Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

Egg sac and new records of Paratrachelas maculatus 27 Measurements. Prosoma length: 1.85 mm ( ♀ from Stutt- gart), 1.95 mm ( ♀ from Vienna). Remarks. The new records fit into the hitherto known dis- tribution of P. maculatus in Germany and Austria (Fig. 2). All known records were made in regions near the Rhine or Ne- ckar in more or less densely urbanized areas within a distance of 10 km from the rivers. Paratrachelas maculatus has to be considered as the second established trachelid species in Ger- many in the sense of Ludwig et al. (2006). Description of egg sac and clutch The female from the locality in Stuttgart was held in capti- vity for about 10 weeks. A few days after collecting it built a completely white, lens-like egg sac with a diameter of about 5 mm attached to a dry leaf at about 3 cm height (Fig. 3a). On 8.XII.2018, at night a second egg sac was built (Fig. 3b) that had a diameter of around 4.5 mm. A third egg sac of similar size was built about two weeks later. The underside was always completely attached to the leaf, but the whole egg sac could be removed by us with tweezers without any da- mage to the silk.The egg sacs consist of one layer of thin and firm, papery silk, with very little flocculent silk wrapping the therein hidden eggs. All egg sacs were encrusted with some substrate (black sand/soil) on the outside, which was probably collected and added by the female as a sort of camouflage. However, we never observed the construction of egg sacs.The first egg sac contained a clutch (diameter about 2.5 mm) of seven slightly polyhedral, orange eggs (diameter of single egg around 0.75 mm), which were stuck together (Fig. 4). The second and third egg sac contained a similar clutch consisting of six and resp. five eggs of approximately the same size. The female never guarded the egg sacs and hid most time of the day in a wrinkle of the dry leaf. All egg sacs were attached to the dry leaf at a certain height and never directly beneath the ground or on the substrate. After opening the egg sacs, the eggs were incubated at room temperature on moistened cotton wool, but no spiderlings hatched, possibly due to the very dry air in the room. Discussion Distribution Further European records of this species are known from France, the Balearic Islands, Italy, Croatia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Hungary and Bulgaria (reviewed in Bauer & Grabolle 2012, Fig. 2: Records of Paratrachelas maculatus in Germany and Austria (black circles = old records in the literature, red circles = new German records, red triangle = repeated record from Austria in 2010 and 2018 from the same location in Vienna) Fig. 3: Egg sacs of Paratrachelas maculatus (Thorell, 1875) from Stutt- gart, Germany, black sand was attached by the female during depositi- on. a. First egg sac, built around 20.XI.2018; b. Second egg sac, built on 8.XII.2018. Scale = 2 mm Fig. 1: Paratrachelas maculatus (Thorell, 1875) female fromVienna, Austria (both legs I missing)