Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57

46 Y. M. Marusik & S. Zonstein species), and in having a distinct carapace pattern with dark marginal stripes (vs. no marginal stripes). The endogyne of P. seclusa is most similar to those of P. afghana by having re- ceptacles with two large lobes. Pholcoides seclusa can be dis- tinguished from sibling species by the almost straight stalks of its receptacles (vs. roundly bent in P. afghana ) separated by more than one radius (vs. separated by less than one ra- dius). The endogyne of P. seclusa differs markedly from P. monticola by the almost straight and less spaced stalks (vs. bent stalks separated by more than their diameter) and lar- ger vesicles. Description Measurements. Body 3.63 long; carapace 1.26 long, 1.28 wide, 0.4 high; opisthosoma 2.5 long, 1.68 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.14, PME 0.1, PLE 0.14; ALE–ALE 0.14, PME–PME 0.1. Clypeus on ALE 0.17, on AME 0.27. Palp and leg length as in Tab. 1. Somatic characters. Carapace brownish yellow with brown median patch and marginal stripes, anteriorly fused with yel- low spots; eye tubercle dark brown. Opisthosoma dark grey- ish yellow with median brownish violet stripe margined with narrow brown outer stripes. Ventral surface and legs (con- colorous) slightly paler then carapace. Ventral opisthosoma, otherwise, slightly darker. Spines completely lost but bases for 1 dorsobasal spine on all femora visible, as well as at least 3 retrolateral and 1 prolateral and several ventral spines on tibia IV. Other legs also with spines. Tab. 1: Palp and leg lengths Fe Pt Ti Mt Ta Total Palp 0.85 0.45 0.6 ‒ 0.73 2.63 I 1.55 0.53 1.45 1.28 0.88 5.69 II 1.38 0.55 1.2 1.13 0.7 4.96 III 1.33 0.55 1.2 1.25 0.7 5.03 IV 1.63 0.55 1.38 1.63 0.83 6.02 Endogyne. Stalks of receptacles almost straight, spaced by more than one radius; receptacles diverging, with two large lobes and a few smaller ones; basal part of receptacles with poorly distinct pore glands. Distribution and comments. The World Spider Catalog (2018) indicated the distribution of this species as China (Yar- kand), Karakorum, and the Himalayas. It was described based on specimens from eastern part of the Jammu and Kashmir State in India and one locality lying on the border between Jammu and Kashmir and Xizang (Tibet), China.The species was reported from SW Xinjiang (Reimoser 1935) and several localities in northern Jammu and Kashmir (Caporiacco 1934) now belonging to Pakistan. Specimens from Karakoram and Xinjiang were identified based on the brief description and habitus figures given by Pickard-Cambridge (1885). Given that most filistatid species have a very local distribution in the Palaearctic (cf. Zonstein & Marusik 2016, Zamani & Maru- sik 2018) it is very likely that the record from Xinjiang refers to another species, and possibly even to another genus. Re- cords by Caporiacco (1934) from Karakoram may also belong to other species, as the distance between the type locality and records by Caporiacco is over 200 km, and the two localities belong to different mountain ranges. Acknowledgements We thank Zoë Simmons (Oxford, UK) and Dmitri V. Logunov (Manchester, UK) for their help in obtaining the type of Pholcoides seclusa . Special thanks go to Seppo Koponen (ZMUT) for providing us with museum facilities. This study was supported in part by the Ministry of Absorption, Israel. References Caporiacco L di 1934 Aracnidi dell’Himalaia e del Karakoram raccolti dalla Missione Italiana al Karakoram (1929-VII). ‒Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova 13: 113-160 Fig. 18: Distribution records of Pholcoides species: P. afghana (dot), P. monticola (triangle) and P. seclusa (black squares refer to localities of syntypes and blue dia- monds refer to records by Capo- riacco (1934) and Reimoser (1935) which are most likely based on misidentifications