Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

40 M. Nassirkhani & L. Mumladze setae, anterior margin with 4 setae, preocular setae absent, 1 seta situated each side between eyes, posterior margin with 6 setae, chaetotaxy (Figs 1, 5): 4:6:5–6:6; epistome prominent, large and apically rounded (length 0.025–0.037 mm, width 0.027–0.040 mm) (Figs 1, 5); anterolateral corners without protuberances (in one specimen, each anterolateral corner with a very small protuberance at lower level of the carapace surface); with 6 microlyrifissures, one pair situated in ocular zone and 2 pairs located near posterior margin (two speci- mens with 8 microlyrifissures, one on each side close to eyes, one on each side in median zone, and 2 on each side at pos- terior margin). Tergites. brown,clearlylighterincolourthancarapace;smooth; all setae simple; X–XI with 2 slightly long setae (shorter than tactile setae) situated sub-laterally; X–XI with 2 long tactile setae located medially/sub-medially (in one specimen,XI with 4 lateral and lateromedian tactile setae, T1T1T1T); chaeto- taxy: 5–7:6–8:8–10:9–10:8–10:9–10:9:9–10:9–10:3T1T3– 4TT4:3TT3–3T(1–2)T3:2. Sternites. brown, lighter in colour than tergites; entirely smooth; genital area with 10–14 setae on anterior operculum, 23–30 setae on posterior operculum, of which 12–16 setae located along posterior margin of genital aperture (Figs 2, 6); genital organ with long lateral and relatively short medi- an genital sacs (in two specimens, lateral genital sacs shorter than those of the others), 5–6 internal setae located each side (5+5/5+6) (in two specimens, 3 of internal setae located each side (3+3)), anterior spiracles with 3–4 and posterior spirac- les with 2–3 short suprastigmal setae; all setae simple; IV–XI uniseriate; X with 2 slightly long setae (shorter than tactile setae) situated lateromedially; X with 2 median (in one spe- cimen, sub-median), and XI with 2 sub-median tactile setae; chaetotaxy: 10–14:(3–4)23–30(3–4):(2–3)10–13(2–3):13– 16:11–16:10–14:11–14:13–15:11–14:4T(0–1)T4–(5–6) T1T(5–6):T(2–4)T:2. Pleural membrane. distinctly granulated. Chelicerae. brown; hand with 6 acuminate setae; galea short, knob-like, with an indistinct rounded hyaline convexity; ga- leal seta situated sub-medially, proximal to median large tooth on movable finger (Fig. 3) (in two specimens, located in the midway of dental line (Fig. 7); in one specimen, located at same level as most proximal tooth); fixed finger with 12–14 teeth not reaching to base, distal teeth small, rounded and close-set, 2 median teeth larger and acute, proximal teeth medium in size, acute, and separated (Fig. 3) (two specimens with 16–17 contiguous teeth reaching to base, of which two sub-median teeth larger than others (Fig. 7)); movable finger with 10–11 teeth reaching proximal to galeal seta, with 1 sub- median large tooth (Fig. 3) (two specimens with 2 sub-apical large teeth, other teeth medium in size (Fig. 7)); serrula inte- rior with 17–20 and exterior with 20–28 blades; rallum with 8 blades, 6 posterior blades simple, smooth and acuminate, 2 anterior blades long and denticulate, 2–3 proximalmost bla- des smallest, basal blade isolated. Pedipalps. reddish brown to brown, slightly darker in colour than carapace; entirely smooth (Figs 11–12); coxa including manducatory process with 10–12 setae, manducatory process with 4–5 acuminate setae; trochanter with prominent dorsal tubercle, L/W 2.00–2.92; femur with short pedicel, without tubercle/s on retrolateral/prolateral margins, most setae on prolateral margin longer than those on retrolateral margin, many of long setae without enlarged alveoli situated basally and sub–medially (Figs 11–12), L/W 3.82–4.43; patella with stout pedicel (L 0.18–0.27 mm); patella distinctly shorter and wider than femur, notch on the median side reaching to at least distal third of the club length (sometimes slightly more extended from distal third but not reaching to middle of the club length), with 3 lyrifissures situated basally, L/W 2.54– 2.89; chela (with pedicel) L/W 3.91–4.15; chela (without pedicel) L/W 3.63–3.88; movable finger 1.29–1.40× longer than chelal hand (with pedicel); chelal hand (with pedicel) L/W 1.77–2.09; fixed finger with 8 and movable finger with 4 trichobothria (Figs 10, 13); fixed finger with trichobothria et , it and est aggregated in distal third of the finger, tricho- bothrium it located slightly proximal to et (in one specimen, located at same level of et ), ist located approximately in the middle of the finger, isb on retrolateral face, ib proximal to isb , eb and esb located sub–basally; movable finger with tricho- bothrium st situated distinctly closer to t than to sb , distance b – sb longer than t – st ; 3–6 short sensory setae situated distal Fig. 14: Neobisium ( N .) mo- reoticum Beier, 1931: graph depicting pedipalpal femur ratios of the type, the ma- les from Bulgaria, the males from Gori–Georgia and the newly collected males from Georgia.