Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

Neobisiummoreoticum from Georgia 41 to trichobothria eb and esb , proximal to trichobothrium ib in lateral view; basal third of fixed finger with 4–7 sensory se- tae in dorsal view, chaetotaxy: Em = 1–3, Mm = 2–5, Im = 0; base of fixed finger with 4 glandular pores on prolateral and 3 ones on retrolateral surface in lateral view; basal half of mo- vable chelal finger with 8–10 sensory setae ending proximal to trichobothrium st in lateral view; prolateral face of chelal hand with a few long setae at base of fixed finger and median area of chelal hand in lateral view; fixed finger with 55–65 even, retroconical and contiguous teeth, reaching to level of trichobothrium ib , 1–3 distal and 1–4 basal teeth smaller than others, all teeth with dental canal; movable finger with 50–57 contiguous teeth, distal teeth large and retroconical, reaching to trichobothrium t , the others rounded, blunt, and small, not reaching to level of trichobothrium b , all teeth with dental canal; nodus ramosus of venom duct in fixed chelal finger si- tuated distal to et (Figs 10, 13). Legs. pale brown; smooth; coxa I with long, triangular, sclerotized and apically thin and pointed anterolateral pro- cess, mediolateral face denticulate (Fig. 4), in two specimens, anterolateral process more or less apically stout (Fig. 8); coxal chaetotaxy: 6–9:5–8:6–7:9–12; sub–terminal setae bifid (Fig. 9), longer ramus with denticulations; claws sim­ ple; arolia simple and shorter than claws. Leg I: femur L/D 4.20–4.78; patella L/D 2.80–3.50; femur 1.48–1.72× longer than patella; tibia L/D 3.75–4.67; metatarsus L/D 3.12–3.57; tarsus L/D 4.33–7.25. Leg IV (Fig. 9): femur L/D 1.44–1.63; patella L/D 1.60–1.93; femur + patella L/D 3.00–3.55; tibia with a tactile seta situated slightly proximal to middle (TS = 0.41–0.48), L/D 4.69–6.15; metatarsus with one tactile setae situated basally (TS = 0.15–0.19), L/D 2.66–3.64; tarsus with a relatively long seta located basally (TS = 0.12–0.14), a tactile setae situated proximal to middle (TS = 0.31–0.44), and 2 distal tactile setae, L/D 4.37–6.37. Dimensions (in mm) . Body length: 2.78–2.90. Carapace: 0.70–0.89/0.85–1.12. Pedipalp: trochanter 0.41–0.79/0.20– 0.30; femur 0.78–1.20/0.19–0.28; patella 0.60–0.85/0.23– 0.32; chela (with pedicel) 1.37–2.07/0.33–0.52; chela (wi- thout pedicel) 1.27–1.92; hand (with pedicel) L.0.61–0.99; movable finger L. 0.83–1.27. Leg I: femur 0.43–0.66/0.09– 0.14; patella 0.28–0.42/0.10–0.12; tibia 0.31–0.45/0.08–0.10; metatarsus 0.20–0.28/0.06–0.08; tarsus 0.26–0.41/0.04–0.07. Leg IV: femur 0.36–0.50/0.23–0.31; patella 0.40–0.60/0.23– 0.31; femur + patella 0.75–1.10; tibia 0.61–0.90/0.13–0.15; metatarsus 0.25–0.40/0.08–0.12; tarsus 0.35–0.55/0.08–0.10. Remarks The newly collected specimens from Georgia are attribut- ed to Neobisium ( Neobisium ) moreoticum on the basis of the presence of a distinct epistome, loss of preocular microsetae on the anterior margin of the carapace and the presence of 6–7 setae on the posterior margin of the carapace, smooth pedipalp, the absence of tubercle/s on prolateral/retrolateral margin of the pedipalpal femur, the position of the notch on the median side of the patella which is not extended to the middle of the patellal club length, the elliptical shape of the chelal hand in dorsal view (see Beier 1963: fig. 99, Schmalfuss & Schawaller 1984: fig. 2, Petrov & Šťáhlavský 2007: Fig. 13, this study: Figs 11–12), the similar size and shape of the chelal teeth in the distal half of the fixed chelal finger, the pedipalpal proportions especially the femur which is 4.50× longer than broad for the type, 4.45–4.52× for the males from Bulgaria, and 3.90–4.20× for the males from the Caucasus (Beier 1963, Petrov & Šťáhlavský 2007, Rafalski 1949), the length of the movable chelal finger which is distinctly lon- ger than the chelal hand (with pedicel), the pedipalpal femur length (slightly longer than the chelal finger in the type, and slightly shorter or as long as the movable chelal finger in the males from Bulgaria and central Georgia), and the condition of trichobothrium ist located slightly distal to the middle of the fixed chelal finger, and st situated closer to t than to sb (see Beier 1963: fig. 99, Schmalfuss & Schawaller 1984: fig. 3). The recently examined specimens from Georgia show some morphometric and morphological differences in com- parison to the published descriptions of the species in the lite- rature. In the present contribution, morphometric differences (Fig. 14. Tab. 1) are considered to be within the intraspecific variation of this species. Modification of the shape of the epi- stome has been previously illustrated for the species. It can be observed as a large protuberance with a blunt apex, e.g. in the specimen from Greece (see Schmalfuss & Schawaller 1984: fig. 1) or as a triangular lump gradually becoming thinner at the end, e.g. in the specimens from Bulgaria (see Petrov & Šťáhlavský 2007: fig. 12).The newly collected specimens from Georgia have both mentioned forms of the epistome (see Figs 1, 5). In addition, there are a few minor modifications Fig. 15: Records of Neo- bisium ( N .) moreoticum Beier, 1931 in Georgia: north of the village of Jvari (ISUPS11); west of the village of Chkhakou- ra (ISUPS14); village of Bakhmaro (ISUPS5); vil- lage of Lashe (ISUPS8); Lagodekhi National Park (ISUPS25); Lagodekhi Na- tional Park (ISUPS35); Gori (Rafalski 1949)