Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

Redescription of Dysdera sultani 23 In males, palpal segments are brown and darker than in females; dorsal surface of all patellae, tibiae and tarsi covered with dense, relatively long hairs. Tegulum cylindrical, and sperm ducts distinct (Figs 3–4). The posterior apophysis long, strongly sclerotized and hook- shaped (Figs 3–4, 7, 12). Distal haematodocha clear; trian- gular from anterior to posterior in retrolateral view (Fig. 4). The internal sclerite dark brown, broad, rectangular and extending along the distal division (Fig. 4). In SEM photo- graphs, triangular, spiny protrusions arranged like fish-scales are present from the midline to the distal border of the in- ternal sclerite. The lateral sheet long and spine shaped. Crest membranous and comma shaped. Median apophysis short and spine-like (Figs 7–12). Vulva strongly sclerotized. Spermathecae slightly concave posteriorly.The dorsal arch is the same width as the sperma- thecae. The midline is sclerotized and membranous on the margins. Transverse bar strongly convex and about twice as long as spermathecae. Except for the parts that are adjacent to the dorsal arch, the transverse bar is rectangular. Posterior diverticulum wide and membranous. A cartilaginous transi- tion zone is present between the posterior diverticulum and transverse bar (Figs 13–14). Distribution. Dysdera sultani was described by Deeleman- Reinhold (in Deeleman-Reinhold & Deeleman 1988) from Turkey and Greece based on male specimens only.The species was previously known from the type locality in the Akşehir Figs 3-6: Dysdera sultani . 3. Bulbus, nearly prolateral view; 4. Ditto, ret- rolateral view; 5. Dysdera argaeica , bulbus, prolateral view; 6. Dysdera enguriensis , bulbus, prolateral view. B, basal; C, crest; D, distal; DH, distal haematodocha; IS, internal sclerite; LS, lateral sheet; M, medial; P, posterior apophysis; T, tegulum Fig. 2: Dysdera sultani . Cheliceral teeth Figs 7–12: Dysdera sultani , bulbus. 7. Prolateral view; 8. Nearly prolateral view; 9. Nearly, retrolateral view; 10. Retrolateral view; 11. nearly distal view; 12. nearly posterior view. C, crest; LS, lateral sheet; MA, median apo- physis; P, posterior apophysis