Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

24 R. S. Özkütük, R. S. Kaya, E. A. Yağmur, T. Danışman, S. Gücel & Kadir B. Kunt District of Konya Province in Turkey and from the Samos Island in Greece. Here we have provided newly collected ma- terial from central Anatolian and Aegean regions of Turkey (Fig. 16). Such broad range from the central Anatolian high moun- tainous region to the coastal Aegean region and a distribution pattern from warmer areas to more hot-dry areas in D. sultani may be related to drying that occurred in Anatolia at the end of the Pleistocene, 15000 years ago. As a result of this drying, many species moved to higher altitudes and humid places, whereas drought-tolerant species could remain or disperse to newly dry areas (see Çıplak 2008, Korkmaz et al. 2014). Ad- ditionally, the presence of D. sultani on Samos Island is likely due to land bridges that appeared in the Pleistocene during the expansion of this species. Notes. According to the classification of Deeleman-Reinhold & Deeleman (1988), D. sultani belongs to the asiatica species group which is characterized by following features: 1. The anterior margins of the prosoma are parallel to each other and the thoracic part is slightly narrowed behind the eyes. 2. Chelicerae are shorter than half the length of the prosoma. 3. Variable leg spination. Dysdera sultani has all characteristics of the asiatica species group mentioned above.The presence of a lateral sheet on the male palp (lateral sheet is well developed in D. sultani and D. argaeica while not well developed in D. enguriensis ) indicates both relationships between the species and similar features of the asiatica species group (see Figs 5–6, 15). Deeleman-Reinhold & Deeleman (1988) compared the holotype and paratype samples of D. sultani and emphasized that “the palps are uniform despite the geographical distance of 420 km between the samples”.The authors, however, indi- cated that the cheliceral sizes and leg spination are slightly different between the samples. Figs 16: Map of the records of Dysdera sultani Figs 13–15: Dysdera sultani . 13. Vulva, dorsal view (DA – dorsal arch, PD – posterior diverticulum, S – spermathecal, TB – transverse bar), scale bar 0.2 mm; 14. Ditto, ventral view, scale bar 0.1 mm; 15. Dysdera argaeica , vulva, dorsal view, scale bar 0.1 mm