Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

Redescription of Pholcoides seclusa 45 wide weakly sclerotized stem (Rs), longer than wide, round- ly bent, proximally converging and in mid part strongly or weakly diverging. Receptacles proper (Rc) sclerotized stron- ger than stems; in all three species complex, composed by several lobes (Vs) of different size; basal proximal nodules smaller than distal. Distinct pore glands absent. Pholcoides seclusa have pore glands in the basal part of the proper recep- tacle (cf. Fig. 11). Composition . The genus was described as monotypic. Until recently it was known by two species, P. afghana Roewer, 1960 and P. monticola (Spassky, 1941). Together with P. seclusa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885) it now encompasses three species. Pholcoides afghana Roewer, 1960 (Figs 10, 15-18) Pholcoides afghana Roewer, 1960: 40, figs 12 a-d ( ( ). Pholcoides afghana : Zonstein et al. 2013: 65, figs 1-12 ( ( ). Comments . The species was redescribed and the endogyne was figured in Zonstein et al. (2013). It is known from the type locality only – Kabul. Pholcoides monticola (Spassky, 1941) (Figs 7-9, 13-14, 18) Filistata monticola Spassky, 1941: 12 ( ( ). Zaitunia monticola : Zonstein 1990: 50 (transferred from Fi- listata ). Pholcoides monticola : Zonstein & Marusik 2016: 86, figs 45A- E (transferred from Zaitunia ). Comments .The species was illustrated in Zonstein & Maru- sik (2016). It is known from two localities in eastern Tajikis- tan (Zonstein & Marusik 2016). Pholcoides seclusa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885) comb. nov. (Figs 1-6, 11-12, 18) Filistata seclusa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885: 5, pl. 1, fig. 2 (immature ( ). Filistata seclusa : Reimoser 1919: 189 (indicated that ( was de- scribed by O. Pickard-Cambridge). Filistata seclusa : Caporiacco 1934: 116, pl. 1, fig. 2 (reported from several localities: (( , juvenile (( and )) in Karakoram and provided figure of eyes in ( , probably misidentified). Filistata reclusa : Reimoser 1935: 170 (misspelling; reported ( from Kashgar, Xinjiang China, most likely misidentified). Filistata seclusa : Roewer 1955: 1279 (distribution indicated as “Turkestan, Karakorum”, that ( was described by O. Pickard- Cambridge, and that Caporiacco (1934) had described both sexes). Material examined. Lectotype ( designated here, label in the vial: “B[ottle] 378 v[ial] 4 1 sp”. Information in the text: “Leh, August or September l873; Pankong-valley, 15th to 21st Sep- tember 1873”. Paralectotype specimens, either subadult fema- les or adult females not found. Note. The World Spider Catalog (2018) states that the spe- cies was described based on a female, although O. Pickard- Cambridge (1885) mentioned in his description an “imma- ture female” only.The WSC (2018) indicates that Caporiacco (1934) described a male of P. seclusa , although males (seem to be juvenile) are listed among the material examined, but not mentioned in the text and not figured. Diagnosis. This species differs from congeners by its smal- ler size (carapace 1.26 long, vs. 1.74 and 1.6 in two other Figs 11-17: Endogyne of Pholcoides seclusa (11-12), P. monticola (13-14) and P . afghana (15-17). 11-13, 17. dorsal; 14. anterior; 15. ventral; 16. dor- so-anterior. 13-14 after Zonstein & Marusik (2016), 15-17 after Zonstein et al. (2013). Abbreviations: Pg – pore gland, Rc – receptacle proper, Rs – stalk of receptacle, Vs – vesicle