here also cited from Arkadia in the Peloponnisos. Zodarion zorba Bosmans, 2009 Zodarion zorba Bosmans, 2009: 260, figs 120–123 (descr. ) ); Szinetar et al. 2015: 248. Zodarion sp.; Bosmans 2009: 290, figs 166–167 (descr. ( ). Material examined. GREECE: Ipeiros: Ioanina: Metsovo E., Katara pass, 1 ( , 18.IX.1995, Knoflach & Thaler leg. (CKT). Konitsa: Aoos gorge, 550 m, 1 ( , 9.IX.1996, Knoflach &Tha- ler leg. (CKT). Makedonia: Florina: Karies 4.5 km S., 2 )) , 1 ( , pitfalls, 24.VI .–29.VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Prespes, Agios Germanos 9 km SW, 3 )) , 1 ( , pitfalls, 24.VI .– 29.VI.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Grevena: Anthrakia, 1 ( , pitfalls, 16.VI .–8.VIII.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC); Ziakas 3.2 km NE, 18 )) , 5 (( , pitfalls, 29.VI .–4.VII.2014 (NHMC); Ziakas, Perivoli 4.3 km S, 1 ( , pitfalls, Anastasi- ou leg., 3.VII.2014 (NHMC). Imathia: Vermio, 2 )) , pitfalls, 24.VI .–7.VIII.2014 (NHMC). Kozani: Kastania, 11 )) , 5 (( , pitfalls, 17.VI .–9.VIII.2014 (NHMC). Pieria: Ryakia, 3 )) , pitfalls, Anastasiou leg. 14.VI. –10.VIII.2014 (NHMC). Pe- loponnisos: Arkadia: Mainalo W., 77 )) , 8 (( , pitfalls, 6.VI .– 1.VIII.2008, Anastasiou leg. (CRB, NHMC). Thessalia: La- risa: Delta Pineio, 3 )) , 2 (( , pitfalls, 18.VI .–9.VIII.2014, Anastasiou leg. (NHMC). Comments. The species described as Zodarion sp. by Bos- mans (2009) appears to be the unknown female of Zodarion zorba. It is closely related to Z. blagoevi Bosmans, 2009 and Z. epirense Brignoli, 1984 and differs by the trapezoid median plate in the epigyne, surrounded by a much larger pale area. The species was recently also cited from Hungary (Szinetár et al. 2015). Distribution. This species was described from the Oros Aro- ania, province Achaia in the Peloponnisos. Here it is cited in large numbers on the Oros Mainalo in the nearby province Arkadia, but also much more to the north in Makedonia and Thessalia. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Maria Chatzaki for allowing us to study the abundant material collected during the project SPIDOnetGR (ARISTEIA II Programme, NSRF 2007–2013). Antonio Sassu and Marcello Verdinelli are thanked for collecting material in Italy. Janet Becccaloni (BMNH), Steven IJland (NBCL), Peter Jäger (SMF) and Peter vanHelsdingen (NBCL) are thanked for the loan of unidentified specimens from their museums and SiegfriedHuber,Anthony Russell- Smith and Johan Van Keer for material from their own collections. Finally, Pierre Oger is thanked for the excellent photographs. References Barriga JC, Jiménez-Valverde A,Morano E,Moreno AG &Melic A 2006 Arañas de la provincia de Ciudad Real (Arachnida: Araneae) (Castilla la Mancha España). – Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 13: 125-142 Bosmans R 1994 Revision of the genus Zodarion Walckenaer 1833 in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands (Araneae Zodariidae). – Eos 69: 115-142